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The stereotyped man is often thought to be ‘rugged, unemotional and aggressive’, whereas the stereotyped woman is thought to be ‘emotional.

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10 The stereotyped man is often thought to be ‘rugged, unemotional and aggressive’, whereas the stereotyped woman is thought to be ‘emotional but passive’. Males are encouraged to be active, aggressive and to ‘fight like a man’, whereas females are encouraged to be nurturing, passive, patient and understanding. Females were expected to always maintain a ladylike demeanour and to remain modest and graceful at all times. They were not expected to raise a sweat so only mild exercise was encouraged to promote good health. Socially appropriate for girls to participate in ‘masculine’ sports (football, boxing, wrestling) but not for boys to participate in ‘feminine’ sports (ballet, aerobics, gymnastics). Some sports are perceived as appropriate for both genders (basketball, golf, soccer, tennis). Sports minded girls are called ‘tomboys’ and boys who are tentative about playing sports are called ‘sooks’ or ‘sissies’.

11 STEREOTYPES “the way one treats or classifies according to a mental judgement” (, 2008). “a set of widely shared generalisations about a group or class of people” (Hartney, 2009). “may be used to stigmatise and socially exclude people belonging to the group in question, resulting in social inequalities and consequently, the reinforcement of the stereotype” (Hartney, 2009). “a form of social consensus rather than individual judgments or commonly held public beliefs about specific social groups, or types of individuals based on conventional and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image in the belief that there are attitudes, appearances, or behaviors shared by all members of a group” (

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