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The Comparison/Contrast Essay English 12. Comparing/Contrasting Comparing points out similarities Contrasting discusses differences.

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Presentation on theme: "The Comparison/Contrast Essay English 12. Comparing/Contrasting Comparing points out similarities Contrasting discusses differences."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Comparison/Contrast Essay English 12

2 Comparing/Contrasting Comparing points out similarities Contrasting discusses differences

3 Subjects Find two subjects that have enough in common to compare but that are different enough to demand distinction “I will always love you...”

4 Purpose Find a purpose: a clear, compelling reason for comparing and contrasting. What point are you trying to make? Apple or IBM for our business?

5 Development Limit the scope Examine each side in depth, analyzing each to find details and examples to be used in the paper. “Jurassic Park” Which is better? The book or the movie?

6 Two Methods 1.Block (or Opposing) State all the observations about subject A and then do the same for subject B Works well for one paragraph or a short essay Education in the U S Provides limitless opportunity Several routes Education in Japan Small career choices Parents manage children’s education

7 2.Alternating Discuss one point at a time, applying it first to one subject and then the other The best method for longer papers Atmosphere of baseball games; atmosphere of basketball games Fans of baseball; fans of basketball Locations of baseball; locations of basketball

8 Editing Reconsider purpose Don’t be boring! Add lively details, interesting thoughts, and dashes of color. Add varied and interesting transitions (on the other hand, in contrast, also, both, yet, although, finally, unlike) Check for problems with grammar, word choice, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.

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