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Channel Access Client Programming in C Advanced EPICS Training (This is going to be hard!)

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1 Channel Access Client Programming in C Advanced EPICS Training (This is going to be hard!)

2 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Contents ■ What is Channel Access? ■ About channels ■ Channel Access data types ■ Connecting ■ Reading ■ Monitoring ■ Writing ■ Channel Access Security ■ Channel Access details

3 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming What is Channel Access? ■ The EPICS network protocol ■ Based on UDP and TCP, default ports 5064 and 5065 ■ Provides reading, writing and monitoring values ■ Typical Channel Access servers are ► EPICS IOCs ► Channel Access Gateways ■ Typical Channel Access clients are ► EPICS IOCs ► medm ► caget

4 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Vocabulary ■ Record : The building blocks of EPICS IOCs holding data. ■ Field : Part of a record, e.g. VAL=value, EGU=units ► A field is one atomic piece of data, e.g. a number or a string ► A record consists of many fields, VAL is only the "default" field. ■ PV (Process Variable): A piece of data with attributes ► It usually gets the value from a record field, often the VAL field. ► The attributes may come from other fields. ► You always work with local copies of remote PVs. ■ Channel : The connection to a remote PV on a server Often "record", "PV", and "channel" are mixed up.

5 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming The CA view to the world ■ CA connects to remote PVs, not to records or fields. ■ CA does not know about records or record types. ■ CA only knows about data types. Example: ► caget ARIDI-PCT:CURRENT tries to read a PV ► The IOC ARIDI-VME-PCT has an ai record with that name ► The IOC returns the VAL field of that record to the client ► The client gets a copy of a DOUBLE PV ► caget ARIDI-PCT:CURRENT.VAL gets the same value

6 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming About channels ■ A channel connects to a remote PV by name. ► PV names must be unique within the network. ► ca_create_channel() assigns a channel ID to a PV name and allocates necessary resources (memory). ► Channel IDs are unique within the program ■ A channel starts disconnected. ■ Only after connection, data can be transferred. ► Reading: ca_get() ► Writing: ca_put() ► Monitoring: ca_create_subscription()

7 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Channel status ■ Get the connection status ► ca_state(channel) returns: ● cs_never_connbefore 1st connection or when PV is not found ● cs_connafter connection, when channel can be used ● cs_prev_connafter disconnect, e.g. server shut down ● cs_closedafter ca_clear_channel() ■ Close a channel and free resources ► ca_clear_channel(channel) ► also uninstalls all handlers (callbacks) for channel ► can be called before client exits for clean shutdown

8 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Other channel information ■ Read back the PV name which is connected to the channel ► ca_name(channel) ■ Get the native data type of the channel (the remote PV) ► ca_field_type(channel) ► available after connection ► returns TYPENOTCONN if the channel is not connected ■ Get number of elements or array PVs ► ca_element_count(channel) ► available after connection ► returns 1 for scalar PVs

9 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Channel Access data types ■ 7 basic fundamental data base field types: ► DBF_STRING: a string of max 40 characters (incl null-byte) ► DBF_CHAR: one unsigned byte ► DBF_SHORT: signed 16 bit integer, alias DBF_INT ► DBF_LONG: signed 32 bit integer ► DBF_ENUM: one of up to 16 predefined strings ► DBF_FLOAT: 32 bit floating point ► DBF_DOUBLE: 64 bit floating point ■ 1 dimensional arrays of fundamental types ■ "annotated" types with meta-data for local PVs

10 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Annotated CA data types (with meta-data) ■ 5 flavours (detail levels) of data base request types ► DBR_*: The naked DBF_* value ► DBR_STS_*: value + status + severity ► DBR_TIME_*: value + status + severity + (time-) stamp ► DBR_GR_*: value + status + severity + display infos ► DBR_CTRL_*: value + status + severity + control infos ■ The local copy of a PV always uses one of the DBR types Note: ► Control infos supersede display infos ► DBR_GR_* and DBR_CTRL_* don't inclue timestamps

11 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Display and control infos for integers Note: ► If the PV is the VAL field of a record, the info maps to other fields. ► Numeric infos have the same data type as the value. ■ Display info ► units (string max 8 chars incl null-byte) (EGU) ► upper_disp_limit and lower_disp_limit (HOPR and LOPR) ► upper_warning_limit and lower_warning_limit (HIGH and LOW) ► upper_alarm_limit and lower_alarm_limit (HIHI and LOLO) ■ Control info (in addition to display info) ► upper_ctrl_limit and lower_ctrl_limit (DRVH and DRVL)

12 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Display and control info for floating point ■ Display info ► Everything integer display info has but with floating point data type ► precision (short integer) ● It is not really defined, what e.g. precision=3 means. ▪ digits after decimal point like in %.3f (e.g. 12345.678) ▪ total valid digits like in %.3g (e.g. 1.23e+04) ▪ digits after decimal point in exponential notation like in %.3e (e.g. 1.235e+04) ● It is not defined what precision<0 means. ■ Control info (in addition to display info) ► Like integer control info but with floating point format

13 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Display and control info for enums Note: ► Value is an index (unsigned short integer) to a string list. ■ Display info ► no_str (short integer) number of defined strings ► strs (16 strings of max 26 chars incl null-byte) ■ Control info ► Same as display info Note: ► Enums have no units and no limit infos. ► Be careful with string conversion when value >= no_str.

14 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming When to use which detail level ■ To read static information once after the channel connected ► Use DBR_CTRL_* if you plan to write to the channel. ► You may use DBR_GR_* if you only want to read the channel. ► If in doubt, use DBR_CTRL_* always. ■ To read or monitor dynamic (changing) values ► Use DBR_TIME_*. ► The naked value might be invalid or old without notice! ■ To write values ► use the naked DBR_*. ■ I know no use for DBR_STS_* (and DBR_GR_*)

15 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Caveats ■ There is no signed char type. ■ There are no unsigned short or long types. PVs of those types will be converted to a sufficiently large type on the server: ► unsigned short → DBF_LONG ► unsigned long → DBF_DOUBLE ■ There are no 64 bit integers. ■ Strings are limited to 40 bytes, but arrays of char can be used. ■ There are no user-defined structures. ■ There are no multi-dimensional arrays. ■ Arrays have constant length (while connected)

16 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Converting DBF types to DBR types ■ A channel has a native DBF type. ► This is the data type of the value of the remote PV. ► ca_field_type(channel) returns the native DBF_* type ■ Reading and writing requires a DBR type. ► This is the type and detail level of the local copy of the PV. ► It is possible to do automatic conversion (on the server), e.g. read a DBF_SHORT PV as DBR_STRING or DBR_DOUBLE. ► It is more efficient to use use a matching DBR type. ■ CA provides conversion macros to find matching DBR types: ► dbf_type_to_DBR_CTRL(field_type) and similar

17 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Mapping of CA types to C types ■ DBR_ * and DBF_ * are macros for code numbers used in channel access functions. ■ Each DBR_ _ code has a corresponding C data type: struct dbr_ _ (all lowercase letters) ► These structures should be used for the local copies of PVs. ► There are no dbr_gr_string or dbr_ctrl_string types. ► Codes and structures are defined in db_access.h ■ Channel Access provides a macro to calculate the required amount of memory for a PV (also for arrays). ► dbr_size_n(DBR_type, element_count)

18 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Creating a channel ■ A channel starts disconnected and without network traffic ► ca_create_channel(name, connhandler, user, prio, pchannel) ● name PV name (const char*) to conenct to ● connhandler handler function to be called on connection change can be NULL ● user arbitrary user data (void*) associated with channel ● prio priority on server, 0 lowest, 99 highest CA_PRIORITY_DEFAULT=0 CA_PRIORITY_ARCHIVE=20 ● pchannel pointer to channel ID to be filled in (chid*) ■ First create all needed channels before connecting them. ► Connecting is an expensive operation.

19 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Connecting channels ■ Channels without connection handler ► ca_pend_io(timeoutSec) sends pending requests and waits. ► Returns early with ECA_NORMAL after all channels connected. ► Returns after timeoutSec with ECA_TIMEOUT. ● Check all channels with ca_state(channel) to find not connected channels. ■ Channels with connection handler ► ca_flush_io() sends pending requests and returns immediately. ► ca_pend_io(timeoutSec) would also return immediately. ► Whenever a channel (dis-/re-)connects, its handler is called. ■ All connect requests are processed in parallel.

20 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Wait or call back? ■ When to wait for connections ► Command line tools ► Simple linear programs ► Short lived programs ■ When to use connection handlers ► Graphical user interfaces ► Servers ► Event driven programs ► Long lived programs ► Always

21 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Connection handling ■ Disconnecting and reconnecting are normal. ► In a distributed system, remote IOCs may be rebooted at any time. ► This should never put the client in an undefined state. ■ Late connecting is normal. ► The IOC may be started after the client. ■ This is handled automatically by Channel Access. ► Write a connection handler to perform action on (dis-)connection. ► void handler(struct connection_handler_args args) ● args.chid channel id ● args.opCA_OP_CONN_UP or CA_OP_CONN_DOWN

22 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming What to avoid ■ Do not call ca_pend_io() or ca_flush_io() separately for each channel. ► When writing PV wrappers, do not connect in the constructor! ► When building a GUI, do not connect each widget separately! ► When processing a list of PVs, do not connect each PV separately! ■ First create all PVs, widgets, etc. then connect in parallel. ■ Do not call ca_create_channel() twice for the same PV. ► When a channel disconnects, do not call ca_create_channel() again! ► When a connect times out, do not call ca_create_channel() again! ■ Use connection handlers instead of timeouts.

23 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Providing buffer space ■ Use ca_field_type(channel) for native field type. ■ Use dbf_type_to_DBR_*(field_type) for matching DBR type. ► Choose the appropriate DBR_* type for your application. ■ Use ca_element_count(channel) for array length. ■ Use dbr_size_n(dbr_type, elements) for required size. ■ Allocate buffer memory. malloc(dbr_size_n(dbf_type_to_DBR_TIME(ca_field_type(channel))), ca_element_count(channel)) ■ Or choose a DBR type manually and let the server convert ► This increases the load on the server.

24 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Reading channels ■ Prepare a read request ► ca_array_get(dbr_type, elements, channel, buffer) ● dbr_type requested data type (should match buffer size) ● elements maximum array size to read (may be smaller than native size) ● channel channel ID ● buffer pointer to buffer (min dbr_size_n(dbr_type, elements) bytes long) ► ca_get(dbr_type, channel, buffer) ● Same as above with elements=1 ■ Send request and wait for reply ► ca_pend_io(timeoutSec)

25 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Increasing read performance ■ If possible, do many ca_get() with one ca_pend_io() ► Requests are sent in parallel. ► Timeout for replies runs in parallel. ■ Problem: Error detection ► ca_pend_io() returns ECA_TIMEOUT when any get fails. ► No way to find out which get failed. ■ Caution: ca_pend_io() delays the program. ► GUIs, servers and other event driven programs should block. ► Better use callbacks.

26 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Reading with callbacks ■ Prepeare read request ► ca_array_get_callback(dbr_type, elements, channel, callback, usr) ● dbr_type, elements, channel as in ca_array_get() ● callback function to be called when data arrives ● usr arbitrary user argument to callback function ● No need to provide buffer! ► ca_get_callback(dbr_type, channel, callback, arg) ■ Send read requests and continue ► ca_flush_io() ► If possible, do many ca_get_callback() with one ca_flush_io()

27 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Receiving read callbacks ■ Write a callback function ► void readCallback(struct event_handler_args args) ● args.usr user data from ca_get_callback() call ● args.chid channel ID ● args.type DBR type of data ● args.count number of elements in array (1 for scalars) ● args.dbr pointer to data buffer (void*) ● args.status a ECA_* status code for the operation, e.g. ECA_SUCCESS ► Copy the data from *dbr to your private buffer. ■ You have to implement timeouts yourself, if required. ► ca_pend_io(timeoutSec) does not wait for get with callback!

28 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming What can go wrong while reading ■ The channel is disconnected ► ca_get then returns ECA_DISCONN ► This can happen at any time, even if a previous call to ca_state(channel) returned cs_connected. ► IOCs may be rebooted. ► Network may be overloaded. ■ The server does not reply in time ► ca_pend_io(timeoutSec) times out. ► The server may be too busy. ► The network latency may be too high.

29 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming What else can go wrong ■ PV is not readable ► CA security on the server forbits reading. ► The PV has no readable data type (DBF_NOACCESS). ► The PV cannot be converted to the requested DBR type. ■ Invalid parameters ► invalid (e.g. closed) channel ID ► invalid DBR type code ► requested elements larger than PV array size ■ Out of memory ■ Check return value of all ca_* functions!

30 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Exercise 1 (2 hours) ■ Write a simple program that connects to a remote PV (e.g. a record on an IOC), reads the value and prints it. ● CA functions: #include ● CA datatypes: see db_access.h ● status and severity: see alarm.h ■ Format the value nicely (precision, units, alarms). ■ Read more than one value efficiently. ■ Read the values repeatedly. ■ What if a PV does not exit or disconnects (when IOC reboots)? ■ What if you request a “wrong” DBR type?

31 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Contexts, threads and callbacks ■ Multi-threaded context ► ca_context_create(ca_enable_preemtive_callbacks) ► Callbacks may be called at any time except during other callbacks. ► You need to know how to use mutex semaphores. ■ Single-threaded context ► ca_context_create(ca_disable_preemtive_callbacks) ► Is created automatically when ca_* functions are used without context. ► Callbacks are only called from within a ca_* function. ● The program must call ca_pend_io(), ca_flush_io(), ca_pend_event() or ca_poll() regularly to receive any data (e.g. in event/idle loop).

32 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Doing network traffic in single-theaded context ■ Four functions send pending output and wait for input ► ca_pend_io(timeoutSec) send, wait until get and connect requests without callback complete ► ca_pend_event(waitSec) send, wait for input, does not return before waitSec are over ► ca_poll() send, handle only pending input, does not wait for more input ► ca_flush_io() send, don’t process input ■ Output is also sent when output buffers are full. ■ For efficiency send as much output as possible together.

33 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Doing network traffic in multi-threaded context ■ The single-threaded networking functions can be used to force sending output and to wait. ■ Output may also be sent at any other time. ► Most probably when all threads are idle (waiting for something) ■ Input may be received at any time. ■ There is no need to call ca_pend_io() and friends. ■ Don't forget to protect your data with mutex semaphores! ► A callback may modify your local PV copy while you are accessing it!

34 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Monitoring cannels ■ Subscribe for monitor events ► ca_create_subscription(dbr_type, elements, channel, eventmask, callback, usr, pmonid) ● dbr_type, elements, channel, callback and usr are the same as in ca_array_get_callback() ● eventmask combination of bits DBE_VALUE, DBE_LOG, DBE_ALARM Normally use DBE_VALUE| DBE_ALARM. ● pmonid pointer to monitor ID, needed to delete monitor (evid*) ► The same callback as for ca_array_get_callack() may be used. ■ Send monitor requests, e.g with ca_flush_io(). ■ Monitors will come whenever value or alarm status changes.

35 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Using monitors efficiently ■ First create all subscriptions before sending them ► Do not call ca_flush_io() after every single ca_create_subscription() ► Especially when writing wrappers, classes, GUIs, make sure that not every single monitor request is sent individually. ■ Separate static and dynamic data ► Read large DBR_CTRL_* only once after connection with ca_get(). ● Can be done in connection handler. ● Don’t read arrays here. ► Subscribe for small DBR_TIME_* types. ■ Prefer monitors to ca_get() polling.

36 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Monitor or get? ■ When to use get ► When a value is read only once. ► When a value must be read at a specific time. ► To take a snapshot (e.g. save a setup). ► In short lived programs (command line tools). ■ When to use monitors ► Whenever a PV changes frequently. ► When short pulses (off-on-off) should not be missed. ► In GUIs, servers, other long lived programs. ► Always.

37 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Waiting for PV changes ("done"-flags, etc) ■ Use monitors instead of repeated gets (polling) ► Polling can miss short pulses (e.g. off-on-off) ► Polling wastes network bandwidth and server (IOC) resources. ■ Simple single-threaded solution ► Monitor callback updates value ► Loop over ca_pend_even(0.1) and check value. ■ Sophisticated multi-threaded solution ► Monitor callback updates and checks value and triggers event semaphore. ► Wait for event semaphore.

38 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Caveats ■ Monitors trigger only at significant value changes. ► The server decides what is significant. ■ Some servers don’t support monitors on all PVs. ► You will not be informed when they change. ■ No monitor is sent when meta-data change (e.g. limits change) ► This usually happen only on restart of the server. ► Update meta-data in connection handler. ■ A monitor may miss intermediate values during rapid changes. ► Happens when client or network are too slow. ► But: It always gets the first and the last change.

39 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming What is forbidden in a monitor callback ■ You must not call ca_pend_io() or similar in callbacks. ► Re-entrancy problem: callbacks are called from ca_pend_io(). ► That means you can’t read via ca_get() from within a callback. ► Workaround: Trigger (non-EPICS) event handler from callback that performs the ca_get(). ► Or use monitors for everything. ■ You must not block inside a callback. ► Only one callback runs at a time. ► Blocking delays all other callbacks (get, monitor, connect, …)

40 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Writing channels ■ Prepare write request ► ca_array_put(type, elements, channel, pvalue) ● type use a naked DBR_* type, if type does not match native DBF type, the value is converted on the server. ● elements number of array elements to write, 1 for scalar values ● channel the channel id ● pvalue a pointer to the data to send ► ca_put(type, channel, pvalue) ● Same as above with elements=1 ■ Send write request, e.g. with ca_flush_io() ■ Send as many PVs as possible together.

41 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Caveats ■ ca_put()/ca_flush_io() only sends data to the network layer. ■ It does not wait until … ► actions on the server have been performed. ► actions on the server have even been started. ► the value has actually been written on the network cable. ■ It just promises that the current value will be sent in the near future unless the channel disconnects. ■ Intermediate values may be lost when values change rapidly. ► When server or network is slow. ► But: First and last value are always written

42 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Synchronous put ■ Create a synchonous group ► ca_sg_create(pgroup) ● pgroup pointer to a group ID to be filled in (CA_SYNC_GID*) ■ Perform one or more puts inside synchonous group ► ca_sg_array_put(group, type, elements, channel, pvalue) ● group group ID ■ Wait until all puts in the same group have completed ► ca_sg_block(group, timeoutSec) ■ Delete group ► ca_sg_delete(group)

43 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Synchronous put remarks ■ Creating and deleting synchronous groups is cheap. ► Create and delete them on demand. ► No need to store them somewhere globally. ■ The execution order inside a group is undefined. ► Use separate groups and ca_sg_block() when oder matters. ■ If one put inside a group fails and ca_sg_block() times out, there is no way to find out which one failed. ■ The program is delayed while blocking ► This may be inappropriate for (single-threaded) GUIs and servers ► This is what you probably need for scripts.

44 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Synchronous put versus asynchronous put ■ When to use synchronous puts ► When time order matters. ● First write parameters then write "start". ● First write "start", then check "done". ► When successful execution must be checked. ● First write then read back and check severity. ► When intermediate values must not be lost (sequence) ■ When to use asynchronous puts ► When blocking is not allowed (e.g. GUI, server). ► When many intermediate values are written (e.g. slider).

45 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Put with callback ■ Prepare write request ► ca_array_put_callback(type, elements, channel, pvalue, callback, usr) ● type, elements, channel, pvalue are the same as for ca_array_put() ● callback a function that is called when the put has completed on the server ● usr arbitrary user data to be passed to callback function (void*) ■ Send write request(s) ► ca_flush_io() ■ Receive callback ► Callback function has the same form as a get callback. ► In single-threaded model call ca_pend_event() or similar regularly.

46 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Put with callback versus synchronous put ■ Put with callback does not delay the program. ► You can still use event semaphores to wait for callbacks. ■ Response is channel specific. ► You can wait for feedback in parallel but still on individual channels. ► Synchronous groups only work on a per group basis and only one group after the other. ■ Programming effort is higher. ► Callbacks, semaphores, timeouts must be implemented. ■ Use put with callback for GUIs and servers. ■ Use synchronous put for command line tools and scripts.

47 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Exiting the program ■ Destroy the Channel Access context ► ca_context_destroy() ► This should be the first thing to do before any resources are freed. ► All pending output is sent on the network. ► All handlers / callbacks are disabled. ■ For multi-threaded clients it is important to clean up. ► Avoids crash on exit, e.g when callbacks access buffers which are already deleted by another thread.

48 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Exercise 2 ■ Modify the polling program from Exercise 1 to use monitors. ■ Wait without polling until a PV fulfills a condition. ■ Write 2 other programs that set 1000 different values with asynchonous put and with synchonous put. Verify with your monitoring program what happens to the PV. ■ Write a program that sets a value from user input and checks the written value for consistency and alarms. ■ Try PVs with different data types (floating point, string)

49 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Channel Access Security ■ Remote PVs can be readonly or even unreadable. ■ CA provides functions to check access ► ca_read_access(channel) returns 1 if readable ► ca_write_access(channel) returns 1 if writable ■ CA provides a handler when access rights change ► ca_replace_access_rights_event(channel, handler) ● handler user supplied callback function ● void accessHandler (struct access_rights_handler_args args) ▪ args.chid channel ID ▪ args.caar.read_access 1 if readable, 0 if not ▪ args.caar.write_access 1 if writable, 0 if not

50 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Channel Access details: Searching PVs ■ A client sends UDP packages to find PVs ► Requests are repeated with decreasing rate until all PVs are found or 100 requests have been sent (after approx. 8 minutes) ► Unresolved requests are re-issued when a new server starts. ● E.g. when an IOC boots. ■ Default is to broadcast on all local network interfaces. ► This is an expensive action. ● All servers on the network have to check their list of PVs. ► Many requests can be put into one package for efficiency.

51 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Channel Access details: Searching PVs (con't) ■ Many settings depend on environment variables ► UDP port (default 5064): EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT ► Additional addresses (directed broadcasts/unicasts): EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST ► Clear default address list: EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST=NO Note: ► Many routers don't forward directed broadcasts to other networks. ● This prevents network flooding. ● Check with your network administrator. ● Better separate networks with CA gateways. ► Broadcasting the least scalable EPICS feature.

52 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Channel Access details: Connecting ■ The server that owns a PV sends back a UDP package. ► No two servers on the same network must own the same PV. ► If no server replies, the PV stays disconnected. ► When a server starts, it broadcasts that it has started (→beacons). Clients with unconnected PVs then start searching again. ● On unstable networks, this may lead to broadcast storms. ● Clients should not use obsolete/nonexisting PVs. ■ The CA client library opens a TCP connection to the server. ► All PVs share one connection from the same client process to the same server process. ► A client program does not need to care on which server a PV exists.

53 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Channel Access details: Beacons ■ Every server sends periodic beacons. ► This signals "I am still alive.", even when no PV data is exchanged. ► Beacons are broadcasted on UDP port 5065. ► Port can be changed with variable EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PORT. ► Beacons are sent every 15 seconds. ► Missing beacons are a hint that the server may be down. ● This can make a channel disconnect. ● Some more checks are done before a channel disconnects. ■ When a server starts, it sends beacons at a higher rate. ► This is the signal for clients to search again for missing PVs.

54 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming How to fix connect problems ■ Check the broadcast address on client and server. ► Is the network mask correct on both systems? ■ Has the port (default 5064) been modified on client or server? ■ Is the server in another network as the client? ► Add the server's broadcast address to EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST. ► Are directed broadcasts forwared by the network routers? ► Try to add the server's host address to EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST. ■ Is the server up? Try to ping. ■ Does the PV really exists on the server?

55 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming How to fix connection losses ■ It client or server overloaded? ► On IOCs, CA networking has lower priority than device I/O. ► Sending arrays at high rates (video) can kill the performance. ■ Is the network connection poor? (Internet instead of LAN?) ► Check network performance / broadcast rates. ► Try to increase timeouts. ■ Does the single-threaded client call ca_* functions regularly? ► Call ca_poll() or similar at least every 0.1 second. ► Do you run a single-threaded client accidently? ● ca_context_create() must be called before any other ca_* function.

56 Advanced EPICS Training, Dirk Zimoch 2007 Channel Access Client Programming Using CA gateways to limit broadcast traffic ■ Separate PVs with different name patterns on different subnets. ► A CA gateway that connects the two networks can decide by name if a PV search request needs to be forwared to the other network. ► A good naming convention is needed to benefit from network split. ■ Gateways can bundle network traffic and reduce IOC load. ► All clients only connect to gateways on localhost address. ► Only gateways connect to IOCs via network. ■ Gateways can reduce repeated search broadcasts. ► Connection gateway-IOC remains for 2 hours after clients disconnect. ► Short lived clients seach only localhost, not broadcast.

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