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Clifford A. Paragua Labour Attache PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS LABOUR OFFICE PHILIPPINE EMBASSY IN TOKYO Filipino Workers for Japan’s Manpower.

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1 Clifford A. Paragua Labour Attache PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS LABOUR OFFICE PHILIPPINE EMBASSY IN TOKYO Filipino Workers for Japan’s Manpower Needs

2 Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO) Its Functions and Responsibilities As the labor section of the Philippine Embassy, POLO Tokyo undertakes programs and activities intended to facilitate the employment of Filipino workers in Japan and to promote their interest and welfare.

3 POLO Tokyo gathers and analyzes information on the employment situation in Japan, including labor market trends that are vital inputs to policy formulation and program development. Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO) Its Functions and Responsibilities

4 It verifies the recruitment documents of, and accredits Japanese employers who intend to hire the services of Filipino workers, entertainers and professionals through licensed recruitment and manning agencies in the Philippines. Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO) Its Functions and Responsibilities

5 POLO Tokyo ensures that Filipino workers are not exploited or discriminated against and afforded appropriate assistance on all matters arising out of their employment in Japan. Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO) Its Functions and Responsibilities

6 POLO Tokyo maintains close coordination and working relationship with relevant government agencies and private organizations in Japan including various organizations and associations of Filipinos. Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO) Its Functions and Responsibilities

7 The Philippines - Supplying the World’s Manpower Needs About one million Filipino skilled workers, professionals, including seafarers and marine officers are deployed yearly to jobsites in some 120 countries the world over

8 Responding to Japan’s Manpower Demand Market Nurses and Caregivers Technical Intern Trainees Skilled Workers Seafarers and Marine Officers English Teachers Entertainers Short-term Trainees Household Workers

9 NURSES and CAREGIVERS 508 in three batches since 2009 206 nurses 302 caregivers

10 NURSES and CAREGIVERS 3 months Japanese language training in the Philippines 6 months training in Japanese language and culture in Japan Deployment to the hospitals and healthcare facilities

11 TECHNICAL INTERN TRAINEES 7634 technical intern trainees are required (as of end of October 2011)in agriculture, industry and services

12 TECHNICAL INTERN TRAINEES Agriculture/Fishery - farmers - dairy workers - fishery workers Industry/Manufacturing - welders - machinists - machine operators Services - laundry workers - linen workers

13 TECHNICAL INTERN TRAINEES Hourly wages are paid in accordance with Japan minimum wage standards Protected under Japan’s labor standards laws Technical intern trainees pay income tax and social security premiums

14 SEAFARERS and MARINE OFFICERS About 70% of seafarers and marine officers on board Japanese vessels are Filipinos

15 ENGLISH TEACHERS In April 2011, English language teaching became compulsory for Japanese students in Grade 5 and 6 Some 80,000 classrooms need English teachers

16 ENTERTAINERS From January to October 2011, about one thousand (1,000) Filipino entertainers have been granted visas to perform in Japan

17 SHORT-TERM TRAINEES Mostly engaged in the agriculture sector Receive training allowances

18 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE WORKERS Household service workers, including house helpers and drivers, may only be employed by embassy officials, government officials and officers of international organizations


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