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Published byAron Wilson Modified over 9 years ago
Equality Delivery System (EDS) Grading presentation to Healthwatch 17.3.2015 Andrea Smith, E & D Manager
Equality Objectives agreed April 2012 Extend patient profiling (equality monitoring) data collection to all protected characteristics by April 2013 – Green Introduce robust equality performance reporting and monitoring on all protected characteristics by April 2013 – Amber Develop readily available accessible patient information including patient information leaflets, corporate reports and appointment letters by April 2013 - Green Conduct an equal pay audit in 2012 - Green Set workforce diversity targets to develop a more representative workforce by April 2013 - Green Develop ED competence in the workforce – Green
Grading EDS 2013 GradeTotalOutcome Achieving141.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.3 Excelling32.1, 4.1, 4.2 Developing12.4
Goal 1 – Better Health Outcomes for all Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 1.1 Services are commissioned, procured, designed and delivered to meet the health needs of local communities, AchievingExcelling Patient equality performance reports produced & data quality targets set, equality dashboard developed for services to view equality data at a glance Continual awareness of EIA policy and online webtool in place Top performer in Stonewall Healthcare Equality Index 2013 and entry in 2014 (results due April 15) Equality monitoring film produced to raise awareness of importance of equality monitoring for understanding access and performance to improve services Equality monitoring training provided to all booking clerks in 2014 Successful in applying for DH Stonewall health champion programme 2014 New LD Lead nurse appointed Continue to increase quality of equality data Increase awareness and use of equality dashboard at service level to improve services Devolve EDS2 to divisional level
Goal 1 – Better Health Outcomes for all Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 1.2 Individual peoples health needs are assessed and met in appropriate and effective ways Achieving Routine equality analysis of survey results EO monitoring complaints & risks Equality monitoring data used to develop flagging system for patients with LD & visual impairment in the hospital to ensure appropriate support in place Liverpool Access Forum involvement engaged in redevelopment plans and representative of E & D sub-committee Increase data quality and use of equality data in meeting patient needs 1.4 When people use NHS services their safety is prioritised and they are free from mistakes, mistreatment and abuse Achieving Expect Respect & say something about bullying continued awareness raising New protocol implemented for managing trans patients records EO monitoring of incidents & risks Trust launched as a 3 rd party hate crime reporting centre with hate crime champions in 2014 Flagging systems implemented to highlight patients with impairments to lead nurses Increase data quality and use of equality data in meeting patient needs
Goal 2 – Improved Patient Access & Experience Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 2.1 People, carers and communities can readily access hospital, community health or primary care services and should not be denied access on unreasonable grounds. ExcellingSame Routine EO data analysis Improvements to interpreting & translation services including disclaimer for patient choice Improvements to current buildings and to plans for new hospital using disabled go access information Improved accessibility of appointments system through raising awareness of Typetalk and links with action on hearing loss I & T feedback survey introduced Ongoing assessments of induction loops Developing a fully accessible contact call centre/appointmen t system that includes webchat, email, and communication/re minders in other languages and formats Introducing a local I & T service to meet the needs of the top 5 languages & BSL in the hospital
Goal 2 – Improved Patient Access & Experience Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 2.4 People’s complaints about services are handled respectfully and efficiently DevelopingAchieving Equality monitoring introduced for complaints Routine reporting and analysis of EO monitoring of complaints
Goal 3 – A representative and supported workforce Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 3.1 Fair NHS recruitment and selection processes lead to a more representative workforce at all levels Achieving Health and employment positive action initiative developed with Jobcentre plus, skills for health, LCH & Merseycare to address disproportionality identified in recruitment & selection, supported regionally to be a rolling programme by LETB Unconscious bias testing and training introduced Ongoing participation in community engagement to attract diverse applicants e.g. Diversity conference, pride, cultural food feast Introduction of WRES indicator for all protected characteristics in 2015 Increasing completion of unconscious bias testing and training
Goal 3 – A representative and supported workforce Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 3.3 Training and development opportunities are taken up and positively evaluated by all staff AchievingExcelling Access to training and development is routinely equality monitored. Where any under representation is identifed action has been taken to encourage particular groups to attend training via the EHRP’s and positive action statements in advertising training opportunities Introduction of new WRES indicator reports and actions across all protected characteristics 3.4 When at work, staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying and violence from any source Achieving Ongoing awareness raising of Expect Respect Targeted work in 2014 re high incidence of staff reporting physical violence in work in the staff survey Annual say something about bullying event including diverse speakers Stop Hate UK, Sophie Lancaster Foundation, Navajo Routine monitoring of formal B & H cases and equality analysis of staff survey results 3 rd Party hate crime reporting centre and hate crime champions introduced Introduction of new WRES indicator reports and actions across all protected characteristics
Goal 3 – A representative and supported workforce Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 3.4 Flexible working options are available to all staff consistent with the needs of the service and the way people lead their lives AchievingExcelling Flexible working policy updated and reviewed in line with updates to best practice and national handbook updates Routine equality monitoring of all flexible working requests Reasonable adjustments policy reviewed and updated in line with best practice and guidance from the Business Disability Forum Ongoing awareness raising of policy and promotion of best practice 3.6 Staff report positive experiences of their membership of the workforce N/a new indicator Developing F & F test introduced for staff in corporate areas in 2015 Deep dive OD engagement underway Routine analysis of staff survey results from an equality perspective Introduction of new WRES indicators across all protected characteristics in 2015
Goal 4 – Inclusive Leadership at all levels Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 4.1 Boards and senior leaders routinely demonstrate their commitment to promoting equality within and beyond their organisations ExcellingSame National benchmarking annually Ongoing awareness of Say something about bullying and expect respect EDS2 in Quality Account and annual report Trust represents NHS providers on the national EDG of the Staff Council and regional EDI reference group Sharing best practice speaking at national EDS2 events and as a case study referenced by the Foundation Trust network and widening participation projects HEI top performer status nominated and shortlisted for make a difference awards 2014 Renewal of accreditations for positive employment practice HRD & Chief Exec support for E & D initiatives including 3 rd party hate crime reporting and say something about bullying Host British Institute of Human Rights Event 2014 Equality & Diversity conference sponsor 2014 Identify non-exec lead for E & D
Goal 4 – Inclusive Leadership at all levels Improvement outcome BaselineProposedProgress Plans 4.2 Papers that come before the board and other majpr committees identify equality- related impacts including risks and say how these risks are managed. Achieving Board report template includes equality Requirement to complete EIA’s on all org change, service redesign and policies highlighted to seniro team and recorded on the risk register All service redesign/trans formation is being scoped out for EIA eligibility 4.3 Middle managers and other line managers support their staff to work in culturally competent ways within a work environment free from discrimination Achieving ED training sustained at over 95% completion. Training suite including mgrs training, deaf & visual impairment awareness training, lgbt awareness, LD & physical disability & managing cancer in the workplace Ongoing development of EHRPs & LD Champions ED competencies assessed in appraisals Unconscious bias training & testing introduced Business disability forum toolkit guidance and resources purchased and made available to all staff Good practice toolkit launched Increase uptake of additional E & D awareness training Re-assess interest in staff networks & relaunch
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