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AsIPA One October 25 (Mon.)-30 (Sat.) 2010 Redemptorist Centre, Pattaya, Thailand Organised by AsIPA Desk of the Office of Laity and Family, of the FABC.

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Presentation on theme: "AsIPA One October 25 (Mon.)-30 (Sat.) 2010 Redemptorist Centre, Pattaya, Thailand Organised by AsIPA Desk of the Office of Laity and Family, of the FABC."— Presentation transcript:

1 AsIPA One October 25 (Mon.)-30 (Sat.) 2010 Redemptorist Centre, Pattaya, Thailand Organised by AsIPA Desk of the Office of Laity and Family, of the FABC AsIPA One October 25 (Mon.)-30 (Sat.) 2010 Redemptorist Centre, Pattaya, Thailand Organised by AsIPA Desk of the Office of Laity and Family, of the FABC SCCs are Concrete Expression of the Church : The Four Mark of SCCs

2 1. Members of SCCs are neighbours

3 2. SCCs make gospel sharing the basis of their meeting



6 3. SCCs act and do things together out of faith

7 “We are the Church in the neighbourhood” What other tasks should a SCC undertake if their members believe, “we are the Church in this neighbourhood?”

8 4. SCCs have to be linked to the Universal Church


10 Act out of faith and serve others Meet in the neighborhood Share the Gospel Be Linked with the universal SCCs’ four essential characteristics Breaking the Word is the same as breaking the Body and Blood. Gospel sharing is the basis and permanence of SCCs SCCs can be enabled to ground on their life context and respond together to it in their neighborhood. SCCs are not prayer groups, fellowship groups and bible sharing groups. In SCCs sharing the Gospel and the action are essential and very much interconnected. Each SCC is in unity with the universal Church.

11  Small Christian Community is the Church on a small scale.  SCCs are not a movement within the Church but the Church in movement.  SCC is the very Church in miniature.


13 SCCs are the new way of being church towards A participatory church, Communion of communities The “Provided for” Church

14 MissionVision Towards a participatory church, Communion of communities Small Christian Communities Gospel Sharing Spirituality

15 Karl RANNER German theologian at the Vat II Council

16 “The Church of the future will be a Church build up from below by the Base Communities

17 1. Invite: We invite the Lord. - Would someone like to invite Jesus in a prayer? 2. Read: We Read the Text. - Let us open our Bibles to……Chapter…… - (After all have found the text) - Would someone like to read verses…… - (After it is read) Will someone read the same text, may be from another version. 3. View with wonder: We Pick out words and meditate on them. - We pick out words or short phrases, read them aloud prayerfully and repeat them three times. (The silence after each repetition should be long enough for us to repeat the same word once or twice in our hearts.) (Afterwards) Will someone, please, read the same text again. 4. Listen: We let God speak to us in Silence - Let us keep silence for…… minutes and allow God to speak to us. 5. Share: We share what we have heard in Our Hearts. - Which word has touched us personally? - (We do not discuss any contribution, even though some may not share personally but comment instead.) - (Afterwards) Which word from the text shall we choose as our “Word of life” for the coming week or month? 6. Plan for action: We discuss any task which our group is called to do in our neighborhood or parish. - Report on the previous task. - Which new task needs to be done? WHO is doing WHAT and WHEN? 7. Pray: We pray spontaneously. - Anyone who wishes may pray spontaneously.

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