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1 Work-Life Balance at the ILO Survey Results February, 2010 STAFF UNION.

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1 1 Work-Life Balance at the ILO Survey Results February, 2010 STAFF UNION

2 2 BACKGROUND 2006- The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) established a joint (Administration + Staff Union) working group charged with the development of an improved Work-Life Balance (WLB) for the Office. The working group is in charge of presenting proposals for the revision of WLB-related existing policies or developing new policy proposals for consideration by the JNC

3 3 Achievements of the WLB and Gender working group 2007- An equipped and furnished lactation/nursing room (R1-130) for breastfeeding Mothers. 2007- The extension of paternity leave with full salary and allowances for a period of up to 4 weeks (article 8.7.2 of the staff regulations). 2007- An increase in the allocation to the crèche that ensures places for children of ILO staff. 2008 - An Adoption Leave Policy approved as article 8.7.3. of the staff regulations. In addition, in May 2009, it agreed with the administration on ILO’s internal administrative guidelines on adoption leave (Who is entitled to adoption leave? What are the procedural steps to follow? etc).

4 4 Achievements of the WLB and Gender working group 2008- Carried out the Work-Life Balance Survey 2009- As the main follow-up to the survey, it negotiated a teleworking procedure/policy 2009 - It has also been discussing how the UN Dual Career and Staff Mobility Programme can contribute to integrating spouses or domestic partners into the labour market in field duty stations. In addition, it has discussed some material on working time and will work in proposing new policies or revisions of existing policies (different part-time options, job sharing, compressed working time, etc.). The issue of compensatory time off for staff traveling extensively and working outside working hours should be also discussed in the near future.

5 5 WLB Survey date: May-June 2008 3 official languages: EN FR SP high response rate: 723 respondents Anonymous Results by: a)Sex b)Grade and c)Sector/Region

6 6 WLB Survey Key Findings Main concerns voiced by staff: First, more than 55% of staff, asked for the introduction of a teleworking policy; Second, almost 50% of staff requested that information on existing rules, regulations, policies and procedures relevant to work-life balance be made more readily available; Third, more than 40% of staff expressed a desire for more options for part- time/flexi working time arrangements. Almost half of staff responding noted that existing arrangements were not practicable in that the workload was often not reduced correspondingly. Fourth, staff signalled a desire for compensatory time off for P staff, where they are required to travel extensively on missions during weekends or outside working hours. Finally, and relevant to the Office’s mobility policy was the possibility of better integrating spouses or domestic partners into the labour market in field duty stations.

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9 9 Percentage of Responses by Region/Sector

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13 13 Balancing Work Life with Family & Care responsibilities – Responses by Sex

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15 15 Number of times your work responsibilities caused you to arrive late home or work overtime during your time off or days off – Responses per Sex

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17 17 How often you experience difficulty in balancing your responsibilities at work with those in your personal life? Responses per Sex

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20 20 How often does your mission travel affect your work-life balance? – Responses by Sex

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22 22 If you have worked or are now working part-time, have you faced any difficulties in reducing your duties and responsibilities in accordance with your reduced work schedule? – Responses by Sex

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