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Promo Deck Fall 2013. TOC Summer Entrepreneur September / October Q1 – Tax / Estate Planning Marketing / Social Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Promo Deck Fall 2013. TOC Summer Entrepreneur September / October Q1 – Tax / Estate Planning Marketing / Social Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promo Deck Fall 2013

2 TOC Summer Entrepreneur September / October Q1 – Tax / Estate Planning Marketing / Social Media

3 Summer Entrepreneur Summer vacations are a time when we think about starting a business of our own. All titles geared towards female audience Retail of $21.95-$23.95 1.Start & Run a Real Home Based Business 2.Start & Run a Personal History Business 3.Start & Run a Home-Based Food Business 4.Start & Run a Gift Basket Business 5.Entrepreneurial Mom’s Guide to Running Your Own Business

4 September - October Post back to school Elder Care All can be placed in counter displays After back to School 1.Study Smarter Not Harder $21.95 Elder Care 1.Protect Your Elderly Parents $23.95 2.Caregiver’s Guide $17.95 3.Supporting Parents With Alzheimer’s $19.95 4.Making the Right Move $14.95

5 Tax Time – January - April Tax time is a time to get your affairs in order Divorce hits it’s it peak in Q1 Titles can be pre-packed in counter units or clip strips Key topics (complete list follows) 1.Wills 2.Estate Planning 3.Personal Finance / Tax Planning 4.Divorce

6 The Market Size A recent survey of Canadian adults revealed that more than half of them (57%) do not have a Will, including a shocking 92% of adults under age 35 and 44% of baby boomers (ages 45-64). The survey also found that men and women have different reasons for not creating a Legal Will. More than one-third of men feel they simply don’t need a Will (39%) whereas one in four women blame cost (26%) as the primary reason they do not have a Will. Regardless of the reason, Canadians with children, property and assets need a basic legal Will in place.

7 Traffic Drivers Local and national publicity outreach with major dailies and weeklies, legal journals, trade publications, legal blogs/websites and associations. Secure regular broadcast (TV/Radio) placements for our Wills experts and regular contributor opportunities in major national dailies such as G&M, TorStar, Global, CTV. Social media marketing and promotions via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube; pursue author Twitter/Facebook and blog cross- promotional opportunities Outreach to national chains' online communities – audience engagement and inclusion of the chain's social media outreach efforts

8 Social Media Social media driven campaigns by chain

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