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Workshop on the implementation of HACCP- principles in small food producing establishments HACCP in small Slaughterhouses AGR 32375, Zagreb Dr. Harald.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on the implementation of HACCP- principles in small food producing establishments HACCP in small Slaughterhouses AGR 32375, Zagreb Dr. Harald."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on the implementation of HACCP- principles in small food producing establishments HACCP in small Slaughterhouses AGR 32375, Zagreb Dr. Harald Fötschl

2 20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb2 Reg. (EC) No 852/2004 Article 5  food business operators shall  put in place  implement  maintain a permanent procedure based on HACCP principles

3 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb3 7 HACCP Principles Simplified 1) Conduct Hazard Analysis 2) Identify critical control points 3) Set critical control limits 4) Monitor critical control points 5) Establish corrective actions 6) Verify the HACCP plan 7) Document the HACCP plan What in my food could harm my customers? Which steps are most important to ensure I prevent the harm? What are the key things to control in these important steps? How do I know they are controlled? What do I do if something is going wrong? Will the plan prevent harm to my customers? How do I show an inspector that I am being proactive and how do I introduce new staff to the plan?

4 HACCP in small slaughterhouses

5 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb5 No formal legal standing Evolving document

6 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb6 HACCP-FLEXIBILITY  The HACCP concept allows HACCP principles to be implemented with the required flexibility so as to ensure that it can be applied in all circumstances  Annex II of the guideline gives guidance on a simplified implementation of the HACCP requirements particularly in small food businesses

7 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb7 Key Issues for simplified HACCP  Recital 15 states  HACCP requirements should take account of the principles contained in the Codex Alimentarius  HACCP requirements should provide sufficient flexibility in all situations, including in small businesses  it is necessary to recognise that, in certain foodbusinesses, it is not possible to identify CCPs

8 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb8 Key Issues for simplified HACCP  Recital 15 states  in some cases, good hygienic practices can replace the monitoring of critical points  requirement of establishing ‘critical limits’ does not imply that it is necessary to fix a numerical limit in every case  requirement of retaining documents needs to be flexible in order to avoid undue burdens for very small businesses

9 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb9 Key Issues for simplified HACCP  Article 5 (2) (g)  documentation and records must be commensurate to the nature and the size of the food business  Article 5 (5)  adoption of arrangements to facilitate the implementation of the HACCP requirement by certain food business operators is allowed  use of guides for the application of HACCP principles

10 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb10 ? HACCP in small Slaughterhouses Do small slaughterhouses need a HACCP-System? Main Question Some say YES Some say NO

11 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb11 ? HACCP in small Slaughterhouses Are there CCPs in small slaughterhouses? Next Question Some say YES Some say NO

12 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb12 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses Conduct a hazard analysis! Hazards chemical physical biological

13 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb13 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses biological hazards "Pathogens" (Salm., E.coli, …) rowth ntroduction resence urvival PIGSPIGS

14 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb14 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses what is the hazard? the hazard are the "Pathogens" PreventionEliminationReduction GHP Decontamination (not allowed)

15 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb15 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses is chilling a CCP? Some say YES Growth of pathogens can be prevented Some say NO the hazard is not the growth but the pathogen itself Present pathogens can not be eliminated or reduced ! Infectious dose of Campylobacter: 100 to 500 bacteria CCP??

16 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb16 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses physical hazards metal, bones, glass, … broken knifes, lightning, splitting broken needles, animal injuries introduction presence

17 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb17 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses physical hazards broken knifes needles, injuries glass metal GVP GMP History glass policy GMP, rinsing bones bottles, lightning splitting NO CCP!

18 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb18 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses chemical hazards medicinal products, residues, heavy metals, … disinfectants, grease (railing), … animal treatment, feeding, environment, … introduction presence

19 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb19 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses chemical hazards animal treatmend heavy metals medicin. prod. GVP, History GAP, History residues environment, feeding environment, animal treatment NO CCP!

20 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb20 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses biological physical chemical Meat inspection, GHP, GMP, Chilling GMP, glass policy, History GMP, History HAZARD RISK of occurence CONTROL measure high low

21 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb21 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses Therefore AUSTRIA decided There is no CCP in a Slaughterhouse!

22 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb22 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses Guideline for good hygiene practice and the use for principles of HACCP at Slaughtering and Cutting of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and horses

23 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb23 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses  Checklists for  outdoor area, lairage, waiting boxes  stunning and bleeding  slaughterroom/slaughtering  slaughter line  on place slaughtering  ABP  chilling rooms  restrooms, locker rooms, …

24 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb24 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses  Templates for  pest control  cleaning and disinfection  documentation of deviations  personnel training  Principles of good working hygiene  Principles of personnel hygiene  Guideline "medical requirements for personnel in food establishments"

25 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb25 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses  Principals of good working hygiene at slaughtering  avoid contamination by skin, feces, urine, milk, SRM, purulence  2-knife-technic  intermediate cleaning of hands and equipment  removal of contamination only by trimming with knife, not with water  rinsing of carcass only at the end of trimming

26 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb26 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses  Principals of good working hygiene at slaughtering  prevention of leakage of gastro-intestinal contents  cleaning and disinfection of hands and equipment at least after every carcass  avoid contact with floor and walls  removal of spinal cord, separated storage of cat. 1 material  no contact between inspected and not inspected carcasses

27 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb27 HACCP in small Slaughterhouses  Principals of good working hygiene at slaughtering  connection between offal and carcass has to be ensured  proper chilling immediately after meat inspection  all equipment that was contaminated during slaughtering has to be cleaned and disinfected immediately

28 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb28 Summary  no "real" CCP can be identified in slaughterhouses  prerequisits are sufficient to ensure food safety in slaughterhouses  visual inspection (e.g. fecal contamination) and monitoring of temperatures is required  deviations and corrective actions have to be documented

29 Dr. Harald Fötschl20th April 2009AGR 32375, Zagreb29 Thank you for your attention

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