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Personal Learning Style and Goal Setting Session 1: Introduction and Personal Learning Styles Visual Kinesthetic Auditory.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Learning Style and Goal Setting Session 1: Introduction and Personal Learning Styles Visual Kinesthetic Auditory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Learning Style and Goal Setting Session 1: Introduction and Personal Learning Styles Visual Kinesthetic Auditory

2 In this session we will ◦ Review the topics that will be covered in this module ◦ Fill in the registration form (if applicable) ◦ Fill in the release of information form (if applicable) ◦ Fill in the learner agreement (if applicable) ◦ Review your learner plan ◦ Complete a learning styles inventory ◦ Answer any questions you have about the rest of the sessions

3 In the Learning Styles and Goal Setting Module we will be covering the following topics: Personal learning styles Multiple Intelligences Introduction to Goal Setting Breaking Down Goals

4 At the end of the module: ◦ We will give you a copy of your learner plan which is a summary of what we are covering in the session ◦ We will give you a certificate of completion ◦ We will ask you to fill out an evaluation form ◦ We will ask you if you would recommend this program or this session to other people that might benefit from it After you leave, we will be contacting you at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months to see how you are doing.

5 Paperwork

6 Expectations Understand your role here- if you aren't sure about something ask! Be responsible Accept the point of view of others Be flexible when working with others Come prepared to participate Meet any deadlines Be willing to help others Contribute to the best of your ability Help resolve disagreements if they happen

7 Milestones During the module we will be doing "check-ins" called milestones. Milestones are activities to help you see if you are making progress. The milestones in this module we will be doing are all found on your learner plan. After we have completed all the materials you may complete a culminating task.

8 Your Learner Plan Every person who comes to our agency has a learner plan The plan outlines what you will be doing while you are here The main parts of the learner plan are: ◦ milestones you will complete ◦ learning activities you will complete ◦ referrals that are made

9 What is learning style? To put it simply, your learning style, or learning preference, is the way you tend to learn best. o A learning style involves your preferred method of taking in, organizing, and understanding information o Although most people use a combination of the three learning styles, they usually have a clear preference for one

10 Why should I understand my personal learning style? People learn more effectively when their learning strategies are closely matched with their preferred learning style 1. We can improve our learning by understanding what our strengths are and using more methods tailored to those strengths 2. Different situations and learning environments require different learning strategies, so by understanding our weaknesses and working on them, we will have a large repertoire of strategies to draw from 3.

11 Telling your instructor how you learn best will help them make appropriate lesson plans and instructions that suit you.

12 The Three Learning Types V isual: Learning by seeing. A uditory: Learning by hearing. K inesthetic: Learning by doing or experiencing.

13 Characteristics of VAK Uses visual objects such as graphs, charts, pictures Learns better in lessons by watching them Mentally pictures situations and problems Tends to remember things that are written down VisualAuditoryKinesthetic Retains information through hearing and speaking Often prefers to be told how to do things Summarizes key ideas out loud to help with memorization Often has musical talents Likes a “hands- on” approach to learn new material Would rather demonstrate how to do something rather than explain it verbally Usually prefers to work in a group than alone Is generally good in math and science

14 Activity Do the “Find Your Learning Style” and “Learning Style Opinion” activities.

15 To understand how the VAK learning styles can help you, we need to investigate strategies that you can use to help you achieve your goals.

16 VAK Learning Strategies Discussion As a group, discuss some strategies that visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners could use to enhance their learning. Write down five key ideas per learning style!

17 Visual Learner Strategies Strategies: Include pictures, charts, or maps in notes Avoid visual distractions (windows, doorways, etc.) Colour code your notes to organize and put emphasis on key points Use flash cards to study or memorize Make mind and concept maps instead of outlines Visualize steps to solve problems in your head

18 Auditory Learner Strategies Strategies: Record lessons/instructions and then listen to them Discuss materials in groups Listen to wordless background music while studying Use rhymes or jingles to help remember important points Repeat information to yourself at barely audible whisper as you take notes "Teach" information out loud to another person or an inanimate object

19 Kinesthetic Learner Strategies Strategies: Learn new material while doing something active (e.g, read a textbook while on a treadmill) Try to take classes with demonstrations and fieldwork Move a body part (eg. swing or tap your foot), or walk around Ask questions and participate in discussions whenever possible Break reading tasks into small chunks Take study breaks often

20 Activity Complete the “VAK Matching” and “Email to Robert” activities.

21 But remember… The three styles are not meant to be the absolute strategy for your learning in all situations! For self-improvement: Choose the way in which you believe you will learn better and try different strategies according to that style Then: Look to the other two types and try to implement other learning strategies in your repertoire

22 A Little Review

23 Activity Do the “Real Life Learning Styles” activity.

24 Credits This Power Point was created by Laubach Literacy Ontario. The resources can be downloaded free of charge at This Employment Ontario project was funded by the Ontario Government. 2015 All website links were accurate at the time of original distribution-March 2015. All of the images and clip art used in this Power Point are from and Microsoft

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