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Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) INCREASE INNOVATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) INCREASE INNOVATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) INCREASE INNOVATION AND RESEARCH WITHIN SECURITY ORGANISATIONS Intro

2 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Module I Development of innovation strategy What is ? Why and how to implement ? Innovation plan as part of the innovation strategy’s development Implementation of an Innovation Committee Key success factors & best practices Added-value of INSEC project/Platform References Development of innovation strategy

3 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Definition of the purpose of innovation within the organisations in line with its overall strategy. It is complemented with a declaration of principles that should regulate innovation management within the organisation. In addition, this purpose and principles should be disseminated and easily consulted by every employee. What is Innovation Strategy? Development of innovation strategy

4 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Development of innovation strategy Why implement? 1. To provide a strategic role to innovation. 2. To set the principles that command the organisation's innovation. 3. To introduce and to analyse the new possibilities emerging from the «out-novation» paradigm. 4. To spread out the use of an innovation policy as a corporate commitment.

5 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) How to implement? Development of innovation strategy Strategic reflection upon innovation Why promote innovation? How can innovation be promoted? Redaction of the innovation policy Write down the strategic reflection following a predefine scheme Dissemination Using corporate means such us: the corporate magazine, bulletin boards, CEO communications, web-site, etc.)

6 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Innovation Policy Template Development of innovation strategy Mission of innovation Clear statement with the purpose of innovation within the organisation (WHY). It should present the following features: concrete, motivating and practicable. Keep in mind that, in contrast with the overall mission of the organisation, innovation is a mean, not an end (e.g. “Innovation will enable our organisation to adapt to constant change and produce continuous improvement”). Vision of innovation You should define your expectations on the results of innovation in the long run. It is important to consider and state your preferences in: Types of innovation: incremental, semi-radical or disruptive Focus of innovation: technology, processes, people, products/services, branding/relational model or business model Balance between In & Out – novation Main corporate challenges e Principles or Values Declaration of behaviours that guide employees, specially senior managers, in the deployment of their day-to-day work. They must convey a larger sense of organisational purpose, so that employees are able to picture themselves "building the dream company" rather than "laying the stones“. Strategic lines General innovation objectives of the organisation (WHAT) which qualitatively describe what the organisation expects from its innovative activity (e.g. “We would like to reduce our emergency arrival times through technology and innovative thinking”). This strategic lines will be specified in the form of goals in the innovation plan (e.g. “Reduction of average transportation to emergencies in 30 seconds”). To achieve this objectives, resources (human, material and financial), as well as action lines have to be defined annually. This actions lines have to be measurable and consistent (e.g. “Increase employee satisfaction” - measurable by surveys). Write not more than three or four strategic lines otherwise efforts will be diluted.

7 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Please reflect why Innovation strategy is important?

8 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Innovation plan as part of the innovation strategy’s development Development of innovation strategy Extension of the innovation strategy through a formal detailed plan, including mechanisms that articulate the strategy together with instruments for monitoring and for assessing the accomplishment of objectives. Once the innovation plan is completed, it should be the guide for the innovation annual budget. Why? To deepen in the definition of an innovation strategy. To develop mechanisms for driving innovation (general objectives in innovation, main actions, budget, etc.).

9 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Innovation plan as part of the innovation strategy’s development How? Development of innovation strategy Definition of goals List of achievable quantified measures aligned with the innovation mission, vision and strategic. (e.g. “Reduction of our emergency arrival times in an average range of 30 to 60 seconds”). Definition of resources and actions The innovation plan should give the guidelines for previsions in terms of resources – human, material and financial. Establishment of an innovation scorecard Three different set of measures must be defined for (1) monitoring goals, (2) implementing action lines and (3) setting resources. (some measures are proposed in the annex 1). Formalisation of the plan and dissemination The previous steps, together with some other features (e.g. innovation organisation) must be written in paper configuring a formal document (a structure for this document is proposed in annex 2), that will be used for ruling innovation within the organisation. Measures for Resources Measures for Action Lines Measures for Goals Innovation Scorecard Dimensions Source: Making Innovation Work

10 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Innovation plan structure (example) Development of innovation strategy Chapter 1. Strategic considerations Transposition of innovation policy considerations: mission, vision, principles or values and strategic lines of innovation within the organisation. Chapter 2. Benchmark of innovation Expose conclusions obtained from external documentation – related with macroeconomic context of your organisation, security sector environment, innovation tendencies and analysis of other organisations innovation strategies. Chapter 3. Innovation management model considerations Description of a predefined organisation and how the organisation is going to is to address its strategic lines through different action lines. References to the innovation scorecard and innovation process are added in this chapter. If special innovation projects are already considered, they should be also included in this chapter. Chapter 4. Innovation marketing plan Description of how the organisation is going to disseminate and promote their innovation activities – internally or externally. Chapter 5. Innovation human responsibilities Description of people that are going to assume innovation roles within the organisation. Chapter 6. Legal aspects Description of policies related to Intellectual Property Rights applicable to innovation developed by internal employees and to collaborative actions. Chapter 7. Financial results Return of investment in innovation in the next three years. Estimation of cash flows, net present value considering a risk task. Chapter 8. Funding innovation Description of investment needed to deploy the innovation activities and prevision of participation in RDI funds.

11 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Implementation of an Innovation Committee Development of innovation strategy Definition and creation of a managerial, executive body in charge of steering innovation within the organisation, providing direction, establishing objectives and supervising major innovation projects. This body should include the leaders of the organisation, so that it is ensured that a powerful guiding coalition is formed with regard to innovation. Why? To involve the organisation's Board in strategic innovation decisions. To ensure shared responsibility among all relevant parties of the organisation. To coordinate different areas in the development of innovation projects.

12 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Think about other reasons why Innovation Commitee would be useful in your organization ?

13 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Implementation of an Innovation Committee How? Development of innovation strategy Constitution of the body An Innovation Committee should include a strategic view within the organisation and employees with vision in innovation. In particular, it should involve: (1) Board members; (2) Chief Innovation Officer (CIO); (3) representatives from operational units; and (4) “Champions of Innovation” Definition of functions The Innovation Committee’s mandate consists in seeing to it that innovation is used as a tool for better achieving the organisation’s stated goals, assuming the following functions: deciding and sponsoring innovation actions, monitoring the innovation scorecard, tracking of risks in on-going innovation projects, approval of new multi-departmental innovation projects, validation of the annual budget allocated for innovation activities and revision of the action lines of innovation in the long term. Schedule of sessions Sessions should be scheduled every two or three months. The CIO is the adequate person to decide the agenda, considering that some of the functions of the committee will have to be carried out continuously, while others are needed only once or twice a year. It is essential to include themes with repercussions in various areas in order to coordinate resources and teamwork, derivate actions and maximise synergies. Contributions of external agents are very useful to broaden the perspective.

14 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Key success factors & best practices Development of innovation strategy 1.To consider all the areas of the organisation in the strategic reflection and to boost the reflection with the help of an innovation expert is recommendable. 2. “Each organisation creates its own innovation adding their individual special approaches, but the basic ingredients are always the same” - Tony Davila. 3. External help with high expertise in innovation management is recommended. 4. Remember: “what is not measured is not receiving specific efforts to be improved”. 5. Experts or colleagues from other organisations can be invited to some sessions of the Committee; they will add an external point of view inspiring new perceptions of innovation. 6. For the composition of the committee, the important thing is not the number of people that comprise it, but that all views are conveniently represented.

15 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Added-value of INSEC project/Platform Development of innovation strategy Innovation diagnostic Filling in the diagnostic you will be willing to assess the level of innovation at your organisation Related Innovation elements (available at Innovation management Tool Kit or via diagnosis) #4 Innovation Strategy & Policy #5 Innovation Committee #8 Innovation Roles #9 Innovation Department #16 IPR Overview & Policy #17 Privacy & Security "by Design" Recommendations #22 Innovation Cycle (basic) #25 Innovation Funding (basic)

16 Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Development of innovation strategy References Alignment with the European Innovation Policy OECD Innovation Strategy: Key Findings Innovation Plan Template by Excitera Coaching for an Innovation Committee by BIA


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