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Culling Techniques “To cull” means “to select from group” In graphics context: do not process data that will not contribute to the final image The “group”

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Presentation on theme: "Culling Techniques “To cull” means “to select from group” In graphics context: do not process data that will not contribute to the final image The “group”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Culling Techniques “To cull” means “to select from group” In graphics context: do not process data that will not contribute to the final image The “group” is the entire scene, and the selection is a subset of the scene that we do not consider to contribute

2 Culling: Overview Backface culling Hierarchical view-frustum culling Portal culling Detail culling Occlusion culling

3 Culling examples view frustumdetail backface portal occlusion

4 Backface Culling Simple technique to discard polygons that faces away from the viewer Can be used for: – closed surface (example: sphere) – or whenever we know that the backfaces never should be seen (example: walls in a room) Two methods (screen space, eye space) Which stages benefits? Rasterizer, but also Geometry (where test is done)

5 Backface culling (cont’d) Often implemented for you in the API OpenGL: glCullFace(GL_BACK); How to determine what faces away? First, must have consistently oriented polygons, e.g., counterclockwise 0 1 2 front facing 0 1 2 back facing

6 How to cull backfaces screen space 1 0 2 front 0 1 2 back front back eye eye space

7 View-Frustum Culling Bound every “natural” group of primitives by a simple volume (e.g., sphere, box) If a bounding volume (BV) is outside the view frustum, then the entire contents of that BV is also outside (not visible) Avoid further processing of such BV’s and their containing geometry

8 Can we accelerate VF culling further? Do what we always do in graphics… Use a hierarchical approach, e.g, the scene graph Which stages benefits? – Geometry and Rasterizer – Bus between CPU and Geometry

9 Example of Hierarchical View Frustum Culling root camera

10 Culling examples view frustumdetail backface portal occlusion

11 Cells and Portals [Airey90, Teller91, Luebke95]

12 Cells and Portals For each cell, create a list (set) of potentially visible objects (or PVS) from any viewpoint in the cell. During run-time: – Determine cell of the current eye-point and gets its PVS. – Cull down this list by clipping to the viewing frustum. – Render this set.

13 Determining the PVS Two options: – Static (preprocessing stage) Cell-to-cell visibility Cell-to-region visibility Cell-to-object visibility Leads to very large and complicated data structures. – Dynamic (dependent on the viewing frustum) Eye-to-cell Eye-to-region Eye-object

14 Cells and Portals (Teller and Sequin, SIG 91) Decompose space into convex cells For each cell, identify its boundary edges into two sets: opaque or portal Pre-compute visibility among cells During viewing (e.g., walkthrough phase), use the pre-computed potentially visible polygon set (PVS) of each cell to speed- up rendering

15 Determining Adjacent Information

16 Cell-to-Cell Visibility For Each Cell Find Stabbing Tree

17 Compute Cells Visible From Each Cell SL  0,  L  L SR  0,  R  R Linear programming problem: Find_Visible_Cells(cell C, portal sequence P, visible cell set V) V=V  C for each neighbor N of C for each portal p connecting C and N orient p from C to N P’ = P concatenate p if Stabbing_Line(P’) exists then Find_Visible_Cells (N, P’, V)

18 Cell-to-Region Visibility A cell is visible if – cell is in VV – all cells along stab tree are in VV – all portals along stab tree are in VV – sightline within VV exists through portals The cell-to-region visibility is a subset of the cell-to-cell visibility for the current cell.

19 Cell-to-Region Visibility The cell-to-object visibility is a list of those objects that are in the visible regions.

20 Image Space Cells and Portals (Luebke and Georges, I3D 95) Instead of pre-processing all the PVS calculation, it is possible to use image-space portals to make the computation easier Can be used in a dynamic setting

21 Top View Showing the Recursive Clipping of the View Volume

22 Portal Culling Images courtesy of David P. Luebke and Chris Georges Average: culled 20-50% of the polys in view Speedup: from slightly better to 10 times

23 Portal culling example In a building from above Circles are objects to be rendered

24 Portal Culling Algorithm Divide into cells with portals (build graph) For each frame: – Locate cell of viewer and init 2D AABB to whole screen – * Render current cell with VF cull w.r.t. AABB – Traverse to closest cells (through portals) – Intersection of AABB & AABB of traversed portal – Goto *

25 Portal overestimation To simplify: actual portaloverestimated portal

26 Portal Culling Algorithm When to exit: – When the current AABB is empty – When we do not have enough time to render a cell (“far away” from the viewer) Also: mark rendered objects Which stages benefits? – Geometry, Rasterizer, and Bus Source (for Performer-based pfPortal):

27 Replacing Geometry with Images Algorithm – Select subset of model – Create image of the subset – Cull subset and replace with image Why? – Image displayed in (approx.) constant time – Image reused for several frames

28 Portal Images [Aliaga97]

29 Simple Example



32 Creating Portal Images portal eye Ideal portal image would be one sampled from the current eye position

33 Creating Portal Images Reference COPs Display one of a large number of pre-computed images (~120) portal

34 Creating Portal Images portal Reference COPs or… Warp one of a much smaller number of reference images

35 Example Rendering Final Scene Geometry Image + =

36 Discussion on Object Space Visibility culling with large occluders – good for outdoor urban scenes where occluders are large and depth complexity can be very high – not good for general scenes with small occluders Cells and portals – gives excellent results IF you can find the cells and portals – good for interior scenes – identifying cells and portals is often done by hand

37 VISUALIZE fx’s Occlusion Culling Algorithm Algorithm (extension to OpenGL): – Scan convert faces of object, typically bounding box of complex object, but do not write Z – Get boolean which says if there was a Z-value from scan conversion that was closer than that of the Z-buffer (NVIDIA: get pixels seen count) – If seen, render complex object

38 VISUALIZE fx’s Occlusion Culling Algorithm (cont’d) Implications: – If an object is occluded, then we gain (hopefully) a lot of performance since we only scan convert one Bounding Box (BB) instead of the entire object – If BB is not occluded, then we have to render the object, and we lose a little performance Drawing order matters: drawing front-to- back gives more occlusion

39 Real-Time Rendering? In computer graphics, “real-time” is used in a soft way: say >30 fps for most frames In other contexts, it’s a tougher requirement: the framerate must never be <30 fps, i.e., constant framerate What can we do? – Reactive LOD algorithm – Reactive detail culling – Reactive visual quality

40 Resources and Pointers Journal of Graphics Tools – – source for projected screen area of box – intersection test routines – occlusion culling

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