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NS1300 – Emergence of Modern Science The Atom. If you cut something in half, then half again, then half again, and so on, do you ever get to a point where.

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Presentation on theme: "NS1300 – Emergence of Modern Science The Atom. If you cut something in half, then half again, then half again, and so on, do you ever get to a point where."— Presentation transcript:

1 NS1300 – Emergence of Modern Science The Atom

2 If you cut something in half, then half again, then half again, and so on, do you ever get to a point where you can’t cut stuff up into anything smaller? What is stuff made of, anyway? Can we make our own stuff? What are metamaterials? What other new materials are on the horizon?

3 The Atom Atomism The Exile of the Atom The atomic renaissance The search for the periodic table

4 Discovering the Atom Gas laws The law of definite proportions Radioactivity Brownian Motion X-ray crystallography Atomic microscopy

5 Atom Models Dalton’s Model Rutherford’s Model Bohr’s Model Are any of them right?

6 Discovering the Elements The story of the periodic table

7 The Periodic Table Tells the Story

8 The Making of an Atom The nucleus –Protons –neutrons Electron Shells –Electrons –Pauli Exclusion Principle –Electron levels –Valence Quantum Mechanics

9 Atoms and Light Photoelectric Effect Energy Levels are “quantized” Photosynthesis

10 Inside the Atom The universe is mostly empty space –Atoms Electrons Electron Clouds Nucleus –Protons –neutrons E = mc 2

11 Atomic Mass Atomic Number Atomic Mass

12 Nuclear Forces Strong Force Weak Force Electromagnetic Force Wherefore art thou Gravity?

13 Isotopes Stable Isotopes Radioactive Isotopes

14 Radioactivity Alpha Decay Beta Decay Gamma Radiation

15 Radiometric Dating Half-Life Decay Chains

16 Nuclear Reactions Fission Fusion

17 Quiz 1. T or F, electrons are smaller than protons. 2. T or F, the strong force produces gravity. 3. T or F, isotopes have more or less protons than normal at oms of a specific element. 4. T or F, fission occurs by the splitting of atomic nuclei. 5. T or F, this is a accurate model of an atom:

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