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© Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of ANSI C63.19 - Wireless Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "© Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of ANSI C63.19 - Wireless Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of ANSI C63.19 - Wireless Hearing Aid Compatibility Stephen Berger TEM Consulting (512) 864-3365

2 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Background & History Overview of ANSI C63.19 Possible Actions

3 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB TECHNICAL ISSUES FOR MICROPHONE & T-COIL MODE Match Hearing Aid Immunity with Mobile Handset Emissions FOR T-COIL MODE only: Provide sufficient T-Coil Signal Strength and Signal Quality

4 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB HISTORY ‘Hear It Now’ Petition Filed- Fall ’95 FCC Summit- 1996 IEC 118-13 & Australian Project Approved- 1996 ANSI User Project Approved - Aug. ’96 Oklahoma U. Objective & Subjective Study- Summer ’00 IEC Harmonization Effort- Dec. ’99 WAC Petition- Dec. ’00 ANSI C63.19 Approved- Jan. ’01 Revision for 3G & GTEM Approved- Feb. ’01 FCC NPRM- Jan. ’02 FDA Adopts ANSI C63.19- Sept. ’02 (standard included in requirements for middle ear devices) FCC Rulemaking- July.’03 ATIS HAC Incubator Formed- July ‘03

5 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Project Scope Methods of Measurement and Parametric Criteria for: Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) with Wireless Communication Devices

6 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Standard Title American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Devices and Hearing Aids ANSI C63.19-2001

7 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Standard Development Well over two dozen meetings over three years and untold hours of investigation –Laboratory tests using hearing impaired volunteers –Laboratory tests showing the cell phone effects on wide range of Hearing Aids Used the rigorous ANSI ASC C63 balloting process including a public review by ANSI

8 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB PROJECT PARTICIPATION HEARING AID INDUSTRY SUB-TOTAL - 21 participants from 15 organizations WIRELESS INDUSTRY SUB-TOTAL - 44 participants from 14 organizations OTHER ORGANIZATIONS SUB-TOTAL - 25 participants from 16 organizations TOTAL 90 participants from 45 organizations

9 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Standard Development Work in ANSI ASC C63 Subcommittee 8 (Medical EMC) –Over 50 members on task group at time of ballot Food and Drug Administration Federal Communications Commission Testing Laboratories Hearing Aid/Cell Phone Manufacturers Hearing Industries Association Universities Hearing Aid Research Organizations Consultants

10 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Sections –Sections 1-3 – Introductory Material Overview –Scope –Purpose –Organization of document References Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

11 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Sections –Section 4 – Test of Phone RF Emissions Test equipment and facilities Test set-up and validation Near-field test procedure

12 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Sections –Section 5 – Test of HA RF Immunity Test facilities and equipment Test set-up and validation RF immunity test procedure (Key element)

13 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Hearing Aid Immunity Test Setup

14 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Sections –Section 6 – Test of Phone T-Coil Signal Test facilities and equipment Test configurations and set-up Test procedure for audio band magnetic field

15 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Phone T-Coil Signal Test Setup

16 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Sections –Section 7 – HA Performance Criteria Articulation weighting factor Audio coupling mode Audio band magnetic coupling mode Accessories and options

17 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB MANY POSSIBLE RF SOLUTIONS Eliminated by FCC Rulemaking

18 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Section 7 –RF Performance Criteria

19 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Section 7 –RF Performance Criteria

20 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Section 7 –T-Coil Requirements T-Coil Signal Strength T-Coil Signal Frequency Response T-Coil Signal Quality

21 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Section 7.3.1 –T-Coil Signal Strength Axial  -13 dB (A/m) (.22 A/m) Radial  -18 dB (A/m) (.13 A/m)

22 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Section 7.3.2 –T-Coil Frequency Response

23 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Section 7.3.3 –T-Coil Signal Quality

24 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Sections –Section 8: Calibration and measurement uncertainty General Ambient conditions Specific calibration requirements Measurement uncertainty

25 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Sections –Section 9 Test Report Test plan Applicable standards Equipment unit tested Test configuration List of test equipment Units of measurement

26 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Overview of Standard Summary of Annexes –Definition of reference axes –Acoustic test frequencies –Equipment and set-up calibration –Test equipment specifications –Sample measurement uncertainty estimates –Use of Helmholtz coils for calibration –RF envelope comparison for US Wireless Communications devices –Explanation of rationale used in standard –Alternate test method for RF immunity

27 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Effectiveness of Standard Oklahoma University Validation Studies –Objective Study – 10 Phones / 8 HA Predicted Result –38.8 % Excellent –28.8% Recommended –67.6% Recommended or Better Actual Result –41.7 % Excellent –26.4% Recommended –68.1% Recommended or Better –Test Accuracy –51.4% Exact Match –93.1% Exact Match or Better Than Predicted Performance

28 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Effectiveness of Standard Oklahoma University Validation Studies –Subjective Study – 18 Subjects / 6 Phones –Test Accuracy 6 Hearing Aids were good with all phones Some Hearing Aids were not acceptable with any phone There is a middle ground where a Hearing Aid / Phone combination must be tried by the user. –Some users will find the combination perfectly acceptable –Other users, with the same test results will find the combination unacceptable

29 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB GTEM – Dipole Illumination Test Repeatability (Max. Reading) – (Min. Reading) (dB)

30 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Considerations for Next Revision Elimination of analog requirement. Reduction in number of test positions for HA. Phone RF - Eliminate H-Field test HA RF – Harmonize with IEC 60118-13 T-Coil – Change test positions T-Coil – Develop isotropic probe T-Coil – Implement FFT method for Freq. Resp. T-Coil – Move to straight A-Weighted S/N Move from parametric to end result based test

31 © Copyright 2003 TEM Consulting, LP - All Rights Reserved Presentation To ATIS HAC IncubatorRev – 07/21/03 - HSB Summary A significant effort has been underway since 1995 to assure that hearing aid users could use digital wireless devices. Both industries (cell phone and hearing aid) have made significant advances and have many products which work quite well together. The ANSI C63.19 Standard provides compatibility. Consensus recommendations with supporting technical data needed for the next edition of C63.19

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