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Chronic Stress and Metabolic Systems Mark R. Bartlett Ph.D. Senior Scientist, Pharmanex.

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Presentation on theme: "Chronic Stress and Metabolic Systems Mark R. Bartlett Ph.D. Senior Scientist, Pharmanex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chronic Stress and Metabolic Systems Mark R. Bartlett Ph.D. Senior Scientist, Pharmanex



4 Yo quiero...

5 HEALTH endocrine systemnervous system immune system stress sadness anxiousn ess conflict personalitybereavement

6 Hypothalamus stressors Pituitary Adrenal Glucocorticoids Gluco=sugar CRH ACTH

7 M. Altemus, Cornell University. Trier Social Stress Test (public speaking & arithmetic)

8 The “normal” stress resonse B. Stress Response Begins in Brain (lots of chemistry) C. Fight or flight Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers… Robert Sapolsky, PhD Stanford stress researcher A. Stress happens D. Stress response ends. Stress hormones dissipate Yikes!!! Whew!

9 But you are NOT a Zebra… Yikes!!! Same stress response begins in the brain (lots of chemistry) Modern stressors do not permit fight or flight Stress response continues. Stress hormones lead to tissue damage Yikes!!!

10 STRESS ACUTE STRESS brief normal circadian rhythm adaptive CHRONIC STRESS prolonged & repeated disrupted circadian rhythm maladaptive

11 Hypothalamus stressors Pituitary Adrenal Glucocorticoids Gluco=sugar CRH ACTH

12 Elevated Cortisol and Appetite Women with high cortisol response (compared to women with low cortisol response): consumed more calories ate significantly more sweet foods had more negative moods High dietary restraint is associated with high urinary cortisol excretion Dietary Restraint = Consciously trying to limit food intake to achieve or maintain a desired body weight 1. Epel ES, et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2001;26:37-49. 2. McLean JA, Barr SI, Prior JC. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:7-12.

13 Abdominal Fat & Stress-Related Cortisol Years in work Abdominal Fat Stress-related cortisol <10 11-20 >21 11-20 >21 19 20 22 24 23 21 0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.2 20.6 ±2.2 21.5 ±4.1 22.5 ±3.7 P<0.05 0.04 ±0.3 0.15 ±0.6 0.34 ±0.5 P<0.05 Rosmond, et al. Obes Res 2000;8:445-450. nmol/Lcm

14 Abdominal Fat Accumulation High Stress / High Cortisol Normal Stress / Normal Cortisol

15 % Change in Abdominal Fat baselinepost-tx (3 mo.)follow-up (6 mo.) -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Treatment Control Abdominal Fat (%) Time TREATMENT * F=9.7, p<.008 Epel et al. Psychosom Med 2000;62(5):623-32.

16 – Stress – Lack of Sleep – Dieting / Restrained eating Cortisol Levels Are Elevated In... Adults who need to control cortisol levels are… Frequently confronted with stressful situations Getting less than 8 hours of sleep every night Limiting caloric intake to lose weight

17 S tress Management Techniques Meditation, Coping strategies, etc… E xercise – Daily, moderate aerobic and strength training N utrition S upplements –Avoid ephedra and related stimulants –Cortisol-controlling supplements (PS, Beta-sitosterol...) –Relaxation supplements (Magnolia, Theanine…) E valuation (every month to see how you are doing) You can control cortisol levels via:

18 Magnolia bark calming effects; non-sedating Epimedium reduces cortisol levels during high stress L-Theanine increase alpha brain wave production; promotes relaxed alertness and concentration; non-sedating Phosphatidylserine reduces cortisol levels following strenuous exercise; improves mental function and positive feelings Beta-sitosterol balances cortisol:DHEA ratio; supports immune function Scientific Substantiation *References available upon request

19 Cortitrol ™ STRESS CONTROL FORMULA - Health Benefits - Enhances feelings of wellbeing and control in response to stressful situations Improves performance and increased vigor throughout the day Better mental concentration and focus Supports weight maintenance efforts

20 The Right Approach to Weight Management Diet Exercise Supplements: –Cortitrol –Tegreen 97 –CraveEase Removes the metabolic road blocks to long-lasting results.



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