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Cllr.Lahliwe Rapapadi IMFO Thoughts on more women in Section 56 position in relation to clean administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Cllr.Lahliwe Rapapadi IMFO Thoughts on more women in Section 56 position in relation to clean administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cllr.Lahliwe Rapapadi IMFO Thoughts on more women in Section 56 position in relation to clean administration

2 Introduction ….. IF YOU EDUCATE A WOMAN YOU EDUCATE THE NATION… “Enthusiasm generates success and breeds excellence”

3 Employment Profile of Women In Senior Position In Local Government According to the Demarcation Board capacity assessment report of 2011 the employment profile in Local Government is still biased towards men. The Local Govern Sector employs 230 000 employees 82% per cent of which is occupied by men In senior management position including section 56 employees on 8% are women. Accordingly this demonstrates that sector is still more biased toward male irrespective of their racial profile This is contrary to the country’s transformation agenda which promotes equity.

4 Challenges faced by women section 56 managers No security of tenure leading to anxiety and poor performance towards the end of the contract while focussing on job hunting. The nature of the fixed term contract, it is often almost impossible for a woman to take a full 4 months maternity leave. NO child care facilities to afford women to rear their children for a longer period.

5 Challenges faced by women section 56 managers cont. Less number of women senior managers in local government. despite the fact that many women still do not have confidence in applying and occupying senior management positions in LG, Hesitation from the leadership to employ women as Section 56 employees. For example very few female Municipal managers in the whole country including section 56 employees eg ELM ONLY one female employee at SMT.

6 Challenges faced by women section 56 managers cont. Women, even at senior management level are still seen as "sex objects" by some male leaders who victimize them for not accepting their sexual advances and favours and eventually threatening them with non renewal of their contracts. It is sad to mention that leaders who are hesitant to appoint women in senior positions are in most cases women themselves. Such tendencies happen for many reasons including elements of jealousies and "pull her down syndrome".

7 Challenges faced by women section 56 managers cont. The leadership must strongly monitor progress made in addressing employment equity at senior management level


9 Training “The extension of knowledge for the specific purpose of filling a given position and to effectively perform the work involved.” G.van der Waldt & DFD. du Toit Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot of the soul-Robert Hege

10 Development “It’s a continuation of education and training, for the purpose of gaining satisfactory experience and skills as well as the correct attitude, in order to be admitted to higher managerial positions.” G.van der Waldt & DFD. du Toit No one can walk backward into the future-Hergesheimer

11 Employee Training and Development Delivers ROI Research shows a proper staff training and development can increase productivity and employee feedback reduce poor work attendance improve customer service boost personal confidence and job satisfaction “ Which brings us back to the main point : employee training and development is a vital business success that increases the organization bottom line-and reduces labor turnover.”

12 What is Potential? POTENTIAL “is a…………… dormant ability… reserved power… untapped strength… unused success… hidden talents… capped capability” Dr Myles Munroe Nothing is achieved without first embracing the desire to make it happen.

13 Recommendations Self Confidence building Providing a sounding board for ideas Dealing with organisational cultures that women's roles is in the kitchen Identifying and obtaining access to training development opportunity Achieving work-life balance Focusing on what is personally important.

14 Conclusion “If you ask me what I have come to do in this world, ………, I will reply, I am here to live my life out loud.” Emile Zola


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