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‘Years 10 & 11 Exams & Assessment’ Bill Fraser - Exam Officer Linda Smith – Exam & Assessment Manager 22 nd September 2011 Year 10 Parents.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Years 10 & 11 Exams & Assessment’ Bill Fraser - Exam Officer Linda Smith – Exam & Assessment Manager 22 nd September 2011 Year 10 Parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Years 10 & 11 Exams & Assessment’ Bill Fraser - Exam Officer Linda Smith – Exam & Assessment Manager 22 nd September 2011 Year 10 Parents

2 Exam Office Staff Parents Students Awarding Bodies

3 2011 78% of students gained 5 or more A*- C including English & Maths

4 Types of Courses Examination Courses Examined Units (externally set and marked). & Teacher assessed Controlled Assessment Continuous Assessment Courses Teacher assessed units throughout course All GCSE subjects. (except Maths & RE which are exams only) ASDAN, BTEC’s, City & Guilds, DiDA/CiDA, NVQ’s, OCR Nationals

5 GCSE Courses Consist of 2 – 4 units Mixture of Examined and Controlled Assessment. Units (except Maths & RE) Weighting not necessarily equal

6 GCSE Courses Examined Units Timing of examined units can be spread over two. years.

7 2011 Year 10 2012 Year 11 2013 SubjectNovJanMarchJune NovJanMarchMay/June Art & Design Unit 2 Business Studies Unit 1 Unit 2 Child Development Unit 3 Drama Unit 3 Dance Unit 2 Unit 1 App. Engineering Unit 3 DT Food Tech Unit 1 DT Graphics Unit 1 DT Resistant Mats Unit 1 DT Textiles Unit 1 English Unit 1 English Lang Unit 1 English Literature Unit 2 Units 1 & 2 French Unit 3 Geography Unit 2 Unit 1 Units 3 & 4 German Unit 3 History Unit 2 Units 1 & 3 MathsUnit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Media Studies Unit 1 Music Unit 1 Unit 3 Physical Education Units 3 Religious Studies Units 1 & 8 Science: Core Bly/Chy/Phy Additional Bly/Chy/Phy Biol / Chem / Phys Bly/Chy/Phy Spanish Unit 3 GCSE Exam Schedule 2011-13

8 GCSE Courses Examined Units Timing of examined units can be spread over two. years. Dates & start times of examined units set by. Awarding Body – Not flexible. Opportunities for re-sits in some subjects. Results received 6 - 8 weeks after sitting Unit results communicated via Form Tutors Final results communicated to students in. August 2013

9 GCSE Courses Controlled Assessment. Units Schedule determined by Departments. Replaces ‘coursework’ Done in class time – varied ‘levels of control’ Number, nature and length of tasks varies. between subjects. Weighting: either 25% or 60% of overall mark Majority internally marked then externally. moderated.

10 2011 Year 10 2012 Year 11 2013 Autumn Spring Summer Autumn Spring Summer Subject % Term Art & Design60 Business Studies25 Child Development60 Drama60 Dance60 App. Engineering60 DT Food Tech60 DT Graphics60 DT Resistant Mats60 DT Textiles60 English60 English Literature25 French60 Geography25 German60 History25 Maths0 Media Studies60 Music60 Physical Education60 Religious Studies0 Science: Core25 Additional25 Biol/Chem/Phys25 Spanish60 GCSE Controlled Assessment Schedule 2011-13 A very busy two years! Attendance is vital.

11 Vocational Courses Varied numbers of Units / Portfolios Varied nature, length, weighting. Completed over duration of course. Internally assessed. Externally moderated Final results communicated to students in. August 2013 Attendance is vital!

12 Students need to understand: what happens when it happens what they have to do. Failure to complete their part may result in: Not being entered for an exam Being entered for the wrong subject/tier/option Wrong personal details on final certificates Procedures & Practices Missing an exam!

13 Procedures & Practices Details in ‘Year 10 & 11 Exam Guide’ - posted on College Website and ‘Learning Platform’ Parent Access: Student Access: Very important these are understood and followed

14 Personal Problems?

15 Special Arrangements Things that are known in advance and for which arrangements can be made.

16 Personal Problems? Special Arrangements Special Consideration Things that are known in advance and for which arrangements can be made. Allowances in marking for things that happen during exams. Exam Office needs to be informed immediately and evidence provided.

17 Award ‘currency’ Achievements not reported in same way! Most courses are Level 2. (national standard for Key Stage 4) Most courses given a ‘GCSE equivalence’

18 Award ‘currency’ Grades: A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U GCSE

19 Award ‘currency’ Single Award Subjects – worth one Grade Double Award Subjects – worth two Grades Grades: D, E, F, G, U GCSE A*, A, B, C, = ‘Pass’

20 Vocational Courses Awards & GCSE ‘grade equivalence’ Certificate in... = 1 x GCSE Diploma in... = 4 x GCSE Distinction. plus Distinction Merit Pass Level 1 D E F Level 2 A* A B C Award ‘currency’ Extended Certificate in... = 2 x GCSE BTEC

21 OCR Nationals Awards & GCSE ‘grade equivalence’ Award in ……..….. = 2 x GCSE (A* - C) Distinction Merit Credit Pass Level 2 A* A B C Certificate in ……. = 4 x GCSE (A* -C) Award ‘currency’ Vocational Courses

22 Digital Applications Awards & GCSE grade equivalence DiDA (Diploma) = 4 x GCSE Distinction Merit Credit Pass Level 1 C D E F/G Level 2 A* A B C CiDA (Certificate) = 2 x GCSE Extended CiDA (Extended Certificate) = 3 x GCSE AiDA (Award) = 1 x GCSE Award ‘currency’ Vocational Courses

23 NVQ Awards & GCSE grade equivalence Level 2 Pass Award ‘currency’ Vocational Courses Hair = 3 x GCSE grade B Beauty = 2 x GCSE grade B Languages = 1 x GCSE grade B

24 Certificates Available November 2013 Collected by candidate – not posted

25 You’re kidding! You count GCSE’s? keep them safe! You never know when you will need them!

26 Internal Assessment System 3 Reviews per Year

27 Internal Assessment System 3 Reviews per Year Potential = grade calculated from KS3 SATS Estimated = what grade is expected at end of course + Attitude and Homework Year 10 Nov March May June Year 11 Oct Jan April February Parents Evening

28 For queries about Exams & Assessment procedures contact Mrs Smith or Mr Fraser in the Exam Office.

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