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Geography Contrasting Localities The children will compare different places, considering what the features are, and how and why they vary. They will consider.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography Contrasting Localities The children will compare different places, considering what the features are, and how and why they vary. They will consider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography Contrasting Localities The children will compare different places, considering what the features are, and how and why they vary. They will consider why people choose to live in different places. This will include the Indian jungle, where our Literacy text is set. Geography Contrasting Localities The children will compare different places, considering what the features are, and how and why they vary. They will consider why people choose to live in different places. This will include the Indian jungle, where our Literacy text is set. Science Plants and Animals The children will learn about how plants grow. They will find out about the life cycles of animals. They will consider why different animals live in different places. This topic links very well to our Literacy text, The Jungle Book. Science Plants and Animals The children will learn about how plants grow. They will find out about the life cycles of animals. They will consider why different animals live in different places. This topic links very well to our Literacy text, The Jungle Book. PE Class 2 will be working with Sports Coach Elliot Favell to develop their ball skills. Please ensure your child brings the correct and named PE kit every Monday morning for the week ahead. PE will take place on Tuesdays, but they may sometimes require their kit on other days................................................................................. PE Class 2 will be working with Sports Coach Elliot Favell to develop their ball skills. Please ensure your child brings the correct and named PE kit every Monday morning for the week ahead. PE will take place on Tuesdays, but they may sometimes require their kit on other days................................................................................. Art / DT Playground Structures The children will make observational drawings of playground equipment and then have the opportunity to design and make their own structures. Homework Class 2 will continue to receive a weekly homework task. This will be given out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday to be marked, Art / DT Playground Structures The children will make observational drawings of playground equipment and then have the opportunity to design and make their own structures. Homework Class 2 will continue to receive a weekly homework task. This will be given out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday to be marked, RE Easter The children will learn about traditions for Lent, and the story of Easter. They will consider how the festival of Easter is celebrated, and why it is so important for Christians. RE Easter The children will learn about traditions for Lent, and the story of Easter. They will consider how the festival of Easter is celebrated, and why it is so important for Christians. Numeracy C lass 2 will continue to work on solving calculations using all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You can find detailed instructions for carrying out these methods on the maths blog of the school website s/calculations/. The children will also be learning about fractions and time. s/calculations/ Numeracy C lass 2 will continue to work on solving calculations using all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You can find detailed instructions for carrying out these methods on the maths blog of the school website s/calculations/. The children will also be learning about fractions and time. s/calculations/ PHSE Good To Be Me In this topic the children will consider the different feelings and emotions that they experience. They will discuss their own strengths and share ideas for what makes a good friend. They will have plenty of opportunity to consider how to build and maintain positive relationships with others. PHSE Good To Be Me In this topic the children will consider the different feelings and emotions that they experience. They will discuss their own strengths and share ideas for what makes a good friend. They will have plenty of opportunity to consider how to build and maintain positive relationships with others. Music- This half term the children will explore different voices and percussion instruments. On 12 th March they will be involved in Sing Up Day. ICT- We are time travellers In this topic the children will explore how to use ICT to make stop motion animation. Music- This half term the children will explore different voices and percussion instruments. On 12 th March they will be involved in Sing Up Day. ICT- We are time travellers In this topic the children will explore how to use ICT to make stop motion animation. Literacy Rudyard Kipling’s classic story, The Jungle Book, will be our focus this half term in Literacy. Each child will have a weekly guided reading session, and will continue to work on phonics and handwriting. The children’s weekly spelling test will continue so please help them to learn their words at home ready for the test on Mondays. In addition, it is Book Week this half term. The theme across the school is Dragons. Literacy Rudyard Kipling’s classic story, The Jungle Book, will be our focus this half term in Literacy. Each child will have a weekly guided reading session, and will continue to work on phonics and handwriting. The children’s weekly spelling test will continue so please help them to learn their words at home ready for the test on Mondays. In addition, it is Book Week this half term. The theme across the school is Dragons. Cathedral Primary School Spring 2 2014 Year 2

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