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WELCOME 4 TH GRADE PARENTS! Classroom happenings to check out before we start : WhatWhere Our self-portraits Above our lockers Our goals for the 1 st marking.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME 4 TH GRADE PARENTS! Classroom happenings to check out before we start : WhatWhere Our self-portraits Above our lockers Our goals for the 1 st marking."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME 4 TH GRADE PARENTS! Classroom happenings to check out before we start : WhatWhere Our self-portraits Above our lockers Our goals for the 1 st marking period On our mountain Our “wordles” that describe us On the hallway bulletin board Our buckets On the front bulletin board… Feel free to fill your child’s bucket by writing a bucket filler! You can also sign-up for events at the back table!


3 A LITTLE ABOUT ME This is my 9 th year teaching at Mill Creek. I have taught 2 nd grade for 4 years, 3 rd grade for 3 years, and 4 th grade for ½ year. I earned my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education from James Madison University. I also earned National Board certification last year. Some of my favorite hobbies are running, snowboarding, and traveling. I have a 15 month old daughter.

4 COMMUNICATION Communication is important to me! Email me at Please send in a note or call the office if there is a change in transportation. Website: Mrs. McMullan's Classroom WebsiteMrs. McMullan's Classroom Website On our website you will find… Weekly Newsletter Weekly Homework Parent Resources Valuable Websites “Student in the Spotlight” directions

5 READING LEAD 21, Comprehension Toolkit, & Shared Text Fourth Grade Focus: Continue to develop written comprehension and critical thinking skills. LEAD 21: Online resources for home available. Please see password page.

6 READING Inquiry: We will learn how to research topics of interest using graphic organizers, online resources, and then create essay final products. Differentiated Small Groups: Each child will meet with me at least two times per week. Strategic group meets daily. Assessments: There will be weekly reading assessments. I will send these home in Thursday folders. Please sign and return these.

7 MATH Everyday Math Math Games found on class website by Unit WIN (What I Need) time MIC (Math Investigations Center) for enrichment Problem Solving Fridays Completion of Xtramath in the classroom and at home.

8 WRITING Being a Writer We will write personal narratives, informational essays, persuasive essays, functional pieces, poetry and fictional stories. On Demands (pre and post): This assessment will demonstrate students’ ability to brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit their stories independently.

9 SOCIAL STUDIES AND Social Studies : Pennsylvania, U.S. Regions, and Social Sciences Science : Electricity, Matter and Watery Earth

10 Questioning & Understanding through Engineering, Science, & Technology WE HAVE A NEW SPECIAL!

11 FIELD TRIPS Michener Museum in the Fall. DaVinci Center in the Spring. A Field Trip Information form can be found on your desk.

12 HOMEWORK POLICY I check Homework every day. If forgetting homework becomes a habit (4-5 times per month) it will be reflected on the Report Card. Please contact me if your child is struggling with homework. Please reference the password page for every online resource. Homework consists of : Reading Log (20 minutes per night) Spelling (due on Friday) Math Homelink page

13 REPORT CARDS/CONFERENCES I will send assessments home in Thursday folders to be “signed and returned.” 1 st and 3 rd marking period report cards : Goal Setting 2 nd and 4 th marking period report cards : Indicators Report cards available through the Parent Portal November Conference and Spring Portfolio Conference Sign-ups will be through Sign-Up Genius Mid-Marking Interims sent home if below proficiency

14 PSSA’S We have Math, Reading and Science PSSA’s. Please do not plan any vacations during this time.

15 REWARDS AND CONSEQUENCES 5 color card system (Every day is a new start!) PURPLE: Everyone’s goal GREEN: Warning YELLOW: 10 minutes of recess RED: A phone call home BLUE: A visit to the office Students write their color in their homework books daily under “Teacher Message” as well as their WILT. A reflection card will be sent if they flip. Please review your child’s behavior with them and never hesitate to contact me.

16 REWARDS AND CONSEQUENCES CLASSROOM ECONOMY McMullan Money is an individual reward. Possible rewards include: lunch bunch, yoga ball, extra computer time, desk switch Marbles are a class reward. McMullan Money

17 SNACKS Daily: Please send your child in daily with a healthy snack that is easy to clean up. Snack time is from 12:45-1:00. Birthday treats: Mr. Ortman has asked that we find a way to celebrate birthdays and honor our children without food. If you would like to read to the class on your child’s birthday, donate a book to the Mill Creek library, bring in pencils/stickers, or anything else please send a note or an e-mail to coordinate.

18 OUR CLASSROOM Technology Podcasting PowerPoint Microsoft Word Excel Online research databases Classroom Community Morning Meeting Fish Philosophy Bucket Fillers Hola Namaste Geia Sou Konnichiwa

19 STUDENT IN THE SPOTLIGHT Student in the Spotlight Semi-true Story Bio Bag Four Fun Facts Guest Reader Special privileges: Mrs. McMullan’s helper, leadership opportunities, filled bucket Please sign up before you leave!!



22 BEFORE YOU LEAVE… Back to School Bookmark Parent Contact Information Sheet Sign up for the “Student in the Spotlight” Coffee Club A Sign-Up Genius for Fall Conferences will be sent out next Friday

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