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Page 1 G uidance and counselling in Romania O verview from Bucharest Marcela Claudia Călineci Prague 2012.

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1 Page 1 G uidance and counselling in Romania O verview from Bucharest Marcela Claudia Călineci Prague 2012


3 Page 3 L egislation CJRAE/ CMBRAE Centers for Educational Resources and Assistance were established in 2005 by order of Ministry of Education. They work in 2006 and, since then, they are coordinating, monitoring, managing and evaluating activities.

4 Page 4 T ypes of activities CJRAE/ CMBRAE Special education- inclusive educational centres (school mediators) Logopedic activity- interschool logopedic centres Centre of Psychopedagogical Assistance- school counsellors, offices Romania has 42 counties and each of them has such a center of resources.

5 Page 5 Educational network Bucharest/ CMBRAE Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport Bucharest Municipal Inspectorate Municipal Centre for Assistance and Educational Resources (244 specialists) Municipal Centre for Psychopedagogical Assistance (211) Municipal Logopedic Centre (33) Municipal Inclusion Centre

6 Page 6 Ministry of Education and Research County School Inspectorate Municipal School Inspectorate of Bucharest Teacher’s Training Centre County Centre for Psychopedagogical Assistance/ Municipal Centre for Psychopedagogical Assistance Bucharest (MCPA)!!! Institute of Educational Sciences

7 Page 7 County/ Municipal Centre of Assistance and Educational Resources County School Inspectorate Municipal School Inspectorate of Bucharest County Centre for Psychopedagogical Assistance/ Municipal Centre for Psychopedagogical Assistance Bucharest (MCPA)!!! (211) Logopedic Centre (33) School Inclusion Centre and (school mediators)

8 Page 8 S taff employement progress CMBRAE/ CMAP

9 Page 9 S hort history Founded in 1991 Municipal Centre for Assistance Bucharest working with: 1 coordinator, 1 social assistant, 1 laboratory assistant, 1 secretary Founded in 1991 Municipal Centre for Assistance Bucharest working with: 1 coordinator, 1 social assistant, 1 laboratory assistant, 1 secretary 1995/1998: founded the first 6 interschool counselling offices (5 psyhopedagogues and 1 sociologist) 1995/1998: founded the first 6 interschool counselling offices (5 psyhopedagogues and 1 sociologist) 1998: MCPA and 24 counselling offices 1998: MCPA and 24 counselling offices 1999/2000: 48 counselling offices 1999/2000: 48 counselling offices 2000/2003: 5 specialists at MCPA and the network was increased until 66 counselling offices (psyhopedagogues, psychologists and sociologist) 2000/2003: 5 specialists at MCPA and the network was increased until 66 counselling offices (psyhopedagogues, psychologists and sociologist) 2003/2004: 67 offices, 75 specialists 2003/2004: 67 offices, 75 specialists 2004/2005: 120 offices, 128 specialists 2004/2005: 120 offices, 128 specialists 2005/2007: 167 offices, 213 specialists 2005/2007: 167 offices, 213 specialists 2009/2010: 340 offices, 244 specialists (81,3%) 2009/2010: 340 offices, 244 specialists (81,3%) Educational network of School in Bucharest: 430

10 Page 10 D epartments Preschool education Preschool education Guidance and Career Counselling Guidance and Career Counselling Social Assistance and Children's Rights Social Assistance and Children's Rights Research and Juvenile deviance prevention Research and Juvenile deviance prevention Educational Projects and Programme Educational Projects and Programme Training and Professional Development Training and Professional Development Information and Computer Technology Information and Computer Technology

11 Page 11 A ctivities Individual counselling/ group counselling for students, teachers and parents Individual counselling/ group counselling for students, teachers and parents Studies (e.g. violence prevention, children's rights, teachers-students relationship, learning motivation, bullying, computer and TV, self-esteem, ADHD, guidance and career counselling, etc.) Studies (e.g. violence prevention, children's rights, teachers-students relationship, learning motivation, bullying, computer and TV, self-esteem, ADHD, guidance and career counselling, etc.) Seminars, workshops, conferences, Seminars, workshops, conferences, Educational projects Educational projects Development educational materials (guides, brochures, leaflets, books, posters, etc.) Development educational materials (guides, brochures, leaflets, books, posters, etc.) Educational consultancy and events Educational consultancy and events Target groups: toddlers, students, parents, teachers, educational managers, community Target groups: toddlers, students, parents, teachers, educational managers, community

12 Page 12 O ur values Initiative Involvement Creativity Cooperation Competence Respect Commitment

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15 Page 15 The Center of Resource and Educational Assistance from Bucharest develops the following services

16 Page 16 The counseling teachers are carrying on their work in the psycho-pedagogical assistance offices from kindergartens, schools and colleges/ high schools. In Bucharest, a counselling teacher may carry on his activity in one or more schools, a post there if the unit/units cumulated school of 800 students/400 preschoolers. S chool counsellors...

17 Page 17 Provide information and advice preschool, students, parents, kindergarten teachers, school teachers and teachers on various topics: self-knowledge, the students adapt to school environments, adapting to the needs of school pupils, optimize the student- parent-school relation, school drop, aggression/ violence, propose and organize orientation programs for school, vocational and career guidance, in collaboration with other teachers. Provide advisory services and courses for parents. Propose and organize orientation programs for school, vocational and career guidance, in collaboration with other teachers. Provide and support assistance methodological reccomendation. Develop psycho-sociological studies on pupils terminal targeting options through vocational and professional qualifications high school and the types of schools in the network. J ob description...

18 Page 18 Educational network Bucharest/ CMBRAE Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport Bucharest Municipal Inspectorate Municipal Centre for Assistance and Educational Resources (244 specialists) Municipal Centre for Psychopedagogical Assistance (211) Municipal Logopedic Centre (33) Municipal Inclusion Centre

19 Page 19 M ission … Development skills and attitudes of students, parents and teachers in a relationship based on respect, confidence and responsibility, in order to increase chances for personal and professional success.

20 Page 20 O bjectives … Prevention of school failure, dropout and juvenile deviance Promotion of a healthy life style and well being Development of interests, attitudes, personal qualities, making decisions skills for career guidance Personal development of students, parents and teachers Development of partnership between school- family and community Development of educational programs and projects Improvement of educational activities of teachers

21 Page 21 Self knowledge Familial relationships Conflict management Aptitudes testing Learning motivation Dropout prevention Improvement communication Emotional disorders Psychological training for exams Education for healthy Behaviour problems Attention difficulties

22 Page 22 Career counselling Emotional support Personal development Meetings with parents Familial relationships Counselling lessons (violence, career, communication) Socialisation Methods for an efficient and active learning Learning difficulties School dropout Education for family life

23 Page 23 W hat are the needs of beneficiaries? The teachers are mainly interested in aspects which involve class management and efficient methods to prevent undesirable behaviors. Parents want to know actual methods of approaching undesirable behavior, how to organize the children's free time, how to improve communication and the relationship with the school environment. They are also interested in the “rewards” system (when, what and how much to offer to the children). Parents of the students from the last year of studies are interested in following school options for alternative routes that have children available. The parents of the high-school students don’t came to school for counseling services as often as other parents. When they come to school they are interested in methods of redressing their children behavior (absence, runaway from home, minor infractions, drug use and aggression).

24 Page 24 T he tender spots... The large number of children assigned to one counselor, sometimes even 1300-1600 pupils. In this situation it is impossible for the counsellor to approach all the problems of the school, to make a psycho- pedagogical portofolio for every pupil, to know every child of that school and to keep close watch on his evolution. It is desirable to have only 400 pupils or less assigned to one counsellor, in order to be efficient and to achieve quality labour.

25 Page 25 S chool counsellor... Some of the school counsellors have interschool cabinets, carrying on their job in 3 or 4 schools. When this thing happens, the counsellor can not spend more than 4-6 hours weekly in one school. At school, a counsellor carries on a large and various kind of activities: he informs the methodic board of the school; he initiates or participates in studies or scientific research; he conceives and applies strategies of intervention in problems such as school guidance, school abandon, aggressiveness, drug use. The counsellor is also a member of the committee for school and vocational guidance. He/she fights for a non-violent environment, discipline, initiates educational activities together with NGO-s.

26 Page 26 P rofessional aspects... Recruting and selection of the practitioners are changed (exams and practical lessons). Training of the school counsellors- They constantly participate to further trainings, most of them have graduated at least one master course at the University and a large number of them are licensed in two disciplines from the field of Psychology and Educational Sciences. All the children who benefit from the educational services offered by the cousellors have the agreement from their parents or their legal tutors to participate in the activities at the offices.

27 Page 27 P rojects... Be the best teacher! Career Dream, Is your turn to change the world! Decision is mine! Comenius, Grundtvig, Arion, Youth Programme, Academia Education for family life, Parents School OPEN- European model of career counselling Girls, Boys- all different, all equals Centre for Equal Opportunities Education Start for Success Team building outdoor Antidrugs Education School for all- Access to education of disadvantaged groups- focus on Rroma people Distance Counselling through telephone and Internet Development of social services for disadvantaged categories Be European! Involve yourself in the community issues

28 Page 28 ESF P rojects... Career counselling Life management skiils Vocational training for students through practical stages ICTskills for specialists Blended learning training for counsellors Insertion monitoring of students on the labour market Learning style and temperament Communication strategies Youth against violence...

29 Page 29 SUCCESS! “Put the concepts to work!” (Hegel)

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