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Today’s Agenda Any Announcements? Any Questions? Let's Review our Bellwork.... Now... Let’s Begin Today’s Lesson…..

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda Any Announcements? Any Questions? Let's Review our Bellwork.... Now... Let’s Begin Today’s Lesson….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda Any Announcements? Any Questions? Let's Review our Bellwork.... Now... Let’s Begin Today’s Lesson…..

2 Our Standards Today Today's State Standard GC.31 Analyze the function of the Electoral College. (H, P) GC.9 Analyze Article I of the Constitution as it relates to the legislative branch, including eligibility for office and lengths of terms of representatives and senators; election to office; the roles of the House and Senate in impeachment proceedings; the role of the vice president; the enumerated legislative powers; and the process by which a bill becomes a law. (P)

3 Our objectives today Understand the function of the electoral college. Describe the flaws in the electoral college. Explain why the Constitution provides for a bicameral congress. Examine Gerrymandering. Describe the term length of US House and Senate members. Analyze formal qualifications to be a US House or Senate member.

4 Electoral College Videos How does the Electoral College Work? Video time Are their problems with the Electoral College? Video time

5 Two of our objectives... Understand the function of the electoral college. What is the function of the electoral college? Why was it created this way? Describe the flaws in the electoral college. Do You think it should be changed? If yes, how would You change it? What problems do You see with it in its current implementation?

6 Why do we have a Bicameral Legislature? The US Constitution provides for two legislative bodies. Why? What is the history behind this? What is Gerrymandering?

7 Gerrymandering




11 Video Time…. Time for a video…

12 Tennessee's Congressional Districts – Fair?

13 Texas Congressional District? Do They Look as Fair?

14 Gerrymandering

15 Our Standards Today Today's State Standard GC.31 Analyze the function of the Electoral College. (H, P) GC.9 Analyze Article I of the Constitution as it relates to the legislative branch, including eligibility for office and lengths of terms of representatives and senators; election to office; the roles of the House and Senate in impeachment proceedings; the role of the vice president; the enumerated legislative powers; and the process by which a bill becomes a law. (P) GC.11 Identify current representatives from Tennessee in the legislative branch of the national government. (P, TN)

16 Article 1 of the Constitution articles/article-i-the-legislative-branch

17 US Congressmen Terms of Office and Formal Qualifications: US House (435 members): Two year terms, must be 25 years of ages, must be a citizen for at least 7 years and must be an inhabitant of the State from which he or she is elected.

18 US Senator Terms of Office and Formal Qualifications: US Senate (100 members): Six year terms, must be 30 years of ages, must be a citizen for at least 9 years and must be an inhabitant of the State from which he or she is elected.

19 Our Congressmen and Senators GC.11 Identify current representatives from Tennessee in the legislative branch of the national government. (P, TN)

20 How does a Bill Become a Law? Video Time

21 Our Standards Today Today's State Standard GC.31 Analyze the function of the Electoral College. (H, P) GC.9 Analyze Article I of the Constitution as it relates to the legislative branch, including eligibility for office and lengths of terms of representatives and senators; election to office; the roles of the House and Senate in impeachment proceedings; the role of the vice president; the enumerated legislative powers; and the process by which a bill becomes a law. (P) GC.11 Identify current representatives from Tennessee in the legislative branch of the national government. (P, TN)

22 Impeach What does Impeach mean?

23 Impeach verb (used with object) 1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office. 2. Chiefly Law. to challenge the credibility of: to impeach a witness. 3. to bring an accusation against. 4. to call in question; cast an imputation upon: to impeach a person's motives. 5. to call to account.

24 Presidents Who Have Been Impeached

25 Impeachment Process

26 Nixon Resigned

27 Our Standards Today Today's State Standard GC.31 Analyze the function of the Electoral College. (H, P) GC.9 Analyze Article I of the Constitution as it relates to the legislative branch, including eligibility for office and lengths of terms of representatives and senators; election to office; the roles of the House and Senate in impeachment proceedings; the role of the vice president; the enumerated legislative powers; and the process by which a bill becomes a law. (P) GC.11 Identify current representatives from Tennessee in the legislative branch of the national government. (P, TN)

28 Our objectives today Understand the function of the electoral college. Describe the flaws in the electoral college. Explain why the Constitution provides for a bicameral congress. Examine Gerrymandering. Describe the term length of US House and Senate members. Analyze formal qualifications to be a US House or Senate member.

29 What Did We Learn Today? On a separate sheet of paper, answer these questions for me to take up and review. Assessment Questions Explain Gerrymandering. Describe how the Electoral College Works. What is the difference in the term length and qualifications between a US House and US Senate member?

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