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Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Carl D. Perkins Spring Informational Meeting Columbus State Community College May 15, 2013 Bob Bowermeister.

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Presentation on theme: "Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Carl D. Perkins Spring Informational Meeting Columbus State Community College May 15, 2013 Bob Bowermeister."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Carl D. Perkins Spring Informational Meeting Columbus State Community College May 15, 2013 Bob Bowermeister MOA/OCR Coordinator Office of Career-Technical Education

2 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights The “Your College” does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.

3 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Why Career-Technical Education? Historically (1970’s) vocational education was guilty of violating the civil rights of students. Due to a court decision in 1973, HEW mandated that: “States must ensure compliance with civil rights requirements in vocational education!”

4 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Requirement from USDE (HEW), Office for Civil Rights: “Each state agency responsible for the administration of vocational education will develop and implement methods of administration (MOA) to ensure compliance.”

5 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Authorized by: Section II(b) of the Vocational Education Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Sex and Disability, Federal Register, Vol. 44, No. 56, Page 17165, Issued Wednesday, March 21, 1979.

6 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Age Discrimination Act 1975

7 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Ohio’s Approved Targeting Plan Sub-Recipient Universe (208+)  91 Career-Technical Planning Districts  8 Major Cities  83 JVSD, Single Districts and Compact  23 Community Colleges  2 State Operated Programs (ODR&C = 21 sites, DYS = 4 sites)  67+ Community Schools

8 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Targeting Plan Continued: Total universe divided by 5 At least one type sub-recipient each year Determined By: Greatest minority difference Greatest gender difference Greatest SWD difference (difference between total college enrollment and CTE enrollment) Elapsed time since last visit

9 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights After Selection is Made: Informal Notification Formal Notification Local Coordinator’s Guide Orientation Negotiate Dates of On-Site

10 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights 8 Areas to be Reviewed: 1. Administration 2. Recruitment/Admissions/Counseling 3. Accessibility 4. Comparable Facilities 5. Services to students with disabilities 6. Financial Aid 7. Work study, coop, job placement 8. Employment

11 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights On-Site Process In-Briefing Interviews Students Teachers Counselors Special Needs Coordinators Recruiters

12 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights On-Site Process (cont.) Review of college policies Review of college publications Review of college practices Service to all communities Survey of facilities Exit Briefing

13 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights What are the Typical Findings? 1. Continuous Notification 2. Annual Notification 3. Title IX and Section 504 Coordinators (Title VI strongly suggested) 4. Grievance Procedures

14 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Combined Notice The “Your College” does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person(s) have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Section 504 Name and Title, Address, Phone Number Title IX Name and Title, Address, Phone Number Title VI (strongly suggested) Name, Title, Address, Phone Number

15 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Annual Notification Prior to the beginning of the school year Notice of non-discrimination CTE Program offerings Admission criteria Name, contact information for Title IX and Section 504 coordinator Must be made in media that reaches the general public and considers minority communities.

16 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Facilities June 4, 1977 January 18, 1991 January 27, 1992 March 15, 2012 Readily Accessible ANSI UFAS ADAAG Or UFAS ADASAD

17 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights Procedures Following the On-Site Review Letter of Finding (LOF) Appeal process Voluntary Compliance Plan (VCP) (2 years to comply) Provide evidence of corrective action Compliance Letter  ODE generates a Biennial Report to USDE

18 Career-Technical Education and Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Or USDE web site and search OCR Reading Room

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