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Chapter 2 Vocabulary 1.Boycott 2.Cash Crops 3.Delegate 4.Democracy 5.Direct Democracy 6.Dissenters 7.Duties 8.Economy 9.Indentured Servants 10.Legislature.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Vocabulary 1.Boycott 2.Cash Crops 3.Delegate 4.Democracy 5.Direct Democracy 6.Dissenters 7.Duties 8.Economy 9.Indentured Servants 10.Legislature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Vocabulary 1.Boycott 2.Cash Crops 3.Delegate 4.Democracy 5.Direct Democracy 6.Dissenters 7.Duties 8.Economy 9.Indentured Servants 10.Legislature 11.Limited government 12.Liberty 13.Natural Rights 14.Plantations 15.Proclamation 16.Repeal 17.Representative democracy 18.Republic 19.Smuggling 20.Social Contract

2 Monday’s Exit Slip What is one vocabulary word that you have never seen (or used often) before? Use that word in a sentence.

3 Chapter 2 Lesson 1 Influences on American Colonial Government

4 Foundations of Democracy 1776 Independence from Great Britain 1788 adoption of the US Constitution

5 Ancient Democracy Jewish Religion – Judaism teaches that every person has worth and its equal before the law Athens – 400 B.C. became the first democracy – Free men over 18 were considered citizens and could take part of the assembly – Direct Democracy-people govern themselves – Representative democracy- people chose leaders to govern them (Republic) Romans – First republic – Government was put in hands of a senate (patricians) – Patricians elected two members (consuls) they had to agree Veto Powers “ I forbid!”


7 English Influence Magna Carta-limited king’s power – Established Limited Government – Legislature England had a strong monarchy but by 1625 King Charles I dismissed Parliament – Parliament then made him sign the Petition of Rights (limits kings powers)

8 English Bill of Rights Page 43 Read as a class

9 Influence of the Enlightenment Emphasized reason and individualism (science and logic) gave people more knowledge and understanding than tradition and religion Thinkers (pg 45- copy down chart into your notes add Machiavelli and information below) Machiavelli- The Prince Belief- Safer for a ruler to be feared than loved Hobbes- Social Contract Locke- Two Treaties of Government– natural rights Rousseau- The Social Contract Montesquieu – Separation of Powers Voltaire- Liberty

10 Machiavelli HobbesLocke RousseauMontesquieuVoltaire


12 Bell Ringer Wednesday Choose one Enlightenment thinker – What idea/belief do you think was the most important to influence our U.S. Constitution – Why?

13 First Colonial Government Jamestown 1 st permanent English settlement Est. 1607 Virginia Company asked King James I to send supplies and settlers Ruled by governor and a council 1619 Company allowed the colony to make their own laws – Elected leaders (House of Burgesses) – Beginning of self government and representative government in America The Mayflower Compact 1620 the Mayflower landed in Plymouth Massachusetts Drew up a Compact – An agreement or contract Chose leaders and worked together to make their own laws for the colony Agreed to obey the laws Direct Democracy


15 Wednesday Exit-Slip Create your own government – Where would you settle? – What are 5 rules you would enforce? – Who would be ruler? – How would the ruler be chosen? – 2 Extra characteristics of your government

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