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Inderscience Publishers More than 300 peer-reviewed international journals in the fields of engineering and technology management and business administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Inderscience Publishers More than 300 peer-reviewed international journals in the fields of engineering and technology management and business administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inderscience Publishers More than 300 peer-reviewed international journals in the fields of engineering and technology management and business administration energy, environment and sustainable development. computing Internet and IS/IT

2 Inderscience Publishersis designed to Map new frontiers in emerging technologies in research, industry and governance Link centres of excellence world-wide to stimulate and enhance creative and application-oriented problem solving for society

3 Inderscience Publishers is designed to Explore the synergy and collaboration within the sciences, management and policy creation and implementation Establish authoritative channels of communication between experts, policy-makers and practitioners in academia, industry and government

4 The first title International Journal of Vehicle Design, was published in 1979 Inderscience now offers International coverage and more than 300 titles All fully refereed Publishing the Latest research findings for Academia, Industry and Government

5 Inderscience Publishers offers A pick-and-mix strategy which enables you to choose any, some or all of the titles, at discount rates.

6 . International Journal of Creative ComputingInternational Journal of Creative Computing. International Journal of Mechatronics and AutomationInternational Journal of Mechatronics and Automation. International Journal of Planning and SchedulingInternational Journal of Planning and Scheduling. International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented ManufacturingInternational Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing. International Journal of Space-Based and Situated ComputingInternational Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing Newly Announced Titles

7 Interdisciplinary Environmental Review International Journal of Aerodynamics International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Journal of Business Competition and Growth International Journal of Computers in Healthcare International Journal of Critical Computer- Based Systems International Journal of Economics and Accounting International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining International Journal of Metaheuristics International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making Latest New Journals

8 New Journals Launched. Interdisciplinary Environmental ReviewInterdisciplinary Environmental Review. International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and NanotechnologyInternational Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. International Journal of Computers in HealthcareInternational Journal of Computers in Healthcare. International Journal of Economics and AccountingInternational Journal of Economics and Accounting. International Journal of Engineering Management and EconomicsInternational Journal of Engineering Management and Economics

9 Content is available via MetaPress, and IngentaConnect. A Free 30 days trial is available via Ingenta Connect From September 20 th –October 20 th Follow the link to IngentaConnect For more information, please contact: Giovanna Pignataro Sales Manager - Europe at

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