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Unit 1, Lesson 1 First Names. Three Day Lab Lesson This lesson is a lab. We will explore the length of our names and create a class data table and graph.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1, Lesson 1 First Names. Three Day Lab Lesson This lesson is a lab. We will explore the length of our names and create a class data table and graph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1, Lesson 1 First Names

2 Three Day Lab Lesson This lesson is a lab. We will explore the length of our names and create a class data table and graph. Later, we will also make individual data tables and graphs.

3 This is What We Will Learn To identify and use variables To make and interpret bar graphs To collect, organize, graph, and analyze data That problems can be solved by more than one method and that different methods should give us the same results To use data in tables and graphs to make predictions

4 Vocabulary First Name – You will use the first name you use in school. Variable – Something that is different. There are two variables in this lesson. –The number of students in the class. –The number of letters in each name.

5 Collecting the Data Write your name on a post-it note Count the letters Show the number of letters like this L=______ Place the post-it notes on the data table

6 Analyzing the Data Discuss these questions with your partner and group. We will answer as a group. What do you notice about the data? Who has the longest name? What is the number of letters in that name? Who has the shortest name? What is the number of letters in that name? Does anyone have a first name with eight letters?

7 Vocabulary Most common – what happens or occurs most often. Fourteen of my fifteen students have a dog for a pet. So, a dog is the most common pet.

8 Analyzing the Data How many students have first names with six letters? Five letters? What number of letters is most common in first names? Do more than half the students have names that have either six or seven letters?

9 Adding a Third Column This column will tell us how many students have names with the same number of letters. What title should we give it? Why? Would N for Number of Students be a good choice to represent this variable? Why or why not?

10 Complete the S Column Discuss these questions with your partner and group. What is the total or sum of the numbers in that column? What does this sum represent? Be sure to CHECK THE DATA!

11 Vocabulary Vertical – Up and down, numbers or shapes are arranged like a vine from the bottom to the top. Horizontal – Side to side, numbers or shapes are arranged from side to side, sitting on a line like the ground or floor.

12 Graphing the Data Fill in the data table on page 5 Make the graph on page 5 Discuss these questions with your partner and group. Where is the vertical axis? What is the label for this axis? Where is the horizontal axis? What is the label for this axis?

13 Graphing the Data Which numbers are the number of letters in the names? Those on the horizontal axis or those on the vertical axis? What do the numbers on the vertical axis show?

14 Exploring the Data You will answer the following questions by raising your hand and answering on “Go.” How many letters are in the longest name? How many letters are in the shortest name?

15 Exploring the Data What is the most common number of letters? How many students have names with six letters? How many students have names with five letters? Do more than half the students have names with either six or seven letters? How did you figure this out?

16 Exploring the Data Discuss these questions with your partner and group. What is the shape of the graph? Why does it have this shape? Compare the graph and the data table. How are they alike? How are they different? Which bars are the same height? Why?

17 Exploring Data Why aren’t there bars above every number on the horizontal axis? What does this mean?

18 Organizing Materials Put your First Names Data Table and Graph in your math folder. You will use this page tomorrow to write in your journal. The prompt follows.

19 JOURNAL PROMPT This is your prompt for tomorrow morning. Explain how the graph would be different for full (first and last) names. Your classmates’ first and last names will be on the white board.

20 Classmates’ Names Nirmit Brahmbhatt Tykita Corbin Jasmine Carmean Sky Doughty Solomon Duverger Makayla Steele Morgan Edwards Tegan Shockley Dimitrius Hamlin Desiree Hare Anthony Pimental Anthony Pavone Armani Vermillion Douglas Willey Robert Williamson

21 EXTENSIONS What if we used full names? What will happen to your graph. What if we changed the definition of name length? What if we used number of syllables or number of vowels in each name, instead of number of letters?

22 This is What We Have Learned To identify and use variables To make and interpret bar graphs To collect, organize, graph, and analyze data That problems can be solved by more than one method and that different methods should give us the same results To use data in tables and graphs to make predictions

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