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LA: Earth Sciences Program Review Results Mark E. Reinhold Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Northern Essex Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "LA: Earth Sciences Program Review Results Mark E. Reinhold Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Northern Essex Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 LA: Earth Sciences Program Review Results Mark E. Reinhold Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences Northern Essex Community College

2 Outline Team Assembled – Spring 2008 Team discussions – Fall 2008 Outside discussions – Fall 2008 Action plans – Steps taken/being taken/to be taken

3 Impetus for Program Review Standard protocol for all programs However… –Rescheduled one year early Why? –Overwhelming # scheduled for 2009 –LA: Earth Science program review rescheduled to reduce workload for 2009

4 Program Review Members Mark Reinhold – Program Review Chair Marcy Vozzella – Chair – Dept. of Natural Sciences Sean Cleary – Instructor – Physical Sciences Stephen Russell – Chair – History Dept. Sandra Kaufman – Chair – Program Coordinator, Business Management Dr. Nelson Eby – Professor of Geology – UMass - Lowell

5 Team Discussions Major problem discussed – –Low enrollment AY 2005- 2006 AY 2006- 2007 AY 2007- 2008 3 Year Average Total Applications5444 First Time Freshmen who registered4122 External Transfers who registered1111 Internal Transfers who registered0000 Readmitted Students who registered0000 Total Students new to program5233 Total Unduplicated Enrollment87129

6 Team Discussions Problems with low enrollment? –Risk of de-activation Other observations – –Similar disciplines, similar enrollment Chemistry* Physics*

7 Team Discussions LA: Physics – –Enrollment Numbers AY 2005- 2006 AY 2006- 2007 AY 2007- 2008 3 Year Average Total Applications5697 First Time Freshmen who registered4485 External Transfers who registered1111 Internal Transfers who registered0000 Readmitted Students who registered0100 Total Students new to program5697 Total Unduplicated Enrollment6898

8 Team Discussions LA: Chemistry – –Enrollment Numbers AY 2005- 2006 AY 2006- 2007 AY 2007- 2008 3 Year Average Total Applications6254 First Time Freshmen who registered4233 External Transfers who registered2021 Internal Transfers who registered0000 Readmitted Students who registered0000 Total Students new to program6254 Total Unduplicated Enrollment10757

9 Team Discussions Solution? –Combine with similarly low enrolled programs LA: Chemistry LA: Physics

10 Outside Discussions Natural Sciences Dept. Chair – –Low enrollment discussed –Solution? Combine low enrolled programs

11 Outside Discussions Dean, Divisions of Business, Math, Science, and Technology – –Discussed program review progress –Low enrollment discussed –Solution?

12 Outside Discussions Discussion between Dean, BMST and VP Academic Affairs –Combining programs suggested –Positive feedback

13 Outside Discussions Discussion with Director of Academic Program Review – –Low enrollment discussed –New program deemed most prudent decision

14 Actions Plans Chair, LA: Earth Science Program review responsibilities shifted – –From Program Review to creation of new physical sciences program Four action plans proposed

15 Action Plan 1 Problem – –Low enrollment in LA: Earth Sciences Improvement – –Combine with similar low enrolled programs –Create new program Date(s) - –Spring 2009

16 Action Plan 1 New Program Proposed – –Liberal Arts: Physical Sciences Chemistry/Physics Track Earth Science Track

17 Action Plan 1 Liberal Arts: Physical Sciences Core requirements - CHM121 General Chemistry I4Prerequisite - CHM122 General Chemistry II4Prerequisite - ENG101 English Composition I3 - ENG102 English Composition II3Prerequisite - MAT251 Calculus I4Prerequisite - MAT252 Calculus II4Prerequisite

18 Action Plan 1 Core requirements (cont’d) - Behavioral Science Electives6 - Fine & Performing Arts/Foreign Language/Philosophy & Religion6 - History/Government Electives6 - Literature Electives6 - Program Elective3/4Choose one from the following areas: Science, Computer or MAT125. Total 49/50

19 Action Plan 1 Chemistry/Physics Track MAT253 Calculus III 4Prerequisite MAT254 Differential Equations4Prerequisite PHS131 Engineering Physics I4Prerequisite PHS132 Engineering Physics II4Prerequisite Science Elective3/4. Total 19/20

20 Action Plan 1 Earth Science Track ERS125 Environmental Issues4 ERS130 Meteorology4 ERS140 Physical Geology4 PHS111 College Physics I or PHS131 Engineering Physics4Prerequisite PHS112 College Physics II or PHS132 Engineering Physics II4Prerequisite

21 Action Plan 2 Problem - –Share recommendations for approval Improvement – –Meet with Dean of BMST and Dean of Transfer, Articulation, and Advising Date(s) – –Fall 2008/Spring 2009

22 Action Plan 3 Problem – –Terminate old program Improvement – –Prepare necessary paperwork to: Terminate old program Combine old program into new program Date(s) – –Fall 2009

23 Action Plan 4 Problem – –Need for a recommended sequence to ensure 2 year completion Improvement – –Develop a recommended course sequence Date(s) – –Spring 2009

24 Action Plan 4 1st Fall1st Spring2nd Fall2nd Spring ENG101ENG102CHM121CHM122 MAT251MAT252Science ElectiveMAT253 PHS 131PHS 132 Liberal Arts ElectiveMAT254 Liberal Arts Elective Program Elective Liberal Arts Elective LA: Physical Sciences – Chemistry/Physics Track

25 Action Plan 4 1st Fall1st Spring2nd Fall2nd Spring ENG101ENG102CHM121CHM122 ERS130ERS140ERS125PHS 112 or 132 MAT251MAT252PHS 111 or 131Program Elective Liberal Arts Elective LA: Physical Sciences – Earth Science Track

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