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Know the Workplace Chapter 11. At the workplace Consider what’s going on What is the expected conformity? How do you anticipate things? How do you become.

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Presentation on theme: "Know the Workplace Chapter 11. At the workplace Consider what’s going on What is the expected conformity? How do you anticipate things? How do you become."— Presentation transcript:

1 Know the Workplace Chapter 11

2 At the workplace Consider what’s going on What is the expected conformity? How do you anticipate things? How do you become “with it” in the workplace? How do you adapt?

3 Occupational Trends Gold collar workers – experts in computer technology From 1965 to 1995 more information has been gathered than from 3000 BC to 1965 (5,000 years) Amount of information doubles every year Diversity in the workplace Blending of work with non- work in lifestyles Global competition and interdependence, New organizational patterns Uncertainty (911)

4 Who are the Workers Born: Mature Workers –pre-1946 Baby Boomers – 1946-1964 Baby Busters (“X” generation) after 1964 Generation “Y” – born 1977 to 2000

5 Terms Downsizing Contingent workers (part-timers) Core workers (full-timers)

6 Occupations in Demand: Computer: –Software engineers –Support specialists –Network administrators –Systems and data communication analysts –Desktop publishers –Database

7 Leadership in the Workplace Leadership – influencing people to think and to act a certain way Page 264 Autocratic –continuum of power in one single person Democratic (group operates together) Laisez-faire (group works independently from leader)

8 Theory X Leader views workers as people who don’t like work Workers must be closely supervised Workers are basically lazy

9 Theory Y Work as pleasurable, natural part of life Internally motivated to be productive Accomplish goals and are willing to learn and accept responsibility

10 Successful Leaders Share power and authority Build mutual trust and respect Use team building, problem solving and process analysis View all tasks as cooperative undertakings Decentralize decision making Stop finger pointing Believe that everyone has good ideas Chase fear out of the workplace Cooperative with organized labor Recognize that this is a long –term commitment

11 Effective Leaders: Develop appropriate self-confidence Practice strong ethics Develop partnerships with people Help group member reach goals and achieve satisfaction Make expectations known Set high expectations Give frequent feedback on performance Manage a crisis effectively Cultivate a strong customer orientation Ask the right questions

12 Kirkpatrick & Locke (1991) Leadership Traits Drive Honesty and Integrity Self-confidence Creativity Expertise Cognitive ability Leadership Motivation Flexibility

13 Charismatic Leadership Bass (1998) Idealized influence Intellectual stimulation Inspirational motivation Individual consideration

14 Performance Evaluations Documenting as most important component of a performance evaluation Performance Reviews

15 Policies and Procedures Written Unwritten Advantages: –Clear understanding of expectations –Understanding of consequences of behaviors –Predictability of work environment –Security of knowing how to succeed –Fairness and equity in rules and in applying them

16 Stress Awareness Test Page 275

17 Pacing Using strategic planning for structuring your time

18 Tips for Pacing Yourself to Reduce Stress Pay attention to your natural body rhythms Shift between pleasant and unpleasant tasks Allow some time for pleasurable tasks Use your breaks to relax Take mini-breaks Choose leisure activities that balance unique stress Take vacations Exercise, relaxation or errands during your workday

19 Chill Out

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