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Dispatch Day 1: Do you think its important for people to vote? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Dispatch Day 1: Do you think its important for people to vote? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dispatch Day 1: Do you think its important for people to vote? Why or why not?

2 Why do others vote?

3 HHSA Mock Elections 2014 You all will have the chance to do a mock vote Oct 30 th through the 4 th of November while those eligible to vote are actually casting their ballot in California. So, let’s see what you know about voting!!!!

4 True or False: The California voting polls (places to votes) will be open on November 4th from 6am to 8pm.

5 True or False: October 20 th is the last day to register to vote.

6 True or False: There are a total of 6 candidates running for Governor, including two women.

7 True or False: Over 70% of Latinos in California register to vote.

8 True or False: Voters will vote on 6 propositions ranging from ones about water to prison sentences.

9 Latinos in California. Why don’t they vote? Should they? register-latino-voters/343341/ register-latino-voters/343341/

10 Just the Facts!!! Let’s read about Latino voters in the last election. While reading, number the bullet points, circle any numbers/statistics and underline what they represent. Copy and complete the following chart on a piece of paper: Say: What does that part of the article say about CA voting? Do: What is the author doing in this part of the article? Mean: What does this mean for elections and voting in California? #1-

11 Just the Facts!!! Let’s read about Latino voters in the last presidential election. While reading, number the bullet points, circle any numbers/statistics and underline what they represent. Copy and complete the following chart on a piece of paper: Say: What does that part of the article say about CA voting? Do: What is the author doing in this part of the article? Mean: What does this mean for elections and voting in California? #1-Latinos are the largest minority group in CA and the population is still growing

12 Just the Facts!!! Let’s read about Latino voters in the last presidential election. While reading, number the bullet points, circle any numbers/statistics and underline what they represent. Copy and complete the following chart on a piece of paper: Say: What does that part of the article say about CA voting? Do: What is the author doing in this part of the article? Mean: What does this mean for elections and voting in California? #1-Latinos are the largest minority group in CA and the population is still growing The author is (saying, convincing, arguing, stating, claiming, explaining,) ….

13 Just the Facts!!! Let’s read about Latino voters in the last presidential election. While reading, number the bullet points, circle any numbers/statistics and underline what they represent. Copy and complete the following chart on a piece of paper: Say: What does that part of the article say about CA voting? Do: What is the author doing in this part of the article? Mean: What does this mean for elections and voting in California? #1-Latinos are the largest minority group in CA and the population is still growing The author is (saying, convincing, arguing, stating, claiming, explaining,) …. This means that Latinos in California……

14 Summarize this article: According to “Just the Facts”, Latino Voters in California………………. They also show that …………This information is important because………………..the part that stood out the most to me was…………….because………..

15 So, who’s eligible to vote? To register to vote in California, you must be: 1.A United States citizen, 2.A resident of California, 3.18 years of age or older on Election Day, 4.Not in prison, on parole, serving a state prison sentence in county jail, serving a sentence for a felony 5.Not found by a court to be mentally incompetent.

16 So what are WE voting for in our Mock Elections??  Choosing the Political Party you affiliate with  Governor: Jerry Brown vs. Neel Kashkan  State and County Propositions:  #1 Bonds for Water Supply  #2 State Budget Reserve  #45 Healthcare Insurance Rates  #46 Medical Safety and Lawsuits  #47 Reducing Criminal Penalties

17 Focus on the Political Parties:  Using the handout “Political Party Statements of Purpose”, complete the following chart with details about each party. LibertarianRepublicanGreenPeace and Freedom Democratic

18 Your Homework:  Tell adults you know that they have to register to vote by October 20 th !!! Ask some about their political party Preference.  Watch the news, debates, commercials, and ask people questions to find out as much as you can about the candidates for governors.  Be ready to cast your vote in a couple of weeks.

19 Day 2 Quickwrite: What’s a Prop?? Have you seen any commercials about the propositions…or props??  If so, what do you remember about them?  If not, what do you think propositions are?

20 Propositions are….. PProposed laws presented to the public to vote on.  A proposition passes and becomes law when it receives more than 50 percent YES votes. OOn November 4 th, California will vote on 6 propositions. SSome are “initiatives.” For an initiative: A YES vote means that you support the way the proposition would change things. A NO vote means that you want to leave things the way they are now.

21 October 30 th through the 4th….  It’ll be your turn to vote on the propositions as well!!!!  So, let’s do some research and find out info about the Props, but also try to answer the question:  How will these props affect the people of Huntington Park?

22 Proposition Research Posters  Each group must create a poster informing the class about Props that you will vote on : 1, 2, 45, 46, 47

23 Poster Setup: Proposition Number and Title: Explanation of the Proposition (What does it say?) Pros:Cons How could this affect the Huntington Park Community?

24 Gallery Walk:  Create a 6 box chart on your own paper titled: Propositions  In boxes #1-5, write down the title and at least 4 bullet points about each proposition as the presenter explains their poster. Feel free to ask questions to understand everything.  After the gallery walk, in box #6, record the prop names and what your vote will be on each one.

25 Day 5 0r 6: Option Philosophical Chairs Debate

26 Day 5 0r 6: Option Create your own Public Service Announcement

27 Day 5 0r 6: Option Create your own proposition

28 Day after voting Dispatch: Answer the following questions: – How did it feel to vote? Explain. – Do you think you will vote each year once you are 18 and eligible? Why or why not?

29 Day 2: Election Results are in! Dispatch: Do you know any of the results of the election? If so, what do you know? If not, why didn’t you watch the news about it?

30 How do you feel about the results? 1)What results are you happy about? Why? 2)Which results are you not happy about? Why? 3)Were there any results that surprised you? 4)Do you think these results will change anything in Huntington Park or California? **Now compare the actual results to how Gage voted**Gage -Which propositions did Gage agree or disagree with the rest of California about? Why do you think that is?

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