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Aim: How can we best prepare for our final exam on Wednesday and Thursday? Take out a pencil; get ready for the quiz Take out paper for notes Bring in.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How can we best prepare for our final exam on Wednesday and Thursday? Take out a pencil; get ready for the quiz Take out paper for notes Bring in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How can we best prepare for our final exam on Wednesday and Thursday? Take out a pencil; get ready for the quiz Take out paper for notes Bring in your textbooks next week

2 The Industrial Age  Assembly line; conveyer belt  factories; steam engine  Mechanization- machines  Bad working conditions  Lack of pride in work  Immigration come to work in factories  Immigrants were paid very little  No safety regulations  Child labor  Triangle shirtwaist fire – 1911 ; led to safety regulations or laws  Monopolies; trusts; policy of laissez faire (govt does not control business or economy; govt not involved )

3 The INDUSTRIAL AGE  Assembly line  Mass production  Steam engine  Big business- monopolies- unfair business practices  Laissez faire  Trusts  Conveyer belt; machines  Monopolists – philanthropist;  Unions form to help workers  Sweatshops  Child labor  IMMIGRATION- needed for the factory jobs

4 PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT  Try to fix problems of industrial era (monopolies, bad business practices  Suffrage – women vote 19 th amendment  Labor unions want to help workers- improve working conditions; better wages  Stop corruption

5 Progressive Movement  Fix problems of industrial age  Muckrakers are reformers  Teddy Roosevelt- trustbuster  Workers rights; Unions  Eliminate unfair practices; improve safety; safer meat; restrictions on monopolies

6 muckrakers  Jacob Riis- Tenement life-How the Other Half Lives; led to improvement in living conditions due to laws  Upton Sinclair – The Jungle – bad conditions in meat packing; led to passage of Meat Inspections act and Food and Drug Act  Ida Tarbell  Jane Addams- created settlement houses to help immigrants.  Thomas Nast - cartoons

7 Muckrakers  Ida Tarbell – Standard Oil  Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives – tenement life  Upton Sinclair – The Jungle – unsafe meat (leads to Meat Inspections Act)  Jane Addams – Settlement houses help immigrants  Thomas Nast- cartoonist – Boss Tweed

8 IMPERIALISM Annexed Philippines, guam and Puerto Rico after Spanish American War Spanish American war – yellow journalism, sinking of USS Maine. Gained territory Expansion of territory – military bases; need for markets and resources/ raw materials during industrial age.

9 IMPERIALISM  Taking over other nations  We needed raw materials and markets due to the industrial age  Expansionism  Spanish American War- DeLome Letter; yellow journalism; sinking of the USS Maine  Gains: Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines; now we are a world power

10 WORLD WAR I  MANIA- CAUSES of war  US was initially neutral  Entire nation involved in war  Return to isolationism after war

11 WORLD WAR I  MANIA  USA neutral at first  IMPERIALISM; alliances; militarism, nationalism, ASSASINATION  Entire nation involved in war effort; Women at work  Senate refuses to ratify Treaty of Versailles due to League of Nations; they believe it will INCREASE chances of war. Wilson prefers diplomacy – League (later- United Nations)

12 ROARING TWENTIES  CHANGES  WOMEN- flappers, vote-suffrage – 19 th amendment  Temperance (ban alcohol, 18 th amendment, carry nation, Prohibition)  Isolationist policy  Jazz age; harlem renaissance  Nativism; quotas/restrictions on immigrants; RED SCARE  Scopes Trial- evolution issue

13 GREAT DEPRESSION  Loss of jobs; unemployment is high  Banks fail; stock market crashed  Hoovervilles; shantytowns  New Deal – create jobs; restore faith in banking: Increased the size and role of government- FDR  Great Dep ends with our entering WWII

14 WORLD WAR II  Entire nation involved  Japanese Americans interned- camps  Loss of rights  End of War –US bombs Japan – atom bomb  Truman ends war with dropping of atom bombs  Now we begin the Cold War

15 COLD WAR  NATO- collective security – we work with allies to help each other if there is a threat  Warsaw Pact (Soviets and its allies)  Marshall Plan – help/aid Europe  Truman Doctrine – help/aid Europe

16 Cold War USA and Soviets – superpowers; rivals Post WWII era- 1945-1990 (approx) Nuclear Age Domino Theory ; Containment of communism Berlin Wall divides Berlin (until 11/9/89) Iron Curtain- Eastern Europe vs. Western Europe McCarthyism – targeted suspected communists; denial of civil liberties during this new RED SCARE

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