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Sorting Through Words Getting More From Word Sorts.

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Presentation on theme: "Sorting Through Words Getting More From Word Sorts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sorting Through Words Getting More From Word Sorts

2 Shared by: Dr. Melissa Caraway University of Dallas (email for link to Powerpoint and materials) The experts, colleagues, & students And all of the wonderful children who have shared their learning with me!

3 Share your experience… What do you already know about word sorts? How have you used sorts in your classroom? What are you wondering about sorts? Share in your group, then be prepared to share with us.

4 What do the “experts” say? Examine words in a variety of ways – compare, contrast, discuss Start early, should be long term Include rich oral language and wide reading Increase vocabulary by teaching specific words Increase vocabulary by teaching processes of word formation – how to be generative Consider concept sorts and word sorts Templeton, 2005

5 You have to plan, plan, plan! Gradual release of responsibility Break down the task: M - How will you model? It may take a lot of input to breed success! Gather models. S - What part of the task will be shared? Work together to prime the pump. G - How will word study be guided? Consider small groups. I - What will independence be for “knowing” words in reading & writing? Class, group, or individual?

6 Students may… Not ever have heard or seen the word before Have heard or seen it, but not know what it means Have a general sense of the word Have knowledge of the word, but can’t recall it to use the word appropriately Have full knowledge of the word Beck, et al. 1987

7 Teaching Vocabulary: Preschool and Primary Grades Teachers use new words in appropriate contexts Use engaging children's literature for interactive read alouds. Target several words: highlight, define the word using words children know, discuss, use

8 Three ways to know & learn words: Sound analysis Must be phonetically regular Teach and practice sound analysis Use patterns c-v-c; c-v-c-e; c-v-v-c; etc. Many programs are set up in this progression. Spanish – syllables cat, run, mop; bake, ride, rope; cook, mood, suit.

9 Three ways to know & learn words: You just have to know it. Repetition is key! These words often do not carry meaning; discuss and use is vital to learning. High frequency words such as: was, of – not phonetically regular have, what – “oddball” doesn’t follow rule

10 Three ways to know & learn words: By analogy Word families – if I know cat, I know rat, fat, hat, etc. Use parts of words – stop, day, stay Make connections between things I know about words and how I can use them to figure out new words

11 Sorting and word experiences Work in groups to complete the sorts Open sort – you create your own categories, be ready to explain. Closed sort – the categories are already determined for you. With your group, discuss ways to anchor this learning with children.

12 Ideas for use Consider using a word study journal Children can write the words in their journal Glue in other poems, sentences, etc. to read Graphics like circle maps and bubble maps may be used to identify patterns Multiple word walls or word lists in room

13 A final word…. Make words come alive through sorts Make words stick through repetition, use, linking, developing concepts Provide reading and writing experiences with the words Have fun with words!!! Thanks so much for being here today! Email for link to Powerpoint and materials

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