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Video of wet core. Forster et al., 2014 Mapped with GPR and NASA airborne radar.

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Presentation on theme: "Video of wet core. Forster et al., 2014 Mapped with GPR and NASA airborne radar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video of wet core

2 Forster et al., 2014 Mapped with GPR and NASA airborne radar

3 Forster et al., 2014 Mapped with GPR and NASA airborne radar Modeled area 70,000 km 2 equivalent to the State of West Virginia or the Country of Ireland

4 Additional coverage has increased the aquifer mapping by a factor of 3 times: from 843 km to 2,420 km of flightlines Two additional years of airborne radar confirms model and shows change in depth of water See Clement Miege’s poster Fri AM C53A-0278

5 New technique to map the aquifer from space: Provides a snapshot view, easily measure change in the future and past

6 To be submitted to Nature Geoscience See Julie Miller’s poster Tues AM C21B-0321

7 Returning for more field work April 2015 with new tools to explore the aquifer seismic refraction imaging Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) terrestrial groundwater approaches to date the water and measures its subsurface flow

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