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Hydrocarbon Exploration Activities Offshore Cyprus

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1 Hydrocarbon Exploration Activities Offshore Cyprus
Solon Kassinis Director - Energy Service Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism Republic of Cyprus Delegation of French Oil & Gas Companies Nicosia, 05 December 2012

2 Gas Discovery - Block 12 Oct. 2008: Exploration Licence and PSC with Noble Energy International Ltd Sept. 2009: 469 sq km 3D seismic survey (Prospect: Aphrodite) Jun. 2011: 4,000 km 2D seismic survey + Grav & Mag Surveys Sept. 2011: First Exploratory Well Oct. 2011: First Renewal of the Exploration Licence – 25% Relinquishment 2

3 Gas Discovery - Block 12 Natural Gas Discovery 28 Dec. 2011
7tcf gross mean estimated resources 40 sq. miles field area 5,860m total depth 1,688m water depth 3 3

4 Gas Discovery - Next Steps: Appraisal Drilling
An appraisal well is planned to be drilled in Aphrodite field within the first quarter 2013 5,950m total depth 1,730m water depth Preparation of tenders for the appraisal drilling under progress The whole appraisal process is anticipated to be completed by early 2015 ENSCO 5006 4 4

5 Gas Discovery - Next Steps: Upstream Development
Verification (exploratory) well drilling Reservoir appraisal and assessment Studies on the installation of offshore and onshore equipment Production drilling and well completion Subsea system installation Deep water host commissioning Export pipeline installation 5 5

6 Gas Discovery - Next Steps: Pipelines
Studies are underway regarding the pipeline routing from the gas field to Cyprus’ shore Gas Supply from Block 12 via pipeline: Interim Solution: Proposals for the transport of natural gas to Cyprus for meeting its domestic demand under evaluation Submerged Canyon Complex Subduction Zone 6 6

7 Gas Discovery - Next Steps: Downstream Development
The political decision for the establishment of an onshore LNG plant has been taken Available land for the construction up to 3 trains (5MT/year each) Additional gas flows from other upstream fields (EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus and the neighboring countries) will be handled by the plant It will be the largest investment in the island's history Indicative timetable for project competition: 2019 7 7

8 Gas Discovery - Next Steps: Downstream Development
LNG Export to Regasification Terminals 8 8

9 Gas Discovery - Next Steps: Downstream Development
Natural Gas Pipeline: Israel-Cyprus-Greece LEGEND Existing pipeline Planned pipeline Tans-Med Gas Pipeline Compressor Station

10 Gas Discovery - Next Steps: Downstream Development
Undersea Electric Power Line: Israel-Cyprus-Greece 10

11 Natural Gas Supply to Europe (2011)
LNG Qatar: 43 bcm Algeria: 13 bcm Nigeria: 14.5 bcm Egypt: 4 bcm Trinidad Tobago: 4 bcm Norway: 2.5 bcm Pipeline Gas Russia: 115 bcm Norway: 93 bcm Algeria: 33 bcm LNG Flows Pipeline Gas Flows Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 11 11

12 Natural Gas Demand in Europe - 2030
Primary Energy Consumption (Μtoe) Natural Gas Share in EU’s Primary Energy Consumption (%) Source: Eurostat & Eurogas 12 12

13 Natural Gas Demand in Europe - 2030
Necessary Additional Natural Gas Supplies up to 2030 Natural Gas Production within EU declines The share of Natural Gas in EU’s primary energy consumption will remain high i.e. mainly for power generation purposes The exploitation of shale gas faces environmental challenges The North East Mediterranean Region could be a new source for Natural Gas Supply to Europe Source: Eurogas 13 13

14 More Gas (Oil?) Discoveries are coming…
2nd Licensing Round: 11 Feb. – 11 May 2012 Available Blocks: 1-11 & 13 Number of Applicants: 15 Companies/Consortia Number of Applications Submitted: 33 Negotiation Phase Blocks 2 & 3: ENI-KOGAS Block 9: Total-Novatek-GPB Block 11: Total 14

15 2nd Licensing Round Block 2
Water Depth: ,051 m (average 1,575 m) Average Distance from Vasilikos: ~75 km Block 3 Water Depth: ,020 m (average 1,481 m) Average Distance from Vasilikos: ~125 km Block 9 Water Depth: 1, ,351 m (average 2,108 m) Average Distance from Vasilikos: ~105 km Block 11 Water Depth: 1, ,186 m (average 1,621 m) Average Distance from Vasilikos: ~190 km Extensive Existing Seismic Data: 2D seismic grid 5x5km 659 sq. km 3D (2007) seismic data in Block 3 Proposed Working Program for Blocks 2, 3, 9 & 11: Extensive 2D & 3D seismic surveys 1 / 2 exploratory wells for the first exploration phase (3yrs) 15

16 Cyprus' Energy Profile Will Change Radically…
New Exploration Licenses (more hydrocarbon discoveries) Proposals for gas supply as interim solution (2015) Gas Supply to Cyprus via Pipeline Establishment of LNG plant for gas transport to EU and the International Markets Other options for gas monetization: Gas export pipeline GTL Petrochemicals Cyprus can develop the necessary infrastructure for providing services to drilling activities 16

17 Thank you for your attention!

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