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Chapter 28 (The Renaissance Begins)... Content Objectives: SWBT analyze how humanism encouraged a new way of thinking and affected many aspects of life.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 28 (The Renaissance Begins)... Content Objectives: SWBT analyze how humanism encouraged a new way of thinking and affected many aspects of life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 28 (The Renaissance Begins)... Content Objectives: SWBT analyze how humanism encouraged a new way of thinking and affected many aspects of life. Language Objective: SWBT explain the growth of towns; rise of the money economy & development of independent city-states. CS: 7.8.1-7.8.3

2 Monday, April 22, 2013

3 This we know. The Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. This we know. Man did not ‘weave’ the web of life, he merely a strand within it and whatever he does the web, he does to himself.”—Chief Joseph, 1854.

4 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 148  College Bowl elimination (1 vs. 3) and (2 vs. 5).... 40 minutes.  CST Prep... 7 minutes.  Complete Geography Challenge 7 pages 188-189 (complete at home).—4-26.  Literature Circles (Group activity). Work in your groups to complete Chapter 28 pages, 315-321. Due: 4-26.

5 Homework  Study for your Essay test (Chapters 25-27).  Complete TAT #4 & #5. Due 4-24.  ‘Twin’ Debate Classic (3 vs. 7). 4-24.  Journal Check... including TFT’s, QFT’s, TPS, and Mentoring Projects. 4-23.

6 Tuesday, April 23, 2013

7 Should parents keep their ‘sick’ children at home from school or ‘run’ the risk of sending them to school to possibly ‘infect’ fellow classmates and or their teachers? What do you think is the healthiest and best option for parents with this predicament?... What would you do?

8 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 149  Complete Preview 28 from ISN Booklet on pages 190- 191... 10 minutes.  Administer Essay test...., 25 minutes. Good luck!  Group study (Literature Circles)... 20 minutes.

9 Homework  Twin Debate Classic (3 vs. 7).  Complete TAT #4 & #5.

10 Wednesday, April 24, 2013

11 April has been designated National Poetry Month. Learning, art and poetry (literature) was a big part of the Renaissance movement in Europe during the 1300s to 1500 C.E. The interest in learning was spurred on by humanism. Dante’s poem, “The Divine Comedy” was a social commentary and a model for Renaissance writers.

12  Are writers in general and poets in particular valued members of the 21st century like they were during 1300s-1500s?  Why or why not?  How do you regard writers & poets in modern society?

13 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 150  View video on the “Renaissance”... 25 minutes.  Complete Reading Notes 28 on pages 192-193.... 10 minutes. Due 4-26.

14 Homework  Complete News briefs.  Study for Vocabulary Quiz (Chapter 28).  Complete Processing 26 from ISN Booklet on page 194.

15 Thursday, April 25, 2013

16 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 151  Students read aloud their current events (they should follow ‘effective’ speaking rubric and not exceed 90 seconds)... 40 minutes.  Debaters released for final tune-up (3 vs. 7).

17 Homework  Study for Vocabulary Quiz (Chapter 28).  ‘Twin’ Debate Classic.

18 Friday, April 26, 2013

19 The CST testing begins next week. Why is so much emphasis placed on ‘high’ stake testing? Do the CST scores accurately assess your intelligence? Why or why not? Why is it imperative that you do your absolute best with these state mandated tests? What have you done to give yourself the ‘best’ chance of being successful on the CST? Good luck!:

20 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 152  Administer Vocabulary Quiz (Chapter 28)... 6 minutes. Good luck!  ‘Twin’ Debate Classic (3 vs. 7). Good luck!

21 Homework  Review for Brain Pop Quiz on Monday (Columbian Exchange).  Complete Analyze This #6 #7. Due 5-3.

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