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1 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /1 March 15, 2007: NEW YORK (AP) - Advertising revenues at U.S. newspapers edged down 0.3 percent last year as gains in online revenues.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /1 March 15, 2007: NEW YORK (AP) - Advertising revenues at U.S. newspapers edged down 0.3 percent last year as gains in online revenues."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /1 March 15, 2007: NEW YORK (AP) - Advertising revenues at U.S. newspapers edged down 0.3 percent last year as gains in online revenues weren't enough to compensate for a worsening downturn in print ads. … Overall newspaper classified advertising fell 7.1 percent in the quarter, with recruitment dropping 13.7 percent, automotive advertising falling 11 percent and real estate falling 2.3 percent. All other classified ads edged up 0.9 percent. A recent “American Advertising Federation” survey also found that newspapers (cited by 51.4%) are in the most need of innovation if they want to remain competitive, followed by network television (34.5%) and radio (33.8%) “Aspiring press lords should be careful, however: There’s no rule that says a newspaper’s revenues can’t fall below its expenses and that losses can’t mushroom.” “And fundamentals are definitely eroding in the newspaper industry, a trend that has caused the profits of our Buffalo News to decline. The skid will almost certainly continue.” Warren Buffett, quoted from a letter to shareholders March 1 st

2 2 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /2 “The good news for traditional media organizations is that they are finally recognizing the challenges that have chipped away at the industry for years. The bad news is that they have few good answers for how to change their business model.” Tom Rosenstiel, project director & lead author of the study 4 th Edition of “State of the News Media” from Project for Excellence in Journalism “This is a time of wrenching change and chaos. All of our assumptions about newspapers are going to be changed. The format, the business model, the organization of newspapers have outlived their usefulness.” Barry Parr, media analyst at Jupiter Research, Quoted at March 26

3 3 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /3 Circulation losses Source: Editor and Publisher Yearbook data Much print pricing is based on circulation

4 4 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /4 Jobs lost Source: American Society of Newspaper Editors, Newsroom Employment Census, 2006 From 2000 through 2005: 2,900 newsroom jobs have been eliminated

5 5 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /5 Newspaper Audience losses Source: Editor and Publisher Yearbook data; U.S. Census Bureau What is the advertiser buying? Has value increased with price?

6 6 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /6 Advertising Revenue Growth Source: Newspaper Association of America Business Analysis and Research Department All categories have challenges but classifieds most threatened

7 7 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /7 Online Revenue Growth Source: Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP Online revenues grow rapidly, first by allocation, then upsell, next online only

8 8 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /8 Online Revenue Growth Source: Borrell Associates Inc. Who, really, is the competition?

9 9 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /9 Online Share of Revenue Source: Borrell Associates Inc. Rapidly growing portion of your business (rapidly enough?)

10 10 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /10 Online-only replaces ‘core’ Is online-only surpassing your upsells from print?

11 11 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /11 Maturing Business Source: The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press Internet penetration is reaching the top; where do we go from here?

12 12 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /12 Changing Audience/Advertiser Behavior/Demand Source: The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press Most Appealing Aspects of Internet News

13 13 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /13 Opportunity is knocking 50% of your local audience is yet to be captured and monetized Growth Opportunity 55% Access Client Site 13% Do NOT Access Web 32% Source: Belden Associates

14 14 NYDOCS1 - #779714v11 /14 …or maybe it’s all just Marketing! Ken Riddick SVP for Interactive Media The StarTribune 612.673.4401

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