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End of life care Christine Wilson Scarborough Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "End of life care Christine Wilson Scarborough Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of life care Christine Wilson Scarborough Hospital

2 Background Strong presence of Palliative care since 1993 in Scarborough Hospital Ethos to develop excellent end of life care for all MPET funding provided opportunity for specialist EOLC educational / facilitator role

3 Where to Start? Training needs analysis Know your hospital staff, know the staff’s knowledge, know your areas for quick wins and engage with the hospital board Identify ward champions Programme of EOLC devised for the ward champions Education folders Evaluation and continued links with the champions

4 Phrase 2 1 Day course for RN, and HCA to include: Diagnosing dying, DNACPR, symptom management, spiritual care, communication skills, ethos of EOLC Evaluated each session (ie symptom management) Action plans for all staff attending

5 SWOT Analysis Strengths – early adopters, interest accelerating, change in practice, verbal feedback from patients, relatives and staff Weaknesses – A few wards less engaged, limited teaching for medical staff, no teaching currently for senior medical staff Opportunities – funding provided facilitator role, EOLC education and care profile raised, evolving end of life care plan, education includes AHCP, to raise awareness at board level Threats – Time for staff to attend sessions, limited funding, sustainability required to ensure embedding change in practice

6 Future Actions Structured measurement of the education programme Implementation of local End of Life Care Plan Further engagement with the Transform programme Expansion of education for medical staff Secure funding for the EOLC facilitator role


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