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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 Your Topic Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch
Potpourri Hodgepodge 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 Topic 1: 200 Question: What article of the Constitution outlines the powers of the legislative branch? Answer 1 Back

4 Topic 1: 400 Question: What does the legislative branch do when it comes to the laws? Answer Makes the laws Back

5 Topic 1: 600 Question: What are the two houses of Congress? Answer
The Senate and the House of Representatives Back

6 Topic 1: 800 Question: What does a bill become if both houses in Congress approve the bill and the president signs it? Answer Law Back

7 Topic 1: 1000 Question: How old do you have to be to become a member of the House of Representatives and how long do you serve?How old do you have to be to become a member of the Senate and how long do you serve? Answer House 25 and 2 years; Senate 30 and 6 years Back

8 Topic 2: 200 Question: What article of the Constitution outlines the powers of the executive branch? Answer 2 Back

9 Topic 2: 400 Question: What does the executive branch do when it comes to the laws? Answer Carries out or executes the laws Back

10 Topic 2: 600 Question: Who is the head of the executive branch? Answer
The president Back

11 Topic 2: 800 Question: How old do you have to be to become president? How long is one presidential term? How many terms can a president serve? Answer 4 years and 2 tersm Back

12 Topic 2: 1000 Question: What is the process called that removes the president from office for a crime he committed? Answer Impeachment Back

13 Topic 3: 200 Question: What article of the Constitution outlines the powers of the judicial branch? Answer 3 Back

14 Topic 3: 400 Question: What does the judicial branch do when it comes to the laws? Answer Interprets the laws Back

15 Topic 3: 600 Question: What is the highest ranking court in the U.S.?
Answer Supreme Court Back

16 Topic 3: 800 Question: How long does a Supreme Court justice serve for? Answer Life Back

17 Topic 3: 1000 Question: How many Supreme Court judges are there?
Answer 9 Back

18 Topic 4: 200 Question: What is the system that the framers of the Constitution created that would enable each branch of the government limit the power the power of the other branches, so that no one branch would gain too much power? Answer Checks and balances Back

19 Topic 4: 400 Question: What is the definition of a check? Answer
When one branch blocks the actions of another branch? Back

20 Topic 4: 600 Question: What is an example of a “check” power? Answer
The president vetoing a bill Back

21 Topic 4: 800 Question: What does balance mean in checks and balances?
Answer Allows each branch of the government to have some roll in the actions of other branches. Back

22 Topic 4: 1000 Question: What in an example of a balances in checks and balances? Answer The president can nominate an ambassador but the senate must confirm it. Back

23 Topic 5: 200 Question: Who is the current president of the U.S. Answer
Obama Back

24 Topic 5: 400 Question: What does it mean to amend something? Answer
change Back

25 Topic 5: 600 Question: What article of the Constitution outlines the Amendment process? Answer 5 Back

26 Topic 5: 800 Question: Proposing an amendment is the first step to for an amendment to actually become part of the U.S. Constitution, usually this is done by a 2/3rds vote in Congress. What fraction (or percentage) of state legislatures (or special conventions) must approve the amendment for it to become part of the U.S Constitution? Answer 3/4th Back

27 Topic 5: 1000 Question: Federalism is when the national federal government shares power with whom? Answer State government Back

28 Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question:
How many amendments are there currently in affect in the U.S. Constitution? Answer 26 Back

29 Daily Double How long does a Supreme Court justice serve for?

30 Daily Double Proposing an amendment is the first step to for an amendment to actually become part of the U.S. Constitution, usually this is done by a 2/3rds vote in Congress. What fraction (or percentage) of state legislatures (or special conventions) must approve the amendment for it to become part of the U.S Constitution?

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