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Feeding Relationships Collecting primary evidence of the decline in biodiversity – is it possible?

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Presentation on theme: "Feeding Relationships Collecting primary evidence of the decline in biodiversity – is it possible?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feeding Relationships Collecting primary evidence of the decline in biodiversity – is it possible?

2 Awarding Body Learning Objectives OCR Science A B3 Life on Earth B3.4 why do some species become extinct, and does it matter? What is the importance of biodiversity?

3 How Science Works Objectives Assessment Objective 3 (AO3): Practical, enquiry and data-handling skills Applications and implications of science


5 Lesson Progression Key words Sampling skills & writing explanations Plant adaptations Assessing risk & presentation skills What method is needed to compare two sites? Writing predictions - number of species? Most species adapted for mowing?


7 How can we sample this?

8 Results, Analysis and Evaluation Bar Chart Average height Number of different species Percentage cover of individual species Amount of bare ground Using the data Can the data be used to consider the wider effect on the feeding relationships if development was to occur? Evaluating the data What problems were there when collecting the evidence?

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