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Collinear laser spectroscopy of 42g,mSc

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1 Collinear laser spectroscopy of 42g,mSc
Liam Vormawah University of Liverpool

2 Contents Collinear laser spectroscopy at IGISOL IV
Hyperfine structure, isotope shift and nuclear properties obtained Spectroscopy of 42g,mSc Results, conclusions and future work

3 Collinear laser spectroscopy
Laser beam Ion beam Photon emitted from ion Excited state Ground Photon from laser Excitation of electron Electron de-excites; photon emitted e-

4 Hyperfine structure and isotope shift
z y x

5 Hyperfine structure and isotope shift
Fine structure J- states split and perturbed Splitting due to magnetic dipole moment, m Perturbation due to electric quadrupole moment, Q Angular momentum coupling analogous (FS) (HFS) Isotope shift, dnA,A’ Difference in centroid of HFS between two isotopes Two components – mass shift and field shift Change in mean- square charge radius, d<r 2>, obtained from field shift Transition-dependent atomic factors F and M must be correct!

6 Setup at JYFL IGISOL IGISOL IV – Ion Guide Isotope Separator On- Line; 4th incarnation Located at University of Jyväskylä, Finland

7 The IGISOL IV Laboratory
Cooler IGISOL ion guide (Gas cell with thin-foil target) 55o dipole analyser magnet Beam switchyard Ion beam to laser setup JYFLTRAP* Cyclotron beam line (from K-30 or K-130) *Not actually part of laser spectroscopy setup

8 The RFQ cooler-buncher
Reduces energy spread of ions… 2-d ion trap filled with He gas Ions cooled to less than 1eV Reaccelerated to virtually the same energy …and also photon background! Ions accumulated and released periodically Only count photons when ion bunch and PMT are in alignment . Endplate potential Z (Cooler axis) 200ms 20μs Photomultiplier tube Ion bunch Laser beam Doppler tuning electrodes Ion accumulation Ion release Linear ion trap filled with buffer gas. Ions enter cooler with range of energies (high energy spread); collisions with gas molecules reduce ions’ energy to hardly any. When they leave the cooler, the ions see the same potential and are excited to virtually the same energy (energy spread reduced!) Can also bunch the ions – potential applied to cooler endplate for 200ms (accumulate ions in cooler); release ions for 20μs. Set electronic gate on detection system to only count photon if ion bunch is in front of detector at that time. This reduces laser backscatter.

9 42Sc structure p n 28 28 20 20 2p1/2 1f5/2 2p3/2 1f7/2 1d3/2 2s1/2

10 38K structure p n 28 28 20 20 2p1/2 1f5/2 2p3/2 1f7/2 1d3/2 2s1/2

11 Sc Ca K Spectroscopy of 42g,mSc
21 42Sc – self-conjugate nucleus; i.e. N=Z Doubly-magic 40Ca core plus two valence nucleons (1p+1n) I=0 ground state I=7 isomer Larger radius expected for I=0 state 38K previously studied by Bissell et al. (2014) 40Ca core minus (1p+1n) I=3 ground state I=0 isomer Isomer larger than ground state Expect the opposite in 42Sc… Line of N=Z Ca 40 20 K 38 19

12 Experimental methodology
42Sc produced using 40Ca(a,pn)42Sc reaction 30MeV a beam Natural calcium target Spectra taken on 363.1nm 3d4s 3D2 → 3d4p 3F3 transition Ground and metastable states present in 42Sc spectra J=2 → J=3 transition occurs in singly-charged (Sc+) ion Transition from naturally- populated metastable state – optical pumping showed no improvement 42Sc


14 Conclusions and future work
Results as predicted! 42Sc ground state (I=0) larger than isomer (I=7) Results consistent with those of Avgoulea et al. (2010) Theoretical input for comparison Shell model calculations of moments and charge radii Further investigations along the N=Z line Isomers in other self-conjugates – e.g. 26Al…

15 Collaborators University of Liverpool University of Manchester
L. J. Vormawah, B. Cheal, C. Wraith University of Manchester P. Campbell, A. Dicker, S. Kelly KU Leuven S. Geldhof, G. Neyens, H. Heylen University of Jyväskylä A. Jokinen, I. D. Moore, A. Voss, M. Reponen

16 Thanks for listening! Any questions?

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