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Organisation and Method of Working of HGI Paolo Pastorino – Telecom Italia Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Organisation and Method of Working of HGI Paolo Pastorino – Telecom Italia Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisation and Method of Working of HGI Paolo Pastorino – Telecom Italia Lab

2 Slide 2 of 10 13/04/05 The bodies of HGI  The General Assembly  The Administrative Council (herein referred to as " Management Committee ")  The Board of Directors, including Officers  Advisory Groups and Working (Technical) Groups

3 Slide 3 of 10 13/04/05 Management Commitee Technical Groups WG1 Manufacturers Feedback Group Manufacturers Feedback Group HGI organisation and working method CTO/CBO Board of directors WG2 WG3 WG4 WG5 General Assembly Decides on which standard bodies and fora to contribute OK NOK Operators Requirements Group Operators Requirements Group Business Groups

4 Slide 4 of 10 13/04/05 General Assembly  Members: Principal members Decisions:  Statutory and financial matters  Approval of the audited accounts  Election of the Directors of the Board of Directors  Decision of the standards organization to which HGI will contribute

5 Slide 5 of 10 13/04/05 Board of directors  Members: 5 to 11 elected by the General Assembly Main powers:  Interprets and administers the Statutes and their good execution  Proposes the budget and sets the annual fee  Calls the meetings of the General Assembly  Sets up and controls  standing Committees other than those foreseen in these Statutes  special Committees as may be found necessary or desirable to carry out the objects and purposes of HGI,  Working Committees  Elects the officers (the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer)

6 Slide 6 of 10 13/04/05 Management committee  Members: Operators Main powers:  Steering and guidance on evolution of the forum  Give approval on the developments of the work  Takes decisions upon request by a Technical Working Group to approve the technical document issued

7 Slide 7 of 10 13/04/05 CTO & CBO  The CTO/CBO acts as a global manager for the project  Is in charge of making sure that the different working groups make progress on time  Assures that the requirements are produced and that the technical development matches the business and technical requirements

8 Slide 8 of 10 13/04/05 Business requirement groups  Objectives: Produce requirements through interaction between operators and manufacturers Operators Requirements sub-group  The role of the group is to provide guideline for the technical requirements that will ensure the compatibility of the solutions with the overall public network architecture  Produce use cases based on the service vision of operators Manufacturers feedback sub-group  Provide feedback on gateway phasing  Provide comments to use cases from a manufacturer point of view  Submit use cases based on devices development & evolutions

9 Slide 9 of 10 13/04/05 Technical groups Members: all members  The role of the technical groups is to develop technical analysis on a specific area and to provide system architecture specification including references to standards and specifications of missing elements  The technical divides its effort in several sub-groups  The technical subgroups leaders report to the CTO/CBO on progress of their work  The CTO/CBO chairs the technical groups

10 Slide 10 of 10 13/04/05 Method of working  Working groups are encouraged to work efficiently to meet the deadlines by using  Regular audioconferences (once a week)  Technical mailing lists (open 24/7)  Face to face regular meetings (once every 2 months)  Plenary sessions are held to share targets and results  Liasons with other bodies and fora

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