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Your Body’s Need for Food Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Body’s Need for Food Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Body’s Need for Food Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids

2 What are organic compounds?  most matter in your body is made of organic compounds  organic compounds contain carbon  carbon atoms covalently bond to other elements like hydrogen and oxygen

3 What are the four organic compounds found in the human body? 1.Carbohydrates 2.Lipids 3.Proteins 4.Nucleic Acids

4 Carbohydrates (sugars or starches)  What are carbohydrates made of? 1.) carbon 2.) hydrogen 3.) oxygen  carbohydrates (carbs) are a key source of energy  carbs are found in fruits, vegetables and grains

5 Carbohydrate Structure mmonosaccharide's – contain 1 sugar molecule and cannot be broken down ddisaccharides – sugar made up of two monosaccharide's ppolysaccharides – made up of many monosaccharide's linked together by glycosidic linkages

6 Examples of Carbohydrates FFruits, vegetables and grains

7 Lipids (fats)  What are lipids made of? 1.) carbon 2.) hydrogen 3.) oxygen  lipids are fats that store energy in cells, fats are found around tissues as padding and insulation

8 Lipids (Fats) Continued  lipids are found in fats, steroids and waxes  2 types of lipids 1.) saturated fat: solid at room temperature 2.) unsaturated fat: liquid at room temperature

9 Lipid Structure  saturated fats – solid at room temperature, contains only single bonds

10 Lipid Structure Continued uunsaturated fats – liquid at room temperature contains double bonds

11 Examples of saturated and unsaturated fats  saturated fats  unsaturated fats

12 Examples of Lipids  Fats, steroids and waxes

13 Proteins WWhat are proteins made of? 1.) amino acids that are linked together by peptide bonds form proteins pproteins do most work in cells and are required for the structure and function of the body's tissue and organs

14 Protein Structure

15 Proteins Continued hhumans can only make 10 of the 20 amino acids tthe other 10 amino acids (essential amino acids) must come from what we eat on a daily basis uunlike fat and sugars we can not store amino acids

16 Where can we find proteins?  We can find proteins in: 1.) hair 2.) finger nails 3.) horns 4.) hoofs

17 Examples of Proteins  What foods are rich in protein?

18 Nucleic Acids  found in all of your cells  nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides  carry genetic information in cells  2 types of nucleic acids 1.) DNA 2.) RNA  we will discuss nucleic acids later

19 Nucleic Acid Structure  DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) – carries genetic information  RNA (ribonucleic acid) – makes proteins

20 What did you learn?  What are the 4 types of organic compounds? 1.) carbohydrates (sugars) 2.) lipids (fats) 3.) proteins 4.) nucleic acids

21 What are carbohydrates? mmain source of energy in body ffound in fruits, vegetables and grains aapples, corn, soda pop, potatoes, bread and broccoli

22 What are lipids (fats)?  store energy in the body  used as insulation around organs and tissues  2 types saturated and unsaturated  found in fats, steroids and waxes  examples, cooking oil, butter, ice cream and chips

23 What are proteins?  are made from peptide bonds formed from amino acids  there are 20 amino acids  we make 10 naturally  must consume the other 10 by eating poultry, fish, milk beef and nuts

24 Nucleic Acids  All cells have nucleic acids  2 types are DNA and RNA

25 The End You Are What You Eat

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