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Back to School 2015 Ms. Clark 1 st Grade. About Ms. Clark Grew up in Pittsburgh! Steelers Fan! Graduate of Saint Francis University and George Mason University.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School 2015 Ms. Clark 1 st Grade. About Ms. Clark Grew up in Pittsburgh! Steelers Fan! Graduate of Saint Francis University and George Mason University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School 2015 Ms. Clark 1 st Grade

2 About Ms. Clark Grew up in Pittsburgh! Steelers Fan! Graduate of Saint Francis University and George Mason University 4 th year at Arcola teaching 1 st grade and 9 th year in Loudoun County 2 kids—Hannah (8 th grade) & Adam(6 th grade)

3 Let’s have a little fun… Learning should be fun, active, and engaging for all children. Students will investigate, explore, problem solve, and learn together. Students will justify their answers to help others learn and gain a deeper understanding. Students in my class will explore and learn in a variety of ways. They will spend very little time on worksheets! Your child’s work will have positive comments or engaging questions.(Even if it is all incorrect) Did you know…most 6 year olds are only able to sit still for 6 minutes!

4 Literacy Pathways Components: Shared Reading, Word Study, Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Independent Reading, and Writer’s Workshop Two reading assessments during first quarter: DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) **We will discuss results during first quarter parent-teacher conferences.**

5 3 Ways to Spell Word Study-focus on a feature Plflbl Plasflagblak Platfli Sight Words—Need to be spelled corectly and are listed by quarter on my webpage. Magic Spelling—spelling words phonectically

6 First Quarter Overview Math Number Sense(tens/ones, skip counting) Calendar Patterns Data Collection Geometry and Fractions Science Changes in Autumn Sun & Earth

7 First Quarter Overview Cont. Social Studies Citizenship Rules (ROAR) Safety “Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow”

8 Specials Art (50 minutes) Music (30 minutes, twice each week) PE (30 minutes, three times each week) (M, W, Th) Library (30 minutes each Friday) Guidance (30minutes every other week) SEARCH (45 minutes every other week) Computer Lab (50 minutes each week) Dreambox Lab (30 minutes) Running Club Monday Mornings 7:35-7:50

9 Homework Beginning in October. (first one will be sent home 10/2) Will be sent home every Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday Will focus on reading and comprehension skills(math facts later in the year) Extra practice can be completed using Raz- kids, IXL, Dreambox, journals, etc.

10 Attendance and After-School Plans Please make sure that your child eats a healthy breakfast and arrives on time each day. Instruction begins at 7:50. Your child must bring a note in the morning in order to change after-school dismissal arrangements. If there are last minute (during the school day) changes to your child’s after-school transportation plans, please contact the office (DO NOT RELY ON EMAIL!)

11 Classroom Citizenship and ROAR Link on my webpage to buy a shirt **School wide iROAR t-shirts for purchase online** R esponsible O n task A cting safely R espectful

12 Classroom Behavior 1. The student is given warnings to change a behavior and is redirected to a better choice. 2. If the same behavior continues, the student will move his or her clip from green to yellow. The student will have a conference with the teacher to think and talk about how we can make better choices. 3. If the same behavior continues in the same day the student will move his or her clip from yellow to red and A note will be sent home to the student’s parents. 4. If a student continues to break the rule after his or her clip is on red, the student’s parents will be called. In addition, the student may be sent to the principal’s office.

13 Snacks Your child will have time to eat a healthy snack each day. Must be something that your child is able to open independently and eat within five to ten minutes Non-messy snacks, please! Water ONLY NO NUTS or nut products!

14 Lunch If you wish to eat lunch with your child, please sign in at the office and meet us in the cafeteria at 11:35. Menus are available online. Ice cream may be purchased on Fridays.(please discuss this choice with your child) You may send lunch money to school with your child or use Myschoolbucks online.

15 Parties and Birthdays Class Parties Fall Harvest (October), Friendship (February), End of Year (June) Specific dates TBA **Need a room parent to plan the parties. Birthdays(optional) Donation to the class(book, game, etc) small item for the class(pencil, eraser, etc.) Lunch with your child No class treats **If you are going to pass out invitations at school, you MUST pass them out to everyone.**

16 Special Activities Star Student Begins in October and goes in lucky number order Star Student will bring home favorites papers and a mystery jar the week before to complete for his/her special week. Field Trip Spring (TBD)

17 One to the World Establishing Real-World Connections in Projects Building Rigorous Projects Based on Curriculum Structuring Collaboration for Student Success Facilitating Learning in a Student-Driven Environment Projects connecting to “real life”

18 The Goal: To publish student created digital content. Why? Students will learn from other students. 10 tablets for our classroom dedicated to create movies to help us learn Book reviews, interviewing famous Americans, how to be healthy, how to Skip count, etc.

19 Media Release Forms Allow your child to: Be in the videos Be the voice over for a book review Act out a famous American Teach a lesson to our class Create pictures for comic strips Facetime and send videos to our NLE buddies Please let me know if you have any questions

20 Conferences/Volunteer Sign up for a conference using the link on my webpage for signup genius First quarter progress report will be discussed during these conferences. We need a room parent for planning parties.

21 Communication ** Most things can be found on my webpage or Arcola’s homepage Monthly School Newsletter Monthly Classroom Newsletter Thursday Folder(PTA, school activities) Daily Blue Take Home Folder(daily work, notes from home) E-mail:

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