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Pregnancy and Childbirth All images are from Google Images.

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1 Pregnancy and Childbirth All images are from Google Images

2 Preconception Health Annual Gynecologist Visits Nutrition/Exercise STI Prevention/Treatment Drug/Alcohol Abuse/Use Folic Acid

3 Implantation Sperm reach egg within ------- Fertilization usually occurs within 24 hours after ovulation 24-30 hours after fertilization genetic material is joined, forming a zygote 36 hours – 2 cells 48 hours – 4 cells 4 days – blastocyst 7-8 days after fertilization, the blastocyst can attach to the endometrium Fetus at 8 weeks

4 Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Amenorrhea Change in Breast Tissue –Size, tenderness, areola may darken Increased Frequency of Urination Morning Sickness Fatigue Growing Waistline Moodiness Quickening Braxton-Hicks Contractions Acid Reflux Appetite/cravings

5 Doctor’s Observations Change in Reproductive Organs Fetal Heart Beat Fetal Movements Fetal Outline Gender Determination

6 Laboratory Tests Urine or Blood Testing Home Pregnancy Tests Doctor will confirm Both test for Human Chorionic Gonadatropin (HCG) hormone which is present about 8 days after conception occurs When is the baby due?

7 Prenatal Care A woman should see her doctor after the second missed period –Medical History –Blood and Urine test Nutrition – Vitamins and minerals to help developing baby STOP using any hormonal contraceptive methods Avoid alcohol - FAS Avoid cigarettes Avoid drugs

8 Common Disorders Nausea and vomiting Leg Cramps Pressure Varicose Veins Numbness and Tingling Flatulence Edema Palpitations Fainting Drug and Food Sensitivity Stretch Marks Hemorrhoids

9 Danger Signals During Pregnancy Vaginal bleeding Swelling of face and fingers Manifestations of toxemia Labor contractions Amniotic Sac breaking Chills and fever Lower fetal kick count

10 Complications Miscarriage Premature Birth Ectopic Pregnancy Placenta Previa Premature Placenta Separation

11 Amniotic Sac Also known as “bag of waters” At delivery the sac contains 1-2 quarts of fluid –Helps regulate baby’s temperature –Cushions fetus from possible injury –Provides a medium in which the fetus can move –At 21 weeks fetal respiration occurs –The fluid is sampled for Amniocentesis

12 Placenta Organ that transports nutrition and oxygen from mother to fetus and transports waste products from fetus to mother –Nutrition –Respiration –Excretion –Barrier –Produces Hormones

13 Umbilical Cord Connects the Fetus and Placenta connected through, developing at 25 days Long semitransparent “rope” containing one vein and two arteries Surrounded by jelly-like substance to protect it Large number of substances can pass through and enter the fetus’ circulation

14 1 st Trimester Weeks 1-12 Zygote – united sperm and ovum Blastocyte – multi-celled at 4 days, implanted within 8 days Embryo – 4 weeks At the end of 2 nd month-1.2 inches long, the head represents half of the embryo’s bulk and facial features (eyes, ears, nose, lips, tongue) are present The third month – It is now a fetus, is about 3 inches, and has nails and genitals can be seen.

15 2 nd Trimester Beginning of the 4 th month Fourth month is the time for the greatest amount of fetal growth Quickening begins End of the 5 th month – 1 lb –Head hair and subcutaneous fat The fetus sleeps, wakes, and has preferred body positions In the 6 th month the body is covered with fine hair, the eyes become light sensitive, and it can hear uterine sounds.

16 3 rd Trimester The baby begins to position itself for birth The fetus is much more baby like By the end of the 7 th month the baby can survive outside the womb At the end of the 8 th month the fetus is over 5 lbs, skin redness, and wrinkles lessen. The nails reach the end of fingers and toes. Between week 38-40 the head is 60% its full size and the fine hair has almost disappeared being replaced by vernix

17 Different Types of Birth Forceps Caesarean Breech Multiple Births Induced Labor

18 Labor Begins due to hormonal changes Early signs –Lightening –Loss or leveling of weight –Spurt of energy Actual signs –Amniotic sac ruptures –The appearance of “show” –Rhythmic contractions of uterus

19 Stage One Dilation of Cervix –Effacement of cervix occurs due to the uterine contractions –Starts with the first contractions –Ends when the cervix is 10 cm Stage 2 Actual Delivery of baby –Crowning –Episiotomy Stage 3 Delivery of afterbirth

20 Apgar Test 1 and 5 minutes after birth The baby is tested on the following and given a score. 10 is the highest, 7 is determined to be healthy –Heart rate –Respiration –Muscle tone –Reflex irritability –Color

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