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Micah Moses Thomas Marshall Jabarius Jones Ryan Smithey.

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2 Micah Moses Thomas Marshall Jabarius Jones Ryan Smithey

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4 O Nicholas Copernicus believed in a heliocentric universe, or a sun-centered universe. O Johannes Kepler used astronomic data O Discovered that the orbits were egg-shaped with the sun toward the end of the ellipse instead of the center O Showed the orbits of planets around the sun are not circular

5 Revolutions in mathematics Renaissance humanist learned Greek and Latin and read work by Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Plato Technical problems that required careful observations New inventions help new discoveries ClipArt ClipArt

6 Microsoft ClipArt

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8 Quiz Time Part 2 3.What kind of universe did Ptolemy believe in? 3.What kind of universe did Ptolemy believe in? a. heliocentric a. heliocentric b. geocentric b. geocentric c. an earth-centered universe c. an earth-centered universe d. both a & c d. both a & c 4. What kind of data did Kepler use? 4. What kind of data did Kepler use? a. survey a. survey b. law of motion b. law of motion c. astronomic c. astronomic d. All of the above d. All of the above

9 Quiz Time part 1 1. What made works by Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Plato accessible? A. Technical problems B. New revolutions in mathematics C. Renaissance humanist learned Greek and Latin D. New inventions 2. What invention helped spread ideas? A. Printing press B. Telescope C. Microscope D. None of the above

10 Quiz Time Part 3 5. A line between the universe and Heaven is called a. The Equator a. The Equator b. The Prime Meridian b. The Prime Meridian c. The Line of Demarcation c. The Line of Demarcation d. The Prime Mover d. The Prime Mover 6. ______were central to the Ptolemaic System. a. Orbits a. Orbits b. Planets b. Planets c. The Prime Mover c. The Prime Mover d. None of the above d. None of the above

11 QUIZ TIME PART 4 7. What did Galileo Galilei discover? A.Mountains on the moon B.Sunspots C.All of the above D.5 moons around Jupiter 8. What type of universe did Galileo Galilei believe in? A.Ptolemaic universe B.Copernican universe C.Heliocentric D. B and C

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