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Vaginal Bleeding in Early Pregnancy Dr Dalya Alhamdan Consultant Ob/ Gyn Salmaniya Medical Complex.

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Presentation on theme: "Vaginal Bleeding in Early Pregnancy Dr Dalya Alhamdan Consultant Ob/ Gyn Salmaniya Medical Complex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vaginal Bleeding in Early Pregnancy Dr Dalya Alhamdan Consultant Ob/ Gyn Salmaniya Medical Complex


3 Detailed Hx: Present pregnancy: LMP, Gx, previous USS Obstetric Hx Medical, surgical, Systemic review Physical exam Ultrasound β-hCG



6 Miscarriage Pregnancy loss occurring before 24 completed weeks of gestation or of a fetus less than 500gm weight if gestation is unknown Threatend Miscarriage Any vaginal bleeding: spotting, brownish, bleeding Products of conception are intact and Cx os is closed

7 Inevitable miscarriage Miscarriage is imminent or is in the process of happening Threatened miscarriage with an open cervical os and/or rupture of the membranes

8 Incomplete miscarriage A miscarriage where some of the fetus or placenta are unable to be spontaneously expelled by the mother complete miscarriage A miscarriage needing no medical or surgical interventions Products of conception have been passed; USS shows no apparent products; bleeding generally settles

9 Miscarriage


11 Threatened Miscarriage

12 Missed Miscarriage  TVS showing no FH with fetal pole >7mm or GS >25mm without fetal pole or lack of sac/fetal growth over 7 days period

13 Incomplete Miscarriage Hx: Woman c/o PVB and lower abdominal pain, passed clots or tissue P/E: Cervical os open, products in cervix

14 Causes of miscarriage 1. Embryonic abnormalities/chromosomal 2. Immunological diseases 3. Uterine abnormalities

15 4. Cervical incompetence

16 5. Maternal disease o Hypertension o Renal disease o Infection: CMV, rubella, toxo, listeriosis o Diabetes Mellitus o Severe malnutrition

17 Septic Miscarriage Ascent of organisms from vagina to uterus, seen commonly in illegal abortions done under non-sterile conditions Woman presents with abdominal pain, abnormal PVB with fever and endotoxic shock Commonest organisms: E. Coli; Streptococcus faecalis


19 Ectopic pregnancy Clinical: – History of amenorrhea – Pelvic pain and/or abnormal bleeding in the first trimester – Shoulder tip pain – Dizziness or spells of fainting – Other evidence of blood in the peritoneum. Bio-chemical: – Positive pregnancy test (urine or serum)

20 On TVS ultrasound: An adnexal mass will not be found in 15-35% of women with an ectopic pregnancy at presentation, pregnancy of unknown location


22 Management of Ectopic pregnancy Offer expectant or medical Tx if: - Clinical stabe, stable hemoglobin level on two measurements (0 and 12-24 h apart) -Absence of acute abdomen -Serum hCG < 3,500 IU/L, adnexal mass measure < 30 mm -Absence of fetal cardiac activity on TVS -Absence of significant hemoperitoneum, defined as blood above the level of the uterine fundus and/or in Morison's pouch (hepatorenal space). -Subsequent management: based upon hCG ratio at 0 h/48 h. -Compliance Otherwise: SURGERY

23 Molar pregnancy



26 Benign lesion of cervix Ectropion/erosion Central ( endocervical) columnar epithelium protrudes out through the external os

27 Cervical polyp

28 Cervical cancer

29 Thank You

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