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YTB Holiday Fundraiser. Leadership Calls! Coach's Leadership Call 11:00 a.m. Central Call Number: 712-432-0900 Pin: 761556# Motivation and.

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Presentation on theme: "YTB Holiday Fundraiser. Leadership Calls! Coach's Leadership Call 11:00 a.m. Central Call Number: 712-432-0900 Pin: 761556# Motivation and."— Presentation transcript:

1 YTB Holiday Fundraiser

2 Leadership Calls! Coach's Leadership Call Saturdays @ 11:00 a.m. Central Call Number: 712-432-0900 Pin: 761556# Motivation and Inspiration! Time to explode your business! Juliet’s YTB Champions Monday Night Momentum Call Mondays @ 9:30pm EST Call Number: 1-218-339-4600 Pincode 522 489#

3 5 different 10-minute presentations of each product line! Broadcasting every hour until Sunday at Midnight on

4 YTB Online Store PRODUCTS)

5 New YTB Online Store Products

6 New Online Travel Site 5 different 10-minute presentations of each product line! Broadcasting every hour until Sunday at Midnight on Go to E-commerce

7 New Travel Show!

8 New Ganovia Coffee Program …to Launch! Substantial improvement of the Ganovia Coffee program for our customers and Reps. Highlights include: 26% to 37% savings for customers and a reduction in price to our Reps from $15 to $10.99 per bag while maintaining the current PowerTeam and 6 generation override payout. All commissions and overrides for Ganovia & all products will be included on the Weekly checks Great value for customers and great comp plan for builders!

9 Team G.E.T 5353 N. Union Blvd, Suite 10-G Colorado Springs CO 80918 CENTER (719) 217-5090 WWW.ETTC-CS.COM Directors Rick & Brenda Reese WELCOME Thanks for taking the time and making the commitment to build a solid home- based e-commerce business with ZamZuu. The fact that you have chosen to spend your time learning how to be successful in ZamZuu is a strong testimony of your DEDICATION !

10 Professional Problem Solvers You were created to solve a problem. The problem you solve provides the provision for your life. Currents of favor will flow into your life the moment you solve a problem for somebody. The problem you solve determines the salary you earn. Many eventually hear about the problem you solve for others. You can only solve a problem for the person who knows he has one. Money is merely a reward for solving a problem.

11 Travel & E-commerce Business Website Reward for Business Solutions Make Money Social Entrepreneur Solution Business Access. Tool to leverage global e-commerce Facilitate 4 trillion retail market shift to the internet Save Time & Money Consumer Solution Convenience. Provide a la carte, one-stop shopping experience Sell Goods & Services Online Merchant Solution Increase Profits. Electronically connect shoppers and save advertising budget. HUGE Rewards!

12 Online Shoppers Fund Corporate Enterprise Problem Solver - Amazon 7.6B E-commerce - Expedia 2.2B Travel Merchants Pays Commissions Public Shops and Books Online Problem Solver - YTB Travel Network (Travel) - ZamZuu (E-commerce) Merchants Pay Commissions Public Shops and Books Online YTBI Pays 60% of Commission Paid Keeps 100% of Commission Paid * YTB-The Problem Solver * Connecting Business On The Internet


14 STEP 1: I’m ready to get started! YTB Business Start-Up Travel & E-commerce Program $199 one-time, $50 a month (Website hosting beginning in your 2 nd month) Ultimate Online Travel & Shopping Experience Includes 1 st Class Travel Training ($149 value) Specialty Products & Services


16 Sign-Up:


18 Whole Person ► Mind ► Body ► Spirit ► Finances ► Society ► $50 Monthly Fee ► Enroll 3 and Yours is FREE ► $3,600 Income Guarantee See Details in Rep Back Office STEP 2: Coach’s Way Mentoring Program “Mentored By A Millionaire” Many people are reluctant to start a new business. Coach’s Way guarantees your Success! Program Overview: DREAM BIG

19 Use The Tools





24 Share Your New Business 4 -Step YTB Success Process 1. Write List & Pique Interest 2. Present the Business 3. 3 rd Party Validation 4. Close & Sign-Up

25 Test Drive (site walk-through) Info Websites & videos (many more) Tools Private Business Reception

26 Invite A Few Friends Over The House

27 Private Business Reception: A gathering, hosted by you (at your home), where quality people will view a quality business presentation. The formula: Quality People + Quality Presentation Business Growth ($$$) What is a PBR?


29 YTB Travel & E-commerce Primary Product! BV – Business Volume YTB Travel Network $199 / $50 per month starting month 2 (200 BV) ZamZuu E-commerce

30 Growing Your PowerTeam by Multiples of 5 Find 5 Serious Partners (5 Travel Store Sales) Working with 5 serious Partners at a time will cut attrition and provide a duplicatable process. Who do you know?

31 Building A Large Successful Team by Multiples of 5 Serious Partners 5 x 5 25 x 5 125 } Travel Store PowerTeam Sales $20,000 is YOURS! Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

32 Minimum Earnings On 100 Qualified Sales Power Team Commission = $ 2,000 16 Power Team Bonuses = $ 8,000 Reach 100 Qualified Sales = $ 10,000 Total Compensation = $ 20,000 200 Qualified Sales $10,000 300 Qualified Sales $10,000 400 Qualified Sales $10,000 For Every 100 Qualified Sales, another $10,000* *Must Be Qualified to Override. Infinity

33 - Check with your upline and plug into a proven, duplicable system. - Conference calls, 24 hour website, PBRs, webinars, test drives, and weekly presentations & training. - You invite and we do the work for you! Our System Proven Process


35 Birthday Bash Cruise Moved to April RTA Challenge! Push to be on the Coach's Birthday Cruise in April! Achieve 30 new Powerteam Travel Store Sales. Once you win the cruise, let's push to achieve your $10,000 bonus. Be recognized on the cruise and receive your $10,000 bonus check! Keep pushing to achieve YTB Director by 2012 YTB National Convention! Don't miss this Incredible Trip - Everyone can qualify!!! Here's the process...go for it! Step 1: Exposure: Show prospect or walkthru travel & e-commerce website. Step 2: Presentation: www.ettc- Public or Private Business Presentation.www.ettc- Step 3: 3-Party Validation- Get them on the phone with your "expert.“ Step 4: Close: Sell travel store and sign them up at your marketing site - Repeat as many times as necessary for 3 sales! Duplicate process. “Coach's Birthday Bash Cruise Sales” report in Back Office Now!

36 $20,000 You Did It!

37 As Coach say’s “Rekindle Your Dream” Have Fun and Build A Huge YTB Business!

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