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General Purpose Functions Utility Functions Account Security Functions.

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1 General Purpose Functions Utility Functions Account Security Functions

2 Utility Functions – IP Address Conversion unsigned long NAInet_addr( char *addrp ); –“dot” notation C string to unsigned long void NAInet_toa( unsigned long ipaddr, char *dest ); –Unsigned long to “dot” notation C string –Destination must be >= 16 characters

3 Utility Functions – System Tick void NATotalTicks( unsigned long *hidest, unsigned long *lodest); –Returns total ticks from system start –*hidest, *lodest: pointers to target fields for high- and low-order portions of system clock. unsigned long NADeltaTicks (unsigned long hiord, unsigned long loord); –Returns difference in ticks from supplied value to “now” –hiord, loord: high- and low-order portions of supplied value

4 Account Security Functions - get unsigned int NAgetSysAccess (char *user, char *password, unsigned int *ipAddr); –For account name user, returns the account password in password –ipAddr points to an optional IP address filter –Returns account privilege, a combination of one or more from the following slide

5 Access Level Bit Settings NASYSACC_LEVEL_R (read only) NASYSACC_LEVEL_RW (read/write) NASYSACC_LEVEL_HTTP_Rx (can access Web pages in the indicated security realm) NASYSACC_LEVEL_GATEWAY (can be used for secure gateway) NASYSACC_LEVEL_SNMP_R (defines SNMP public community string) NASYSACC_LEVEL_SNMP_RW (defines SNMP private community string) NASYSACC_LEVEL_ROOT (full privileges) 0 – no privileges or NULL password

6 Account Security Functions – create/remove record int NAsetSysAccess (unsigned int op, char *user, char *password, unsigned int level, char *ipAddr); –op: NASYSACC_ADD or NASYSACC_DEL –user: pointer to account name, default <= 80 bytes –password: pointer to password, default <= 80 bytes –level: same as previous slide –ipAddr: pointer to IP address as a C string in “dot” notation; allow account access from this IP address only. May be NULL. –Return: see next slide


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