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Published byHilary Green Modified over 9 years ago
New Physics with top events at LHC M. Cobal, University of Udine IFAE, Pavia, 19-21 April 2006
Studying the top LHC: top-factory. NLO production cross-section ~830 pb. at L=2 10 33 : 2 tt events per second ! more than 10 million tt events expected per year: perfect place for precision physics Is it ‘standard’ physics? Discovered 10 years ago.. but still so little known about it… Large mass: unique features for investigation of EW symmetry breaking and physics beyond SM Key for revealing new physics at the LHC?
Beyond the SM non-SM production (X tt) resonances in the tt system MSSM production unique missing E T signatures from non-SM decay (t Xb, Xq) charged Higgs change in the top BR, can be investigated via direct evidence or via deviations of R(ℓℓ/ℓ)=BR(W ℓ ) from 2/9 (H + ,cs). FCNC t decays: t Zq t q t gq highly suppressed in SM, less in MSSM, enhanced in some sector of SEWSB and in theories with new exotic fermions non-SM loop correction precise measurement of the cross-section tt NLO - tt LO / tt LO <10% (SUSY EW), <4% (SUSY QCD) typical values, might be much bigger for certain regions of the parameter space associated production of Higgs ttH
Resonances s < 10 -23 s no ttbar bound states within the SM Many models include the existence of resonances decaying to ttbar SM Higgs (but BR smaller with respect to the WW and ZZ decays) MSSM Higgs (H/A, if m H,m A >2m t, BR(H/A→tt)≈1 for tanβ≈1) Technicolor Models, strong ElectroWeak Symmetry Breaking, Topcolor Clear experimental signature and ability to reconstruct top also make it a useful “tool” for studying exotica ATLAS: study of a resonance Χ once known σ Χ, Γ Χ and BR(Χ→tt) Reconstruction efficiency for semileptonic channel: 20% m tt =400 GeV 15% m tt =2 TeV xBR required for a discovery m tt [GeV/c 2 ] σxBR [fb] 30 fb -1 300 fb -1 1 TeV 830 fb Shown sensitivity up to a few TeV
Resonances M x = 800 GeV (pp X)xBR(X tt) [fb] 5 discovery potential Re-do with full simulation testing: sensitivity mass resolution X tt WbWb l bjjb topology was studied (X being a `generic', narrow resonance)
New Physics in t bW L Event selection ≥ 4 jets with P T > 20 GeV and |h| < 2.5 ≥ 1 lepton with P T > 25 GeV and |h| < 2.5 2 b-tagged jet E T miss > 20 GeV |M jj –M W | < 100 GeV |M jjb -M T | < 200 GeV Signal efficiency: 8.7% SM background ~ 40k evts (~30k from ttbar with a t and ~10k from single top L = 10 fb -1
New Physics in t bW: A FB New asymmetries defined: A ± A FB = 0.2234 ± 0.0035(stat) ± 0.0130(sys) [ /A FB = 6.0%] A + = -0.5472 ± 0.0032(stat) ± 0.0099(sys) [ /A + = 1.9%] A - = 0.8387 ± 0.0018(stat) ± 0.0028(sys) [ /A - = 0.4%]
New Physics in t bW:W polarization A FB = a 0 (F L -F R ) = 0.2226 (LO) A + = a 1 F l – a 2 F 0 = -0.5482 (LO) A- = -a 1 F R +a 2 F 0 = 0.8397 (LO) (F L,F R,F 0 defined as in SN-ATLAS-2005-052 F i = width for a certain W polarization
New Physics in t bW A FB A+A+ A-A- L = 10 fb -1 Limits on the anomalous couplings: Mb taken into account 1 limits2 limits V R Є[-0.10,0.15]V R Є[-0.14,0.19] g L Є[-0.08,0.05]g L Є[-0.10,0.07] g R Є[-0.02,0.02]g R Є[-0.04,0.04]
Top quark FCNC decay GIM suppressed in the SM Higher BR in some SM extensions (2-Higgs doublet, SUSY, exotic fermions) 3 channels studied: BR in SM2HDMMSSMR SUSYQS t qZ ~10 -14 ~10 -7 ~10 -6 ~10 -5 ~10 -4 tqtq ~10 -14 ~10 -6 ~10 -9 t qg ~10 -12 ~10 -4 ~10 -5 ~10 -4 ~10 -7
Probabilistic approach Preselection General criteria: ≥ 1 lepton (pT > 25 GeV and | | < 2.5) ≥ 2 jets (pT > 20 GeV and | | < 2.5) Only 1 b-tagged jet ETmiss > 20 GeV Events classified into different channels (qZ, q or qg) Specific criteria for each channel After the preselection, probabilistic analysis:
tqZtqZ Specific criteria: ≥ 3 leptons PTl2,l3 > 10 GeV and |h|<2.5 2 leptons same flavour and opposite charge PTj1 > 30 GeV 453.8 backgnd evts, x BR = 0.23% L = 10 fb -1 M jl+l- M l b
tqtq Specific criteria: 1 photon PT > 75 GeV and | |<2.5 20 GeV < m j < 270 GeV < 3 leptons 290.7 backgnd evts, x BR = 1,88% MjMj L = 10 fb -1 PTPT
tqgtqg Specific criteria: Only one lepton No with P T > 5 GeV E vis > 300 GeV 3 jets (P T1 > 40 GeV, P T2,3 > 20 GeV and |h| < 2.5) P Tg > 75 GeV 125 < mgq < 200 GeV 8166.1 backgnd evts, x BR = 0,39% L = 10 fb -1 M l b M gq
Likelihood Discriminant variable: L R = ln(L s /L B ) qZ channel q channel qg channel L = 10 fb -1
Results BR 5 sensitivity Expected 95% CL limits on BR (no signal) Dominant systematics: M T and tag < 20% t qZtqtq t qg L = 10 fb -1 5.1x10 -4 1.2x10 -4 4.6x10 -3 L = 100 fb -1 1.6x10 -4 3.8x10 -5 1.4x10 -3 t qZtqtq t qg L = 10 fb -1 3.4x10 -4 6.6x10 -5 1.4x10 -3 L = 100 fb -1 6.5x10 -5 1.8x10 -5 4.3x10 -4
t q Z, t q , Studying tt events with full sim Reconstruct Z( ) and then constrain the SM leg Put together q-jet and Z( ) to give a top Preliminary / STAT S S/ S SYST L/ LBR MAX (FCNC) t qZ4.3%6%17.252%4%26 10 -4 t q 2.0%7%22.523%4%4.5 10 -4 M(qZ) M(q )
Present and future limits ATLAS/CMS combination will improve the limit
H ± tb Heavy charged Higgs in MSSM m 2 H = m 2 A +m 2 W Charged Higgs is considered heavy: m H > M t +m b MSSM in the heavy limit no decay into sparticles No production through cascade sparticle decay considered Decay mainly as H± tb Difficult jet environment BR depends on m A and tan Preliminary
Search strategies for H ± tb Resolving 3 b-jets: inclusive mode LO production through gb tH ± Large background from tt+jets High combinatorics Resolving 4 b-jets: exclusive mode LO production through gg tH ± b Smaller background (from ttbb and ttjj+ 2 mistags) Even higher combinatorics Both processes simulated with Pythia; same cross section if calculated at all orders gb tH ± : massless b taken from b-pdf gg tH ± b: massive b from initial gluon splitting Cross sections for both processes as the NLO gb tH ± : cross section
Search for 4 b-jets Signal properties Exponential decrease with m A Quadratic increase with tan in interesting region tan > 20 Final state: bbbbqq’ln Isolated lepton to trigger on Charged Higgs mass can be reconstructed Only final state with muon investigated Background simulation ttbb ttjj (large mistag rates, large cross section) b’s from gluon splitting passing theshold of ttbb generation)
Significance and Reach Kinematic fit in top system Both W mass constraints Both top mass constraints Neutrino taken from fit Event selection and efficiencies 4 4
Significance and Reach Significance as function of cut on signal-background Due to low statistics interpolation of number of background events as function of number of signal events Optimization performed at each mass point
H ± tb Fast simulation 4 b-jets analysis No systematics (apart uncertainty on background cross sec) Runninng m b B-tagging static L = 30 fb -1
SUSY Virtual effects It is possible to detect virtual Electroweak SUSY Signals (=VESS) at LHC (=ATLAS,CMS) ?? Tentative answer from a theory-experiment collaboration (!) M. Beccaria, S. Bentvelsen, M. Cobal, F.M. Renard, C. Verzegnassi Phys. Rev. D71, 073003, 2005. Alternative (~equivalent) question: it is possible to perform a “reasonably high” precision test of e.g. the MSSM at LHC (assumed preliminary SuSY discovery…)? Wise attitude: Learn from the past! For precision (= 1 loop) tests, the top quark could be fundamental via its Yukawa coupling!
If SUSY is light.. Briefly: if e.g. All SuSY masses M SuSY M 400 GeV, from an investigation of d /dM tt for M ttbar 1 TeV, “SuSY Yukawa” might be visible because of Sudakov logarithmic expansions (~valid for M ttbar >> M, M t that appear at 1-loop) Diagrams for ew Sudakov logarithmic corrections to gg ttbar
Few details.. A few details of the preliminary approximate treatment: 1) Assume M SuSY 400 GeV 2) Compute the real (i.e. With PDF..) d /dM tt = usual stuff (see paper..) 3) Take qqbar ttbar in Born approximation ( 10% ) and compute to 1 loop gg ttbar for M ttbar 1 TeV (0.7 TeV M ttbar 1.3 TeV) 4) Separate t L tbar L + t R tbar R = “parallel spin” from t L tbar R + t R tbar L = “anti-parallel spin”
% Effect 10-15% effect (for large tan ) in the 1 TeV region (“modulo” constant terms, that should not modify the shape) What are the systematics uncertainty to be compared with?
Experimental study 10 6 tt events generated with Pythia, and processed through the ATLAS detector fast simulation (5 fb -1 ) Selection: –At least ONE lepton, p T >20 GeV/c, | | > 2.5 –At least FOUR jets p T >40 GeV/c, | | > 2.5 Two being tagged b-jets –Reconstruct Hadronic Top |M jj -M W |< 20 Gev/c ; |M jjb -M t |< 40 Gev/c –Reconstruct leptonic Top |M jj -M W |< 20 Gev/c ; |M jjb -M t |< 40 Gev/c Resulting efficiency: 1.5% M tt (TeV)
Higher order QCD effects NLO QCD effects (final state gluon radiation, virtual effects) spoil the equivalence of M tt with √s The tt cross section increases from 590 to 830 pb from LO to NLO Also the shape gets distorted by NLO effects Effects of NLO QCD has been investigated using MC@NLO Monte Carlo (incorporates a full NLO treatment in Herwig)MC@NLO Mtt distributions generated in LO and NLO and compared Mtt value obtained at parton level, as the invariant mass of the top and anti-top quark, after both ISR and FSR. The LO and NLO total cross sections are normalised to each other.
Higher order QCD effects Deviations from unity entirely due to differences in M tt shape Relative difference between √s and M tt remains bounded (below roughly 5%) when √s varies between 700 GeV and 1 TeV (chosen energy range). For larger √s, the difference raises up to a 10 % limit when √s approaches what we consider a realistic limit (√s =1,3 TeV) M tt (TeV) LO/NLO
Systematic Uncertainties Main sources: Jet energy scale uncertainty Uncertainties of jet energy development due to initial and final state showering Uncertainty on luminosity Jet energy scale: A 5% miscalibration energy applied to jets, produces a bin-by-bin distorsion of the M tt distribution smaller than 20%. Overestimate of error, since ATLAS claims a precision of 1% Luminosity Introduces an experimental error of about 5%. At the startup this will be much larger.
Systematic Uncertainties ISR and FSR The M tt distribution has been compared with the same distribution determined with ISR switched off. Same for FSR. Knowledge of ISR and FSR: order of 10%, so systematic uncertainty on each bin of the tt mass was taken to be 20% of the corresponding difference in number of evts obtained comparing the standard mass distribution with the one obtained by switching off ISR and FSR This results in an error < 20% Overall error An overall error of about 20-25% appears realistically achievable Does not exclude that further theoretical and experimental efforts might reduce this value to a final limit of 15-10%.
ttH The Yukawa coupling of top to Higgs is the largest. It is a discovery mode of the Higgs boson for masses less than 130 GeV Measuring the coupling of top to Higgs can test the presence of new physics in the Higgs sector 0.7 pb (NLO) m H =120GeV Very demanding selection in a high jet multiplicity final state ttjj: 507 pb ttZ: 0.7 pb ttbb: 3.3 pb
Higgs boson reconstruction Reconstruct ttH(h) WWbbbb (l )(jj)bbbb Isolated lepton selection using a likelihood method Jet reconstruction: 6 jets at least, 4 of which b-tagged Reconstruct missing E T from four-momentum conservation in the event (+W mass constraint in z) Complete kinematic fit to associate the two bs to the Higgs (can improve the pairing efficiency to 36%, under investigation) g ttH /g ttH ~16% for m H =120 GeV hep-ph/0003033 results can be extrapolated to MSSM h
Conclusions ATLAS sensitivity to ttbar resonances: 5 discovery (m X = 1 TeV/c 2, L=30 fb -1 ); x BR ~ 10 3 fb) ATLAS sensitivity to new physics in the t bW decay: M b should be taken into account g R Є [-0.02,0.02] factor 2-3 better than the present limits Improvements expected combining semi and dileptonic channels LHC sensitivity to FCNC decays (L=100 fb -1, 5 significance) BR(t qZ)~10 -4 BR(t q )~10 -5 BR(t qg)~10 -3 Improvement combining ATLAS and CMS Sensitivities at the level of SUSY and Quark Singlets models predictions Top production at LHC might be sensitive to ew SUSY effects, particularly for “light SuSY”, large tan and LARGE INVARIANT MASSES
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