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` State of the Club Fort Smith Noon Exchange September 18, 2015.

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1 ` State of the Club Fort Smith Noon Exchange September 18, 2015

2 Exchange Vision A strong America, safe communities, and unified people

3 Exchange Mission Statement Exchange, inspiring communities to become better places to live..

4 Exchange Motto Unity for Service

5 Americanism Child Abuse Prevention Community Service Youth Activities

6 Family Community Country

7  Larry Todd-President 2015-16  Daren Bobb-President Elect, 2016-17  Judge David Hudson-Vice President, 2017-18  Melissa Curry-Board Member, 2018-2019  Mary Lackie-Board Member, 2019-2020  Bob Beams-Board Member, 2020-2021  Linda Dowdy-Secretary/Treasurer  Cindy Long-Immediate Past President & (District President)  ***Will need to add 1-2 Board members this year

8 Harry Shipley-1952Ben Shipley-1989Tommy Fowler-2008 Gene Rapley-1966Charles Logan-1990Paul Rivaldo-2009 Jack Freeze-1972Dennis Sbanotto-2000Claude Legris-2010 Jack Green-1973Don Hutchings-2001Buddy Acoarch-2011 Sandy Sanders-1978Larry Forsgren-2002Billy Dooly-2012 Bill Pitts-1979Frankie Hamilton-2003Brenda Payne-2013 George Beattie-1981Scott Monroe-2006Cindy Long-2014

9  Because of the hard work and dedication of those who came before me….  The State of the Club is good…and getting better by the day


11 Excel Members 1,003 Collegiate Members 117 Traditional Members18,454 Total19,574 Members 7/1/201419,756 Members 7/1/201519,574 (659 clubs) Growth-182

12 Membership

13 Club Membership 7/1/20147/1/2015 Total105112 New Members 2015: Sam Flocks Brittany Ransom Doug Reinert Janice Skaggs Zach Underwood FSNE bucks the trend!

14 Herb Couvillion (1998) Don Smith Bill Klusmeier (1957)

15  Demographic Challenges ◦ Younger generations not joiners like previous generations…unless organization is relevant and doing something ◦ Club’s success is not solely based on number of members but what we do. ◦ Our message must continue to be…here is what we do…68 years support Girls Inc. with over $350,000 contributed…Hamilton House, PIE, etc.

16  2015 Goals ◦ “Make it Fifteen” ◦ Top 10 ◦ About 12% NET Increase ◦ Absolutely doable ◦ “Table Community” – continue to do a good job. Invite others…especially visitors ◦ Continued use of social media – thank you Brittany!

17  2015 - What are we doing? ◦ Increased club presence in the community – dragon boat races, continued support of SUSO, ferris wheel…publicity ◦ Mentoring ◦ Collegiate Exchange Club @ UAFS…15… UPDATE – 33 signed up…BIG win…thank you Linda, Tommy, Scott, Breck…and especially Mary and Cindy and UAFS ◦ Working on Junior Excel Club @ Ramsey Jr High – Daren is working with them

18 Brittany Ransom PR Coordinator  Facebook Page  Website  Update Directory-September  Newsletters  Articles for Media


20 Financial Update

21 07/01/2014 Balance$17,621 Revenue$42,295 Expenses$50,688* 06/30/2015 Balance$8,522 * Extraordinary Items 90 th Birthday - $1,896 Equipment - $1,897 P/R – Website build, startup, Facebook, New member directory - $3,500 Steak Dinner & Awards - $900 About $8,200…essentially break-even

22  George Beattie-President  Larry Todd-Trustee  Tommy Fowler-Trustee  Scott Monroe-Trustee  Lou Fellwock-Trustee  Linda Dowdy-Treasurer  Paula Glidewell-Secretary  Cindy Long - FSNE Immediate Past President

23 George Beattie Foundation President

24  Freedom Shrines ◦ Over 30 in the Fort Smith area  One Nation Under God Luncheon ◦ November program  Give A Kid A Flag To Wave ◦ Veterans Day at Beard Elementary

25  Support of the Hamilton House Parent Aide Center - DONE!! $2,500 annual commitment  Blue Ferris Wheel ◦ April  Partnership with Hamilton House ◦ Dragon Boat Races October 2015  Step Up, Speak Out Block Parties ◦ April 2015, October 2015

26  National Exchange Club provides- ◦ Technical Assistance ◦ Training ◦ Affiliation ◦ Accreditation to Exchange Parent Aide

27  Initial Needs Assessment.  Family treatment plan is developed.  Parent Aide provides weekly visits.  Closure when a level of success occurs in all four goal areas.

28  EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award ◦ Steak Dinner, October 9, 2015  Law Enforcement of the Year Award ◦ Fish Fry, May 2016  Book of Golden Deeds ◦ February 5, 2016

29  Girls, Inc. ◦ Provide funding for the R.C. Goodman Summer Camp Scholarships  Partnership for 68 years  Provided over $350,000 in scholarship money  Over 12,750 girls have gone to camp  Partners in Education ◦ Beard Elementary  Pen pals, Reading Buddies, Leadership Lunches, Shoe program, Christmas. ◦ Ramsey Junior High  Lunch Bunch.

30 R.C. Goodman Girls Inc. Summer Camp Scholarship


32 Thank you for your service to the community and nation!


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