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 Number that specifies the properties of the atomic orbitals  Tells us the distance from the nucleus and the shape of the orbital.

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Presentation on theme: " Number that specifies the properties of the atomic orbitals  Tells us the distance from the nucleus and the shape of the orbital."— Presentation transcript:

1  Number that specifies the properties of the atomic orbitals  Tells us the distance from the nucleus and the shape of the orbital


3  Main level or shell  These are the Bohr energy levels n = 1, n = 2, n = 3  As n increases, the distance from the nucleus increases

4  Each main level is divided into sublevels  Four types of sublevels s p d f

5  Each sublevel is made of orbitals  Every orbital can hold 2 electrons

6  s – 1 orbital – 2 electrons  p – 3 orbitals – 6 electrons  d – 5 orbitals – 10 electrons  f – 7 orbitals – 14 electrons

7  One spherical shaped orbital

8  Three dumbbell shaped  One dumbbell in each axis





13 Main LevelSublevelsNumber of Sublevels Electrons in sublevels Total Electrons in Main Level 1s122 2spsp 1313 2626 8 3spdspd 135135 2 6 10 18 4spdfspdf 13571357 2 6 10 14 32

14  Arrangement of electrons in an atom  Aufbau Principle – electrons fill into an atom starting with the lowest energy levels

15  Way which the electrons rotate on their axis  Pauli Exclusion Principle – in order for two electrons to occupy the same orbital, they must have opposite spin

16 Hund’s Rule – electrons occupy orbitals singly first before doubling up

17  Write the configuration for each of the below C S Br Na Cl Kr


19  Electrons in the last main energy level  These are the electrons farthest out on the atom  These will interact with other atoms  These are the electrons involved in chemical reactions  There are a maximum of 8 valence electrons

20  Write configuration and count electrons in last main energy level  Examples: Find valence electrons for C Na P Fe Ar

21  Atoms will give up, accept, or share electrons in order to achieve a filled valence shell (8 valence electrons)

22  Metals become more reactive (more metallic in character) as you go down a group  Most metallic elements bottom left corner of the periodic table  Least metallic, top right corner



25  Energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from an atom  The greater the ionization energy, the more strongly the atom holds onto its electrons  M + energy → M + + e  Ionization energy increases as moving across a period  Ionization energy decreases as moving down a group


27  Half of the distance between two adjacent nuclei  Radius decreases across a period (atoms hold the electrons tightly in)  Radius increases down a group


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