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BIOTECH SUPPLY October 8-9, 2012 Crowne Plaza, Foster City, CA S&OP Execution to Dynamically & Optimally Respond to Volatility in a Global Supply Network.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOTECH SUPPLY October 8-9, 2012 Crowne Plaza, Foster City, CA S&OP Execution to Dynamically & Optimally Respond to Volatility in a Global Supply Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOTECH SUPPLY October 8-9, 2012 Crowne Plaza, Foster City, CA S&OP Execution to Dynamically & Optimally Respond to Volatility in a Global Supply Network Presented by Jan Aggerbeck CEO

2 Ensuring Strategy is driving the organization …not the other way around.

3 Business Volatility Do your strategic objectives align with all levels of business execution within your organization? Do you have complex trial processes, long lead times and unpredictable demand? Can you accurately calculate risk and maximize share holder value? Do you have real-time visibility?

4 Today’s Process 10/6/2015 4 Credit:

5 Today’s Organization 10/6/2015 5 CEO EVP SVP VP Senior Director Director Senior Manager Manager Support Staff Strategic/Long Term Execution/Day-to-Day

6 S&OP + Visibility Enablement What-if scenario: Full Impact on Financials Revenue Profit & Loss Inventory 10/6/2015 6

7 S&OP + Visibility Enablement What-if scenario: Adjustments to Lead Times 10/6/2015 7

8 S&OP + Visibility Enablement What-if scenario: Changes in Demand 10/6/2015 8

9 S&OP + Visibility Enablement What-if scenario: Impact of a SLA Change 10/6/2015 9

10 S&OP + Visibility Enablement What-if scenario: Customer Specific Line-of-sight at All Stages 10/6/2015 10

11 Today’s S&OP + S&OP + allows you to understand the impact of any decision to your strategy your customers your financials your operations BEFORE you execute. icon-scm allows you to understand the impact of any decision to your strategy, your customers and your financials before you execute. 10/6/2015 11

12 Contact Jan Aggerbeck CEO icon-scm North America San Jose, CA +1 408 899 7643 Europe Karlsruhe, Germany +49 721 79008-0 10/6/2015 12

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